Imágenes de páginas

Reed, William Bradford, LL.D., his "Life | Salaries of clergymen, I. 30, 49.

of Joseph Reed" cited, I. 195 п.
Regulation Acts of New Hampshire, I.
15, 28.

Relly, Rev. James, I. 190, 347, 364.
Reynolds, Thomas, II. 38.

Rhetoric, method of teaching, in the last Sargent, Winthrop, I. 171 n., 493; II.

century, I. 346.

Richardson, Jacob, II. 292.

Rigby, Sir Alexander, II. 51.

Rindge, Isaac, I. 399.

Rittenhouse, David, LL.D., I. 52, 62, 68,

Rivington, James, his "Royal Gazette,"
I. 91 п., 105, 164, 169; II. 365, 366.
Robbery, New York law for prevention
of (1779), I. 24, 27.

Robbins, Rev. Chandler, I. 88 п.
Robbins, Rev. Philemon, sermon by,
cited, I. 88 п.

Robin, Abbé Claude C., his "Voyage
dans l'Amérique Septentrionale," I.
249, 259.

Robinson, Rev. John, I. 326. His "Apol-
ogy for the Brownists," II. 362, 364.
Rochambeau, Jean Baptiste Donatien de
Vimeur, Comte de, I. 249 n.
Rodney, George Brydges, Lord, I. 148.
Rodgers, John, D.D., I. 432, 434; II. 34,
39, 73, 80, 104, 133, 139, 147, 150.

Rogers, Rev. Daniel, I. 444.
Rogers, William, D.D., II. 335.
Rogers, Mrs. William, death of, II. 335.
Rolfe, John, II. 404 n.

Roman Catholic services in Boston, II.

[ocr errors]

Romans, Capt. Bernard, I. 417; II. 57.
Ross, Capt.
, of Lancaster, Pa., I. 429.
Rousselet, Rev. Louis de, II. 240.
Rowlandson, Mrs. Mary, I. 444.
Roxbury, Mass., inscription from bury-
ing-ground in, I. 19.

"Royal Gazette." See "Rivington, Jas."
Royalton, Vt., attack on by Indians, I. 83 n.
Rush, Benjamin, M.D., I. 494; II. 13, 46,
49, 51, 53, 106, 107, 155, 198, 205, 240,
243, 244, 247, 249, 266, 285, 318, 336,
339, 355, 357.

Russell, Benjamin, II. 43-45, 48, 65, 66,
69, 112, 115, 116, 123, 130, 149, 201, 239,
292, 304.

Russell, Joseph, I. 257, 260, 262, 275 п.,
278, 279, 334; II. 168, 169. Letter of
Ebenezer Hazard to, I. 276.

Rycaut, Sir Paul, his translation of Gar-
cilaso de la Vega, I. 157 n., 167.


Sabin, Joseph, his "Dictionary of Books
relating to America," II. 282 п.

Sabine, Hon. Lorenzo, his "American
Loyalists" cited, 1. 146 n.
St. Clair, Gen. Arthur, I. 44.

St. George's Society, New York, II. 230.

Salmon Fall River, description of a
flume in, I. 154-156, 160.

Salmon, Thomas, his "Geography," I. 82.
Sandwich, Mass., proposed canal at, II.


103, 104, 107, 133, 309.

Savage, Edward, II. 358.

Sawyer, Benjamin, I. 396 n.

Sawyer, -, of Hamilton, Mass., I. 493.

Sayre, Rev. James, II. 130.

Scott, Capt. James, Jr., II. 257.
Scott, Robert, II. 250.

Schuyler, Gen. Philip, II. 151.
Schuyler family, the, II. 158.

Seabury, Samuel, D.D., Bishop of Conn.,

I. 435; II. 131.

Sedgwick, Theodore, LL.D., II. 6.
Sergeant, Jonathan Dickinson, I. 182;
II. 335.

Sewall, David, LL.D., I. 32, 246.
Sewall, Chief Justice Samuel, II. 399.
Shakers, I. 307, 317, 327.
Shakspeare, William, "Julius Cæsar"
cited, II. 71 п.
Shattuck, Job, I. 448.

