TABLE TITLES, AUTHORS' NAMES, &c. of the Publi- N. B. For REMARKABLE PASSAGES, in the Criticisms and CARR'S Dialogues of Lucian, Vol. III. 360 reading French, CARSE of Stirling, ANGER at our Doors, 534 340 CARRIERES, M. des, on pronouncing and DADAVID's, St. Bishop of, Sermon 177 148 CARTWRIGHT's Platonic Marriage, 530 by, at Carmarthen, DAVY'S Syftem of Divinity, 473 of Societies, CASSINA, a Poem, 178 DISINTERESTED Nabob, 447 213 524-526. 495 CHELTENHAM Water. See SMITH. See BARKER, CHEMISTRY. See Suckow. CHRISTIAN'S Progrefs of War, AST INDIES, Tracts rel. to, 70, 177, EDINBURGH Difpenfatory, 438 629 247 593 CLAVIGERO. See CULLEN, feum at Haarlem, Dr. Van Marum's 581 of the Church of Ireland, 341 ELFRIDA, a Novel, 360 464 335 COMMENTARIES and Efays, Nos IV. COMMERCIAL Treaty with France, Pub- lications relative to, 71, 160, 162-171, COMMERCIO polical Ellay, ters Case, 524 451 76 163 KINGS of England, Character of, 83 85 AMPORT's Two Difcourfes, 364 Collection of Theological ^ Johnson's works, See Hawkins |