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LMIGHTY, everliving God, maker of mankind, 'who dost correct those whom thou dost love, and chastise every one whom thou dost receive; We beseech thee to have mercy upon this thy servant visited with thine hand, and to grant that he may take his sickness patiently, and recover his bodily health, (if it be thy gracious will;) and whensoever his soul shall depart from the body, it may be without spot presented unto thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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which [1604] [S. L.] 2 chastisest [1604] [S. L.] 3 his body [S. L.] In [S. L.] the Epistle, Heb. 12. 5, and Gospel, John 5. 24, are taken from the last translation.

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The Collect.

LMIGHTY everliving God, maker of mankind, which dost correct

those whom thou dost love, and chastisest every one whom thou dost receive; We beseech thee to have mercy upon this thy servant visited with thy hand, and to grant that he may take his sickness patiently, and recover his bodily health, (if it be thy gracious will ;) and whensoever his soul shall depart from the body, it may be without spot presented unto thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord."

The Epistle. [1552] Heb. 12. |

The Epistle. Heb. 12.

MY Son, despise not the correction of the Lord, neither faint when

thou art rebuked of him. For whom the Lord loveth, him he correcteth; yea, and he scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.

The Gospel. Joh. 5.

VERILY, verily I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and

believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come unto damnation, but he passeth from death unto life.

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S. L.

After which the Priest shall proceed ac-
cording to the form before prescribed
for the holy Communion, beginning at
these words [Ye that do truly, &c.]
At the time of the distribution of the holy
Sacrament, the Priest shall first receive
the Communion himself, and after mi-
nister unto them that are appointed to
communicate with the sick, and lust of
all to the sick person.

At the time of the distribution of the hote Sacrament, the Priest shall first receive the Communion himself, and after minister unto them that be appointed to communicate with the sick.

But if a man, either by reason of extremity of sickness, or for want of warning in du. time to the 1Curate, or for lack of company to receive with him, or by any other just impediment, do not receive the Sacrament of Christ's body and blood, Pike Carate shall instruct him, that if he do truly repent him of his sins, and stedfastly belice, that Jesus Christ hath suffered death upon the cross for him, and shed his blood for his redemption, earnestly remembering the benefits he hath thereby, and giving hira hearty thanks therefore, he doth cat and drink the body and blood of our Saviour Christ profitably to his soul's health, although he do not receive the Sacrament with

his mouth.

When the sick person is visited, and receiveth the holy Communion all at one time, then the Priest, for more expedition, shall cut off the form of the visitution at © the Psalm In thee, O Lord, have I put my trust,] and go straight to the Communion.

Presbyter or Curate [S. L.]

then the Curate [1604] then the Presbyter or Curate [S. L.] 3 the Psalm (In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust) [S. L.]





And with thy spirit.

Lift up your hearts, &c.

unto the end of the Canon.

At the time at the distribution of the holy Sire, ament, the Priest skall first receive th: Communien himself, and after mi Rister unto them that be appointed to communicate with the sick.

It the time of the distribution of the holy
Sacrament, the Priest shall first receive
the Communion himself, and after mi-
nister to them that be appointed to com-
municate with the sick, (if there be
any, and then to the sick person. And
the sick person shall always desire some,
either of his own house, or else of his
neighbours, to receive the holy Commu-
nion with him, for that shall be to him
a singular great comfort, and of their
part a great token of charity.
And if there be more sick persons to he
risited the same day that the Curate
doth celebrate in any sick man's hinnse,
then shall the Curate (there) reserve so
much of the Sacrament of the body and
blood as shall serve the other sick per-
sons, and such as be appointed to com-
municate with them, if there be any:)
and shall immediately carry it, and
minister it unto them.

But if any mun, either by reason of extremity of sickness, or for lack of warning in de fame to the Curat, or for lack of compang to receive with him, or by any other just impediment, do not receive the Sacrament of Christ's body and blood; then the Crate shall instruct him, that if he do trudy repent him of his sins, and stedfastly believe that Jesus Christ with suffered death upon the cross for him, and shed his blood for his redemption, earnestly remembering the benefits he hath thereby, and giring him hearty thanks therefore, he doth cat and drink the body and blood of our Saviour Christ, profitably to his soul's health, although he do not receive the Sacrament with his mouth.

When the sick person is visited, and receiveth the holy Communion all at one time, then the Priest, for more expedition, skal! the Priest, for more expedition, sh di ou off the form of the cisitetion at the use this order at the visitatio i I's dm, In thee, O Lord, have I put my trot, and go straight to the Com

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warning given in due time to the Curate, or by any other just impediment,

do not, &c. [1549]

doth eat and drink spiritually the body and blood [1549]

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In the time of the plague, sweat, or such other like contagious times of sickness or diseases, when none of the Parish or neighbours can be gotten to communicate with the sick in their houses, for fear of the infection, upo special request of the discased, the 2 Minister may only communicate with him.

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1 time of Plague, Sweat, or such other like contagious times of sicknesses or diseases, &c. [1604] [S. L.]


? Presbyter or Minister [S. L.]

3 alonely [1604] [S. L.]

I am the resurrection and the life saith the Lord; he that believeth in me,

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