| Alexander Annesley - 1808 - 308 páginas
...have inserted a memorandum at the foot of their policy, by which they declare, that in insurances " corn, fish, salt, fruit, flour, " and seed, are warranted...and skins, are warranted free " from average under Jive pounds per cent ; and all " other goods ; also the ship and freight are war" ranted free of average... | |
 | Wyndham Beawes - 1813 - 786 páginas
...assureds to abate pounds per cent. In witness whereof, we the assurers have subscribed our names and sums assured in London. NB Corn, fish, salt, fruit,...and seed, are warranted free from average, unless p«rk, AP general, or the ship be stranded. Sugar, tobacco, flax, hemp, hides, and skins, are p'"'... | |
 | Robert Stevens (of Lloyd's.) - 1816 - 334 páginas
...is meant to be comprehended under the words " Corn, Fish, Salt, Fruit, Flour and Seed," — which " are warranted free from Average, unless general, or the ship be stranded." 3. What is meant by the words " free from Average under jive pounds per cent." and " under three pounds... | |
 | Great Britain. Court of King's Bench, Charles Durnford - 1817 - 888 páginas
...merchandises, or any partLBIB«N«TON. tf t},ereof-" jt aiso contained the common printed " memoran" dum ; corn, fish, salt, fruit, flour, and seed, are warranted...and skins, are warranted " free from average under 5l. per cent, and all other goods free " from average, under 3l. per cent, unless general, or the ship... | |
 | James Allan Park - 1817 - 848 páginas
...Assured at and after the Rate of /» Witness tohereqfite the Assurers have subscribed our Names and Sums assured in London. -NB Corn, Fish, Salt, Fruit,...from Average, unless general, or the Ship be stranded ; Supu", Tobacco, Hemp, Flax, Hides, and Skins, are warranted free from Average, under Five Pounds... | |
 | William Selwyn - 1817 - 776 páginas
...inserted at the foot of the policy a memorandum to the following effect: " NB Corn {9}, fish, salt (10), fruit, flour, and seed, are warranted free from average, unless general, or I', e ship be stranded; sugar, tobacco, hemp, flax, hides, and skins, are warranted free from average... | |
 | William Selwyn - 1820 - 830 páginas
...inserted at the foot of the policy a memorandum to the following effect: " NB Corn (9), fish, salt (10), fruit, flour, and seed, are warranted free from average, unless general, or the ship to be stranded: sugar, tobacco, hemp, flax, hides, and skins, are warranted free from average under... | |
 | William Selwyn - 1827 - 836 páginas
...of the policy a memorandum to the following effect : " NB Corn (9), fish, salt (10), fruit, flower, and seed, are warranted free from average, unless general, or the ship to be stranded; sugar, tobacco, hemp, flax, hides, and skins are warranted free from average under... | |
 | 1833 - 520 páginas
...is meant to be comprehended under the words ' Corn, Fish, Salt, Fruit, Flour, and Seed,' — which ' are warranted free from Average, unless general, or the ship be stranded.' 3. What is meant by the words ' free from Average under five pounds per cent,' and ' under three pounds... | |
 | Sir Daniel Keyte Sandford - 1841 - 558 páginas
...described in the following clause of the policy •• — " Com, fish, salt, seed, Sour, and fruit, are warranted free from average, unless general, or...and skins, are warranted free from average, under 5 per cent., unless general, or the ship be stranded ; and all other goods, also the ship and freight,... | |
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