Shaw, Major Samuel, I. 473; II. 752.
Shays, Daniel, I. 448, 455, 460, 464; II.

Shays's Rebellion, I. 448, 455, 457, 460,
462, 464.

Sheaffe, Jacob, I. 262, 269, 270.
Shepard, Gen. William, I. 455.
Shippen, William, M.D., II. 337.
Shipwrecks on the American coast in
1783, I. 287.

Shirley, Gov. William, I. 106, 120, 124,
126, 249; II. 75, 77, 277.

Shitz, -, II. 265.
Shober, Frederick, II. 100.
Shurtleff, Nathaniel B., M.D., his "To-
pographical and Historical Descrip-
tion of Boston" cited, II. 234 n.
Siberian barley, I. 75, 77, 78, 80, 82.
Siberian wheat, I. 57, 60.
Silver, supposed mines of, in the White
Mountains, II. 187.
Simitière, Pierre Eugène du, I. 142, 149
n., 406.

"Skunk Association," the, I. 182.
Slate, I. 32.

Slavery, II. 2, 11, 22, 23, 219, 220, 223.
Letters and Documents relating to,
373-442. Judge Tucker's queries
about, in Massachusetts, 381. Let-
ter of Dr. John Eliot on, 382. Sam-
uel Dexter's letters on, 384-388, 395-
398. Judge Winthrop's letter on, 389-
391. Thomas Pemberton's letter on,
391-394. First mention of, in New
England, 391. Origin of the English
slave-trade, 394. Dr. Holyoke's letter
on, 399-401. John Adams's letter on,
401, 402. Gov. Sullivan's letter on,
402, 403. Letters of Judge Tucker

Stearns, William, II. 438 n., 440.
Steiner, Melchior, I. 122.
Stephens, Dr. -, of the West Indies, II.

Sterne, Lawrence, I. 268, 273.
Steuben, Frederick William Augustus,
Baron, I. 62; II. 47.

Stevens, Benjamin, D.D., I. 66, 131 n.;
II. 12, 183, 135, 264, 265.
Stevens, Mrs. John (Sargent), I. 171.
Stiles, Ezra, D.D., I. 12, 343, 434, 439,
445; II. 77, 215. His Election Sermon,
I. 353, 361.

Stillman, Samuel, D.D., I. 48; II. 148.
Stith, Rev. William, II. 404, 410, 412.
Stockbridge, Charles, M.D., II. 392.
Stockdale, John, II. 114.

Stoughton, Lieut.-Gov. William, I. 19, 196.
Strong, Gov. Caleb, II. 5, 6, 8, 438 п.
Stuyvesant, Gov. Peter, II. 158, 218.
Sullivan, Gov. James, II. 376, 397, 417,
418, 421, 422. Letter of, to Dr. Bel-
knap, on slavery in Massachusetts, 402,
403. Sketch of, 403 n. Letter of, to
Dr. Belknap, on slavery in Virginia,
412-416. His "History of Maine," 422.
Sullivan, Gen. John, I. 100, 116, 154, 288,
326, 339, 355, 408, 411, 433, 434, 443,
446, 498; II. 2, 13, 152. His expedi-
tion against the Western Indians, I. 23,
36. "Life of," by Thomas C. Amory,
cited, 433 n.

Swift, Jonathan, Dean of St. Patrick's, I.
15, 156.

Symmes, Hon. John Cleves, II. 83, 87,
89, 96.

Talc, I. 355, 362.


Tammany, origin of, I. 355, 363.

Tappan, Rev. David, II. 155, 160, 163.

Taylor, Durbin, I. 426.

Taylor, George, II. 355.

Taylor, Hon. John, II. 6.

"Temple of Cloacina," the, I. 182.



Temple, Sir John, I. 432.
Tench, Miss I. 233.
Tennent, William Mackay, D.D., I. 12.
Extract from a letter of, 36.

