0344-32 Res 1 Tappan Presb. Ass [iii] dib, (if this letter thould live t patron- ERRAT A. VOL. II. PAge 46. 1. 15. for of that, x. in that ; p. 63. 1. 12. for refuge, r. refufe; p. 87. 1. 15. for Пupfes Tavy eveÛSsal, r. Пúpyos Пaμμeyalésa); p. 211. in the Note, 1. 7. dele to violate ; p. 275. 1. 24. for river Egypt, r. river of Egypt. The Dedication of this Vol. (p. xviii) should have been dated July 22. 1740. VOL. III. p. 12. 1. 1. for that fat, r. that ever fat ; p. 32. 1. 12. for one day, r. in one day; p. 208. 1. 9. for attend, r. attended; p. 229. in the Note, for Tuverine, r. Tavernier; p. 240. 1. 1. for touch me, r. touch them; p. 244. 1. 23. for in, r. into; p. 258. 1. 1. for was, r. is ; p. 278. 1. 7. for roof with gold; r. roof it with gold; p. 294. in the Note, 1. ult. for be the fame, r. be by the fame; p. 296. in the Note, 1. 6. for the twelfth verfe, r. the 2d pfalm at the twelfth verfe. Dublin, July 22. 1742. 03-4-32Aves Tappan Presb. Bea 3-14-1932 [iii] To his GRACE WILLIAM DUKE of Devonshire, Lord Lieutenant of IRELAND. I' F this work fhall find as much favour with pofterity, as the preceding part of it hath done with the present age, let it be no dishonour to the name of Cavendifb, (if this letter fhould live to inform them) that it was written in Ireland, under your Grace's government, and honoured with your |