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Chicago. The Good are safe anywhere, even on South Water Street.
Editor knows, because he has been there.


The only thing or person lacking up to date is a MINISTER to pronounce the Invocation. Invocations are pronounced every day on South Water Street. but not by Ministers. That is the trouble. Your help is needed. The program is finished with the exception of the minister. Mr. W. L. Wagner is completely stalled. There are ministers in Chicago, but, of course, it requires some little experience with the thing sought to be able to recognize it. For example, no one would think of sending an apple man out to look for gold. He is unfamiliar with the metal and wouldn't know where to look or recognize it if he met it face to face. Now, when it comes to looking for a Minister, well-you can see. Of course we don't want to be personal, but then-the truth is this job ought to have been turned over to an experienced man-from Gasport, N. Y., or Baltimore, or Detroit, or Toledo, or Evansville-Evansville preferred.



The cow that burned Chicago is gone; that is, we think she is, and hope she has. We feel sure we ate the last piece on Saturday, June 22nd, down near Fairport, N. Y. But there are other cows and other things just as importam. Go up to Packingtown and get a glimpse of the meat supply and return home and vote for Progress and Woman's Rights.


Undoubtedly one of the greatest produce streets in the world. Every apple shipper, as a part of his education, should visit some of the great markets of the country and see how business has to be done and what is needed and the kind and style of fruit to send.


Chicago has one of the greatest and most extensive park systems in the country. We presume that you will be taken through some of them by automobile on the opening day-Wednesday, the 7th.


Well, there is no use putting temptation before the ladies. We just mention the name and state there is nothing like it between the two oceans.


This is all in the hands of Chicago. The brethren have something for old and young and ladies, gentlemen and children. They won't tell what. Come and see. You will have three days as busy as you like them. There is no danger of getting homesick and you won't lose your mind because of solitude and loneliness.


This will be on Thursday evening, the 8th, at the Hotel Sherman. Tickets $2.50 per plate. The banquet is also in the hands of the Chicago members and will be a distinct departure from the usual and ordinary affair. For dead sure, you won't have to listen to a single speech on any instructive subject.


Following our usual custom, it will not be announced in advance. Suffice it to say that very excellent speakers will handle subjects which are live issues


in our business. We do not believe you can afford to miss them and the intelligent discussion for which provision has been made.



It is always a good feeling to know that you are welcome. Chicago is waiting for you-but, look out! Trust in Providence, but keep your powder dry. Chicago reaches out the hand of cordial greeting to the International Apple Shippers' Association, and, through us, to every man, woman and child interested in the apple.

We know of nothing unprovided for except the MINISTER. All your temporal wants will be supplied. Chicago is like the good old colored evangelist who was exhorting his hearers to flee from the wrath to come:

"I warn yo," he thundered, "that in the language of the Scriptures there will be 'a weepin an a wailin and a gnashin of teeth.'

At this point an aged colored woman in the back of the tent stood up. "Brother," she said, "I h'aint got no teeth."

"Sister," returned the evangelist, severely, "TEETH WILL BE PROVIDED." Don't worry about little things that may be lacking. Teeth will be provided. You can borrow money on THE STREET. Some of our Chicago members are Bank Directors.

Come right along.


1. All members and their families. Bring your OWN family, especially your wife. She wants to see Chicago. The ladies added very materially to the beauty, intelligence and enjoyment of the last convention. How an apple man, dealing in the most beautiful of created fruits-a compound of sunshine and dewdrops-can go wandering around alone, without his better half, who puts the blush of glory on the cheek of the Ben Davis to shame, is a mystery. Ladies, assert your rights. Chicago welcomes you. Come, if you have to leave John at home.

2. Kindred Organizations.-This means the National League and the Western Fruit Jobbers. Your Presidents will be there and well to the front. We are comrades in a common struggle. Come along and get the glad hand.

3. Growers Organizations and Growers.-A very cordial invitation is extended. We need you and you need us. The sessions are open to all. Come and get acquainted. Enter an exhibit in the apple show. It pays to advertise. Every courtesy will be extended. Don't hesitate. Get in the game and touch. elbows.


THE CONVENTION AND BANQUET ARE INFORMAL. Leave your dress suits and the gay decorations of youth at home. comfortable. No man will be allowed at the banquet with a "boiled shirt" or a "spike tail." On the other hand, of course, he will not be allowed there without any shirt. Chicago is particular.

