THE BRITISH ESSAYISTS; WITH PREFACES, HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL, BY ALEXANDER CHALMERS, F. S. A. VOL. XL. LONDON: PRINTED FOR J. JOHNSON; J. NICHOLS AND SON; R. BALDWIN Geddes Farrily 4.6-326 CONTENTS. 113. The story of Adelisa and Leander. 114. Abstract of the history of Athens from its origin to the of Solon. 117. Remarks upon the laws of Draco. Life and actions 118. The death and character of Solon. 119. Of the public library founded at Athens by Pisis- tratus, and of the Alexandrian libraries. 120. Athenian subject continued. 121. Of the early Greek poets of the names of Orpheus and metre. 124. Of Hesiod as compared with Homer. The causes of his popularity. More particular account of the bards of the name of Musæus. Of Archilochus, Stesichorus, Epimenides, Aristeas, Simonides, Al- cæus, and others. |