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Mayor of London in 1693, one of the representatives of the city in several parliaments, received the honor of knighthood from King William III., and died 12 January, 1719; his lady survived till 22 March, 1723. His brother Henry was created a Baronet in 1688. Her sister Mary was the wife of Samuel Clarke, Esq., of Snailwell in the county of Cambridge (of Kentish stock), who was created a Baronet 25 July, 1698, and died 8 March, 1719. Another sister, Susan Thomson, was the second wife of Sir Robert Duckenfield, of Duckenfield Hall, Cheshire, created a Baronet 16 June, 1665, who died Nov. 1729.-H. F. W.]


JOHN SCOTCHFORD of Brenchlie in the county of Kent, clothier, 26 December, 1600, proved 16 January, 1600. To be buried in the parish church of Brenchley. To the poor of the parish. To Jasp Saxbie, Henry Alchin and Lawrence Bycie, to every of them ten shillings. To my servants. every one of my godchildren twelve pence apiece. To John Scotchford my uncle ten shillings. To Laurence Briggenden ten shillings. To Jone, my sister, wife of Richard Browne, forty shillings, and to her son, Noe Stone, three pounds. To every one of the children of the said Jone, my sister, ten shillings. To my sister Martha, wife of Richard Glydd, twenty shillings. To her son John my godson, twenty shillings, and to the rest of her children ten shillings apiece. To every one of my daughters, Elizabeth, Anne, Margaret, Mary and Martha, one hundred pounds at one and twenty years of age or day of marriage. To my daughter Elizabeth, at the age of one and twenty years, the sum of ten pounds, which ten pounds was given her by her grandmother, my mother. To my wife Elizabeth one hundred and fifty pounds within one year after my decease (and other bequests made to her).

To every one of the daughters of John Bigge two shillings, and to his son Hope Bigg ten shillings; to Mary wife of John Bett ten shillings; to Mary wife of George Stacie ten shillings; all within twelve months after my decease. To my mother nine pounds ten shillings yearly (in quarterly payments) &c. To George Saxbie, my uncle, twenty shillings, and to William Saxbie, my uncle, ten shillings; both within three months after my decease. To Edward Henshall, vicar of Brenchley, twenty shillings. The residue to my son Thomas Scotchford and his heirs forever. John Saxbie and Robert his son, both of Brenchley, clothiers, to be my executors. Richard Glidd, of the parish of Brightling, in the County of Sussex, yeoman, and John Maynard of Brenchley, yeoman, to be the overseers. The witnesses were Edward Henshall, Script. and John Maynard.

Woodhall, 40.

[The testator of the above will was probably the ancestor of John Scotchford, town clerk of Concord, who married Susanna (perhaps) daughter of George Meriam, and died 10 June, 1696. The will is at any rate of interest as relating to the Bigg family..-H. F. W.]

NINION BUTCHER, of Mary Aldermanbury, London, 25 February, 1658, proved 13 October, 1660. To the poor of the parish of Staplehurst. To eight poor people of the parish of Marden five shillings apiece, and to ten poor people of the same parish two shillings apiece. To Mris Lawrence, widow, twenty shillings, to Mr Southen forty shillings, and to Henry Parsons ten shillings. To eight poor people of the parish of Aldermanbury five shillings apiece, and to eight more poor people two shillings and sixpence. To my loving daughter Elizabeth Houlden five hundred and fifty pounds if my said daughter is living in twelve months, &c. if not then to her children at their respective ages of eighteen years. To my sister Re

becca Glover five hundred pounds within one year, if my sister is living, if not then to her children at eighteen. To my daughter Mary Pointell five hundred pounds in one year, &c. if alive, if dead then to her children at their several ages of eighteen. To my grand children, Elizabeth Butcher, fifty pounds at eighteen, William Butcher, twenty pounds at one and twenty, and Hannah Butcher twenty pounds at eighteen. To my grandchildren, James Houlden, fifty pounds at one and twenty, and Mary Houlden, fifty pounds at eighteen. To my grandchildren, Rebecca Glover, fifty pounds at eighteen, and Thomas Glover, twenty pounds at one and twenty; and twenty pounds to every other child of my daughter Glover's that shall be born before my death, and to be paid at eighteen if daughters and at one and twenty if sons. To my grandchildren, Judith Pointell, forty pounds at eighteen, Daniel Pointell, twenty pounds at one and twenty, and Edward Pointell, twenty pounds at one and twenty. To my reverend Pastor M' Edmund Calamy four pounds within 6 months. To every one of my brother William's children that shall be alive six months next after my decease twenty shillings. To my kinswomen Mary and Elizabeth Sheefe twenty shillings apiece at eighteen. To my kinsman Thomas Butcher of Staplehurst twenty shillings in twelve months. To my kinsman Richard Butcher twenty shillings in twelve months. To my cousin Tunnell twenty shillings a year during natural life. To my cousin Elizabeth Busnell twenty shillings in twelve months. To my cousins Joseph, Samuel and Caleb Swinoke twenty shillings apiece in twelve months. To my cousin Elizabeth Crosse, in Southwark, twenty shillings in twelve months. To my cousin Mary Hasleden twenty shillings in twelve months. To my loving sister Johnson forty shillings in twelve months. To Mr Bland and his wife ten shillings apiece in twelve months. All my lands to my son John Butcher and his heirs forever, and the residue to him. My three daughters, Elizabeth Houlden, Rebecca Glover and Mary Poyntell. Grandchildren Elizabeth and Hannah Butcher, daughters of son John. Son John Butcher to be executor and sons Daniel Poyntell, Francis Willoughby and Thomas Glover to be overseers. Nabbs, 176.