Thacher, Rev. Peter, I. 384 n.; II. 156,
161, 163, 166, 190.
Thackara, James, II. 250.
Thatcher, George, II. 317, 324.
Thayer, Cornelius (?), II. 275.
Thayer, Abbé John, II. 240, 342, 344.
Thomas, Isaiah, LL.D., II. 46, 62, 83, 84,
88, 89, 93, 97, 98, 101, 112, 160, 196, 198,
201, 203, 233, 238, 247, 249, 257, 261,
266, 267, 297, 328, 403.

Thomas & Andrews, Messrs., II. 257, 265,
278, 280, 344, 348.

"Thomas and Sarah," ship, II. 18.

Thompson, -, of Maine, I. 400.

on, in Virginia, and project for eman-
cipation, 404-412, 417-423. Gov. Sul-
livan's letter on Judge Tucker's views,
412-416. Petitions of negroes to Mas-
sachusetts General Courts, 432-437.
Levi Lincoln's brief in the case of
Jennison v. Caldwell, 438-442.

Slave-trade, petition to Massachusetts
General Court against the, II. 22, 23.
Origin of the English, 394.

Sluyter, -, І. 370.

Small-pox, inoculation for the, I. 231.
Smith, Hon. Jonathan, of Lanesborough,
Mass., II. 10.

Smith, Jonathan B., of Philadelphia, I.
368, 379.

Smith, Capt. John, II. 72, 82, 425. His
"Generall Historie of Virginia" cited,
404 п.

Smith, Robert, D.D., I. 174.
Smith, Samuel (?), II. 321.
Smith, Samuel, his "History of New

Jersey," II. 365, 366.
Smith, Col. William, II. 191.

Smith, Hon. William, his "History of
New York," II. 162.

Smith, William, D.D., his "Eulogy on
Dr. Franklin," II. 294, 296.

Smith, Capt. of Waterborough, Me.,
I. 400.

Snow, Caleb Hopkins, his "History of
Boston" cited, II. 234 n.

Snowdon, -, of New Jersey, II. 256,
272, 273, 275, 341.
Society for the Propagation of the Gos-
pel in Foreign Parts, II. 154.
stract of the Reports ts" of the, cited, I.
134, 144, 147.


Society for Propagating the Gospel
among the Indians, II. 269 п.

Soto, Fernando de, II. 52, 53, 57, 60-62,
64, 85, 86.

South Carolina, value of a dollar in, I.
423, 427.

Sparhawk, John, I. 154, 160.
Spelts, I. 60.

Spooner, Rev. John, II. 410.

Spotswood, William, I. 451, 462, 463,
465, 474, 477, 482, 500; II. 2, 15, 26,
27, 32, 33, 35, 72, 86, 87, 89, 95, 103,
105, 106, 135, 137, 138, 141, 146, 148-
150, 157, 161, 162, 167, 245, 258, 262,
269, 324-326, 328, 345, 347, 348, 361.
Extract from a letter of, II. 158.

Spotted children, 1. 380.

Σφραγίς, meaning of the word, I. 39.
Sprague, Judge John, II. 438, 439, 441.
Spring, Samuel, D.D., II. 160.
Springfield, Mass., Shays's attack on the
arsenal at, I. 455.

Sproat, James, D.D., I. 184, 190, 368; II.
262, 309, 335.

Stark, Gen. John, I. 396 n.
Stark, Col. William, I. 396.

States, names proposed for the new, I. Thompson, Hon. Samuel, II 6, 18.
385 п.

Tides in the American lakes, I. 41, 46,

Tillotson, John, Archbishop, J. 39.

Thomson, Benjamin, inscription on his | Vassall, William, II. 385.

tombstone in Roxbury burying-

ground, I. 19

Thomson, Charles, I. 184; II. 193, 297,
308, 401.

Vaughan, John, II. 108, 267, 274, 285,

[blocks in formation]

Tories, I. 25, 28, 282.

Towne, Benjamin, I. 122, 124, 170.
Treadwell, Ann (Mrs. Eliot), I. 247.

Virgin Mary, picture of a black, in
Havanna, I. 176.

Treadwell, Jacob, I. 247.

Treadwell, Rev. John, II. 213.

