BY THE RIGHT REVEREND BEILBY PORTEUS, D. D., REAL BISHOP OF LONDON. TWO VOLUMES IN ONE. THE SECOND AMERICAN, FROM THE FIFTH LONDON EDITION. PUBLISHED BY S. & E. BUTLER, AND SOLD BY THEM AT 1805. .......... T. M. POMROY, PRINTER. Extract from the British Critic. THESE LECTURES, thus circumstanced,* written with an ardour of patriotism, a genuine thirst of piety, and a strong sense of duty; delivered with an animation and eloquence, for which, through life, the BISHOP OF LONDON has been eminently distinguished; heard with deep and silent attention by admiring multitudes, are now presented to the public. How acceptable the public has considered the gift, sufficiently appears from the fact, that, in a very short interval of time, four editions have been actually disposed of, and a fifth is now in market. As the public voice, and public gratitude have already stampt a value upon THESE LECTURES, it would be idle, and superfluous to make any critical observations upon them, or to detain the reader with any circumstantial account of our private opinion of their merit. The truest mark of respect we can shew to the venerable Author, as well as to the public, is to express our unfeigned wish, that their circulation may be circumscribed by no other limits, than those where the doctrines of Christianity are known and revered. They are calculated alike to do good to the learned, and the unlearned, the aged, as well as the inexperienced, the grave, and the reflecting, the gay, and the thoughtless. They are learned without ostentation, pious without any tincture of enthusiasm, argumentative without pedantry, and perspicuous without losing sight of the graces of style and diction. May the excellent, and amiable PREACHER still live to enjoy the consciousness, that his exertions in the cause of that religion, which he adorns by his example, have not been made in vain. * See the Author's Preface. |