As for the ladies, we make no rules of dress. What's the use? Still, you don't want to be in the position of a member of the International Apple Shippers' Association at the Western Fruit Jobbers' convention banquet at St. Louis: After the banquet he said to his wife, "My dear, I don't want you ever again to wear that dress you had on to-night."

"What's the matter with it," asked the wife, indifferently.

"Er, well, Tidwell came up to me and said: 'I can see your wife's back from Paris'."


HON. WILLIAM E. TUTTLE, Congressman from New Jersey

The loyal supporter of the Apple Package and Grade Bill from start to finish. The man who always stood four square, who knew what he was doing. believed in what he was doing, and whose actions always squared with his promises and his words. The man whose loyalty never wavered, who was a friend when a friend was needed, who knew no compromise with principle and i who is deserving of the thanks of all people interested in the apple. Prosperity Attend Him.



You are all Going to Chicago Wednesday, Aug. 7 to Friday, Aug. 9th

It is important that you make your reservations. Write to the Hotel Sherman direct or to any of the following gentlemen:

W. L. Wagner, 123 West South Water St., Chicago, Ill.
C. A. Kerr, 79 West South Water St., Chicago, Ill.

Carl Piowaty, 63 West South Water St., Chicago, Ill.

If you don't get what you want, blame the last three and not the hotel.

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In writing for rooms, specify the price of the room you wish, and whether a single or a double room. Every room has a bath and running ice-water. The following rates have been made: European plan: Single rooms (one person) $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, and $5.00 per day.

Double rooms (two persons) $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00 per day.

These rates are for the entire room, and where two persons occupy a room, they are not each charged for the total cost. For example, where two people occupy a $3.00 double room, they are charged but $1.50 each, and so on up. This rule applies on all rooms at $3.00 per day and up.


There are three in the Hotel and any number outside, within easy distance. You can get anything in Chicago, from a Free Lunch up and all in the same block.



Last year we adopted the slot bar badge, which enabled us to write each man's name and address on a small slip of paper and insert it in his badge. This identified people, encouraged acquaintance and promoted good fellowship. You didn't have to stammer over a man's name and perhaps call him Jones

from Oshkosh, when in reality he came from Monroe Street, Toledo, Ohio, an may have been named William. The same plan has been adopted for th


Now, it takes time to prepare these badges. GIVE US ALL THE TIME YOU CAN. A return postal card will be sent you soon on which to ser the names of your representatives and guests who will be present. Kind co-operate. DON'T NEGLECT THE CARD. IT WILL SAVE YOU TIME TO HAVE YOUR BADGE READY WHEN YOU REACH CHICAGO. IT WILL SAVE US OR THE STENOGRAPHER FROM SAYING THINGS AT NIGHT. IT WILL PROMOTE PIETY AND HAPPI NESS.

[blocks in formation]

Since the last issue of the Spy the following new members have been admitted:

The Cincinnati Ice Mfg. & Cold Storage Co., Cincinnati, O.
Sands, Furber & Co., Faneuil Hall Market, Boston, Mass.

Berrian & Joerger, 122 West Ave., Wallabout Market, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Roth Produce Co., 109 S. Front St., Memphis, Tenn.

C. W. Stickle, Ballston Lake, N. Y.

Louis W. Voigt, 318 Commercial St., Atchison, Kans.

W. K. J. Kavanagh, 79 West South Water St., Chicago, Ill.

The Wooster & Mott Co., Webster, N. Y.

Todd & Kraft Co., Des Moines, Iowa.

These names are credited as follows:

Consumers Ice & Cold Storage Co. (1) ; E. N. Loomis (1); H. I. Hall Co. (1); Kohlman Bros. & Sugarman (1); R. H. Pennington (1); C. A. Buddy (1); John H. Hile (1); D. S. Beckwith (1); C. C. Taft Co. (1).

The Association is now the largest in its history, having 493 mighty active members. In just a little over one month twenty-six (26) names have been added to the roll. That Five Hundred MARK is almost reached. It is a good thing to aim high.

These facts are not given out for the purpose of creating contentment, but solely for the purpose of encouragement. Seven is a lucky number. Bring them in. DO IT THIS WEEK.

Since last August the record shows that President Loomis and Chairman John H. Hile, of the Membership Committee, have each brought in six new members. Ex-president Wagner and Ex-chairman Pennington have each brought in three.

They are all in good form and going well. Just who is going to put the ball over the centerfield fence for a home run, we don't know. There are no lame arms or stiff legs in evidence, and all of them have their batting eye.

By the way, why not congratulate this quartette and thank them, and the rest of us dig up the next seven? SEVEN IS ALL WE WANT.

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