Trenchard, James, I. 451; II. 89, 95, 98,

[blocks in formation]

Trumbull, John, LL.D., II. 227. His

Virginia, first laws of, II. 276, 280. At-
tempts to prohibit the importation of
slaves into, 380. First importation of
slaves into, 404 n. Judge Tucker's
letter on slavery in, 405-412. Gov-
ernor Sullivan's views on emancipa-
tion of slaves in, 412-416. John Ad-
ams's views, 416. Judge Tucker's
letter to Dr. Belknap on plan for
emancipation, 417-423. His "Dis-
sertation on Slavery," 426. Reception
of the "Dissertation" by the Legisla-
ture of, 426-427.

"MeFingal," I. 142, 146.
Trumbull, Col. Jonathan, II. 66, 105.
Trumbull, Gov. Jonathan, I. 106; II.
356, 359.

Tucker, Henry St. George, II. 423, 425 n.
Tucker, Nathaniel Beverley, II. 425 n.
Tucker, St. George, LL.D., II. 12 n.,
375-377, 402 п., 412, 414, 415. Letter
of, to Dr. Belknap, with queries on
slavery in Massachusetts, 379-381.
Letters of, to Dr. Belknap, 404-412.
Letter of, on slavery in Virginia, 417-
423. Letters of, to Dr. Belknap, 423-
431. Elected a Corresponding Mem-
ber of the Massachusetts Historical So-
ciety, 416. Sketch of his life, 425 n.
His "Dissertation on Slavery," 426.
Reception of his "Dissertation" by
the Virginia Legislature, 426, 427.
Tucker, Thomas Tudor, II. 424.
Tudor, William, II. 231 n.
Tuttle, -, of New Hampshire, I. 423.
Tyler, John, I. 456.


"Ulysses." See "Clarkson, Gerardus."
United States Bank, II. 265, 266.
"United States Magazine," the, I. 74,
77, 80.

"Universal Asylum and Columbian
Magazine," the, II. 220, 240, 243, 286,

Universalism, I. 171-174, 190-193; II.
306, 310. Dr. Belknap's views on
universal salvation, I. 364-368.
University of Pennsylvania, I. 47.
Usher, Gov. John, I. 98.


Virginia cloth, I. 34.


"Valerius," pseudonym, 1. 195, 199, 202,


Vallance, John, II. 250.
Varnum, James Mitchell, II. 82.

Waldo, Daniel, Jr., II. 309, 313.
Waldron, Isaac, I. 275 n.
Walker, Gideon, I. 400.
Walker, John, his "Sufferings of the
Clergy," I. 135.

Walker, Quock, II. 403, 438-440.
Wallcutt, Thomas, II. 253, 260, 263, 265,
267, 269, 271, 275, 290, 299, 308.
Waller, Edmund, I. 268 n.
Wansey, Henry, his "Excursion to the

United States," II. 349 n.
Warner, Ferdinando, LL.D., II. 145.
Warren, Gen. Joseph, II. 152.
Warren, Sir Peter, I. 120, 127.
Warville. See "Brissot de Warville."
Washburn, Hon. Emory, LL.D., II.
438 п.

Washington, Baily, I. 91 n.

Washington, Pres. George, I. 20, 22, 61,

62, 134, 145, 300, 340, 346, 356, 379,
406, 412; II. 17, 43, 117, 120, 123, 125,
132, 134, 151, 153, 155, 161, 191-193,
195, 196, 198, 201, 204, 206, 212, 226,
229, 236, 258, 272, 326. Forged letters
of, I. 87, 91, 95. "Journal of his
Tour to the Ohio," 87, 91, 122, 124,
164; II. 50. Inauguration of as Presi-
dent of the United States, 120. His
visit to Boston in 1789, 203.

Washington, Mrs. George, II. 132.
Washington, Lund, I. 87.

Washington, Lt. Col. William, I. 87,
91 п.

Waters, Col. Josiah, I. 103, 199, 239, 273,
483, 486, 488, 490; II. 21, 28, 33, 40,
47, 160, 163, 216.

Watts, Isaac, D.D., I. 433.
Webb, -, 11. 423.

