| 1807 - 570 páginas
...afflicted soul; then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noon day : 1 1 And the LORD shall guide thee continually, and .satisfy...shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not. 12 And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places... | |
| Jonathan Edwards - 1808 - 564 páginas
...afflicted soul ; then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noon day ; and the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy...shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not." So, that giving to the poor is the way to receive spiritual blessings,... | |
| James Hare - 1809 - 412 páginas
...afflicted , " soul; then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and " thy darkness be as the noon-day: and the Lord " shall guide thee continually, and satisfy...shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring " of water, whose waters fail not. If thou turn " away from doing thy pleasure on the Sabbath, "on... | |
| James Hare - 1809 - 474 páginas
...afflicted ** soul ; then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noon-day : and the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat T 3 " thy bones : and thou shall be like a watered " garden, and like a spring of water, whose " waters... | |
| John Pawson - 1809 - 434 páginas
...will give thee the desire of thine heart/' '' Once mofe, '"'The Lord shall guide the£ cotitinually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones, and thy soul shall be as a' watered garden and as a spring of water, whose waters fail' " not." From all... | |
| William Huntington (works.) - 1811 - 444 páginas
...qualifies them by his Spirit, as he did John, to raise up these foundations again, as you read; " And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy...shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not. And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou... | |
| William Huntington (works.) - 1811 - 416 páginas
...the word, to all believers; and, as the waters of life flow into us, so grace springs up in us: " And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones; thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like & spring of water whose waters fail not," Isai, Iviii.... | |
| John Wesley - 1811 - 450 páginas
...the afflicted soul : then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noon-day. And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make thy bones fat: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water whose waters fail... | |
| New Church gen. confer - 1846 - 498 páginas
...clear and Scriptural image of an exalted and cultivated state of mind ; hence we find it written, — " And thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water whose waters fail not." (Isa.lviii.il.) And again, — " Their toul shall be like a watered... | |
| 1815 - 614 páginas
...afflicted soul ; then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noon day : 11 And the LORD shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fal ihy bones : and ihou shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of waler, whose waters fail... | |
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