You shall, by all convenient opportunities, send to Congress written accounts of the captures you shall make, with the number and names of the captives, copies of your journal from time to time, and intelligence of what may occur or be discovered concerning... Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society - Página 34por Massachusetts Historical Society - 1927 - 356 páginasVista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | New York (State). Governor - 1902 - 994 páginas
...Marine, written accounts of the captures you shall make, with the numbers and names of the captives, and intelligence of what may occur, or be discovered, concerning the designs of the enemy, and the destinations, motions and operations of their fleets and armies. Tenth. One third at least of your... | |
 | United States. Continental Congress - 1906 - 428 páginas
...persons surprized in the ship or vessel you shall take, the offender shall be severely punished. 7. You shall, by all convenient opportunities, send to...motions, and operations of their fleets and armies. 8. One-third, at least, of your whole company shall be landsmen. 9. You shall not ransom any prisoners... | |
 | United States. Continental Congress - 1910 - 434 páginas
...Admiralty written accounts of the captures you shall make, with the number and names of the captives, and intelligence of what may occur, or be discovered concerning the designs of the enemy, and the destinations, motions and operations of their fleets and armies. 8. One-third at least, of your whole... | |
 | Gardner Weld Allen - 1913 - 460 páginas
...wasting, or diminishing the same, or breaking the bulk thereof, nor suffering any such thing to be done. cold blood, kill or maim, or by torture or otherwise,...motions and operations of their fleets and armies. VIII. One-third, at least, of your whole company shall be landsmen. IX. You shall not ransom any prisoners... | |
 | Gardner Weld Allen - 1913 - 446 páginas
...practice of civilized nations in war, treat any person or persons surprized in the ship or vessel yon shall take, the offender shall be severely punished....motions and operations of their fleets and armies. VIII. One-third, at least, of your whole company shall be landsmen. IX. You shall not ransom any prisoners... | |
 | Gardner Weld Allen - 1913 - 442 páginas
...persons surprized in the ship or vessel you shall take, the offender shall be severely punished. VII. Yon shall, by all convenient opportunities, send to Congress...motions and operations of their fleets and armies. VIII. One-third, at least, of your whole company shall be landsmen. IX. You shall not ransom any prisoners... | |
 | Louis Frank Middlebrook - 1925 - 426 páginas shall take, the offender shall be severely punished. 7. You shall by all convenient opportunity send to Congress written accounts of the captures...discovered concerning the designs of the enemy, and the destinations, motions and operations of their fleets and armies. 8. ONE third, at least, of your whole... | |
 | Gardner Weld Allen - 1927 - 412 páginas
...thereof permitting I . Mass. Archives, 165, 477. See below, pp. 55, 56, for schooner Dolphin,of Salem. a peaceable search, and giving satisfactory information...motions, and operations of their fleets and armies. VIII. One-third, at least, of your whole company shall be landsmen. IX. You shall not ransom any prisoners... | |
 | Carlton Savage - 1934 - 564 páginas
...Admiralty written accounts of the captures you shall make, with the number and names of the captives, and intelligence of what may occur, or be discovered concerning the designs of the enemy, and the destinations, motions and operations of their fleets and armies. 8. One-third at least, of your whole... | |
 | United States. Continental Congress - 1910 - 440 páginas
...Admiralty written accounts of the captures you shall make, with the number and names of the captives, and intelligence of what may occur, or be discovered concerning the designs of the enemy, and the destinations, motions and operations of their fleets and armies. 8. One-third at least, of your whole... | |
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