Williams, Roger, II. 90, 96.
Williams, Samuel, LL.D., I. 436. His
"History of Vermont," II. 422.

Williamson, Hon. William Durkee, his
"History of Maine" cited, I. 120 n.

Willis, Nathaniel, I. 27, 216.

Winchester, Rev. Elhanan, I. 171.
Wingate, Enoch, I. 387.

Wingate, Ion. Paine, II. 15, 16, 19, 25,
34, 64-69, 105, 106, 108, 115, 127, 155,
210, 243, 244, 246, 247, 273, 281, 285,
292, 312, 314-319, 324, 344.

Winslow, Gov. Edward, picture belong-
ing to, I. 93.

Letter of, to Dr. Belknap, on Judge
Tucker's queries about slavery in

Massachusetts, 389-391. Sketch of,
391 п.

Winthrop, Gov. John, II. 72, 76, 77, 229,
231, 233. His "History of New Eng-
land," I. 106; II. 87, 376.

Winthrop, Prof. John, LL.D., I. 88, 410;
II. 218, 395.

Witchcraft, law of Massachusetts relat-
ing to, I. 209, 210, 219.
Witherspoon, John, D.D., I. 8; II. 36,
207, 252, 258, 260.
Wolcott, Oliver, II. 366.

Wright, Francis, letter of, transmitting
the call of the Federal Street Church
to Dr. Belknap, I. 459.
Wright & Gill, Messrs., I. 223, 246.
Gill, Messrs.


Yankee, Dr. Gordon's derivation of the
name, II. 118.

Yankee Doodle, origin of, II. 118.
Young, Alexander (Belknap & Young),

I. 484 n.; II. 277 п.

Young, Alexander, D.D., II. 277 п.
Young, William, II. 240, 286, 287, 290,

293, 295.


Zenger, John Peter, I. 162.

107, 117, 228, 231, 233, 238, 240, 243.

Wentworth, Sir John, I. 265, 267, 278, Wilson, Rev. James, II. 3, 14, 21.

34, 51, 52, 56, 57, 59, 62, 69, 71, 72, 77,

80, 81, 83-86, 88, 90-93, 97, 100-103,

Webster, Noah, LL.D., II. 23, 25-27, 31- | William and Mary College, II. 425 п.

Webster, Peletiah, II. 335.

Wedgery, William, II. 6, 8, 18.

Weld, Rev. Thomas, II. 56.


315, 324.

II. 41.

Wentworth, Michael, I. 94.
West, David, II. 325, 330, 332, 349, 352,
354, 357-360, 367.

West, Samuel, D.D., I. 95 п., 223, 433;
II. 131, 331, 333. His Plymouth anni-
versary sermon, I. 94, 95, 97.

Western lands, price of, I. 491.

Westminster confession of faith, the, I. Winthrop, Judge James, II. 376, 401.

Wheeler, Adam, I. 448, 464.
Wheelock, Eleazer, D.D., I. 228.

Wheelock, John, D.D., his "Essay on
Painting, Music, and Poetry" cited,

Whidden, Mehitabel, case of, I. 238,

Whipple, Col. Joseph, I. 387, 388 п.,
391, 393, 395; II. 171, 173, 176, 178,
180, 181, 189.

Whipple, Gen. William, I. 107, 433.
Whirlwind in Massachusetts, I. 38, 50,
56, 59.

Whiskey insurrection, the, II. 350, 351.
White, James, II. 305, 325.

White Mountains, Dr. Belknap's tour
to the, in 1784, I. 386-401; II. 160,
164-167, 170-178, 180-189. Notch in
the, II. 182. Supposed mines of sil-
ver in the, 187.

Whitefield, Rev. George, I. 328, 339.
Whitwell, Samuel, M.D., II. 148.
"Whole world," meaning of the words
in the Apostolic commission, I. 135,

Wier, Robert, I. 458.
Wight, Rev. Ebenezer, I.
Wilberforce, William, II. 394.
Wilkinson, Jemima, I. 161.

Willard, Joseph, D.D., Pres. Harv. Coll.,

II. 271.

Willard, Samuel, D.D. anecdote of, I.

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