UPON A Christian Life; Or, NECESSARY DIRECTIONS FOR ITS Beginning and Progress UPON EARTH, In Order to its FINAL PERFECTION IN THE Beatifick VISION. PART II. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Written by him in his Riper Years, and Printed from his Original Manuscripts. LONDON, Printed for R. SMITH, in Exeter- THE PREFACE 117 T HE kind Reception which has been given to all the other Works of this incomparable Author, particularly to his Private Thoughts, written in his younger Years, has encouraged the Publishing of another Volume of his Thoughts, upon Subjects of the most importance to the Chriftian Life, in all the chief Scenes of it; and those compos'd when Age and Experience in the Course of his Parochial Ministry had taught him, what Directions were moft necef fary for the Conduct of every Difciple of Chrift, through all the Stages of that Race that is fore us, that he fo run that he Jet be V 1 may obtain. Accordingly the Rea- fo As in his Private Thoughts and Resolutions, this Excellent Bishop feems to have chiefly aim'd at settling his own Principles, and regulating his Practice, as became a Follower of the Holy Jefus, and a a Minister of his Gofpel: So in These which are more Publick, he carries on the same pious Design with respect to others, and Exes cutes that Sacred Office, for which Those were to prepare him. In deed, great and indefatigable as his Labours were (for few ever labour'd more) the End of them was always the Salvation of Souls. And as that Spirit of Piety which runs through all his Writings, to gether with his plain, unaffected, familiar, and yet moft folid way of Argument and Perfwasion, are both admirably adapted to this great End: (to say nothing of all his other daily and unwearied pains in the Ministry while living) so, through God's great Bleffing up. on his. Endeavours, they were then, and have been fince crown ed with great Success; and it is the Hopes and Prayers of all good Men, that they may continue fo |