[I suspect Thomas Glover (husband of Rebecca) was son of John Glover of Dorchester.-H. F. w.]

JOHN IVE of Naylonde, in the county of Suffolk, clothier, 4 Dec. 1618, proved 17 June, 1619. To wife Anne the house wherein I dwell, for and during her natural life. Friends William Forth, gentleman, and Thomas Blythe to be executors. To my eldest son John Ive twenty pounds within one year after the decease of my wife. My son Thomas Ive of London oweth unto me forty pounds by a bond bearing date 9 January, 1617. To my son Myles Ive the sum of five pounds to be paid unto him within one year after the decease of my wife. To my son Ambrose fifteen pounds, within one year, &c. To my two daughters Anne and Mary five pounds apiece, &c. To my grandchild John Ive, son of my son Thomas, three pounds at the age of one and twenty years. To every one of my grandchildren, the children of my son John, Miles and Anne, now living, twenty shillings apiece, the sons at twenty-one and daughters at eighteen. The younger children of my son Thomas. The children of my son Miles. The children of my daughter Anne Frost.

The witnesses were Edmund Wells, John Smyth and Richard Robinson.

Parker, 57.

EDMUND CHAPLIN of Little Waldingfield in the County of Suffolk and the Diocese of Norwich, gentleman, 6 October, 1618, proved 8 February, 1618, by John Wincoll and Thomas Brian, with power reserved for the widow Martha Chaplin to act. To my grandchild Edmunde Chaplin, eldest son of my late son Edmunde, my messuage called Lyons, in Whatfield, Suffolk, at the age of five and twenty years. To grandchild William Chaplin, another son of said Edmund and to Ursula and Elizabeth Chaplin, his daughters (minors). To John Wincoll, my grand child, at the age of fourteen, Anne Wincoll, my grand child, at sixteen, John Wincoll, my son in Law, Awdry Wincoll, my daughter, his wife. Thos. Brian my son in law and Martha Brian, my daughter, his wife. John Howe of Melford, my nephew, and Judith his wife. To my friend Mr Thomas Iles of Hammersmith, Middlesex, gentleman, a ring of gold (value forty shillings) desiring him, of all kindness, to stand good grand father and friend unto the young poor fatherless children of my late son and his son-in-law Edmund Chaplin and his wife Anne the daughter of Mr Iles. If interred at Little Waldingfield, then, &c. If interred at Lindsey, &c. To Pernell Wilkinson, wife of Wilkinson the elder, and to the widow Mallard, both of Little Waldingfield, five shillings apiece. A bequest to four household servants of John Wincoll. All the residue to wife Martha, appointed executrix, with sons John Wincoll and Thomas Brian.

The witnesses were George Wincoll, Francis Wincoll and Joseph BriParker, 40.


Sententia pro confirmacone testi Edmundi Chaplin def in judicio inter Johannem Wincoll et Thomam Bryant partes hmoi negotium promoventes ex una et Martham Chaplin als Bryant filiam n'rałem dicti defuncti Edmundum et Włłm Chaplin nepotes, Ursulam et Eliz. Chaplin neptes ex filio eiusdem defuncti, etc. 21 June 1619. Parker, 56.

Testamentum nuncupativum THOME AYRES, of the parish of Froome in the County of Somerset, broad weaver, 14 January, 1638. To the church there three shillings and fourpence; to the poor six shillings and eight pence. Having a debt of five pounds, eight shillings due him by bond from one Nathan Doale, of Brooke in com. Wilts, his will was that Symon Ayers, his brother, should have that debt to his own use; also his wearing apparel and a piece of new green cloth which lay in the chest, of five yards; also his broad loom unto Simon Ayers and William Ayers, his brother Simon Ayers his children, to each the moiety. A cupboard at his father's to Anne Ayers, daughter of Simon Ayers. His wife consents to these legacies. Witnesses John Lacie and Richard Eyers.

A commission issued forth 20 March, 1638, to Mary Ayers, the relict. Harvey, 54.

SYMON EYRE of Osmington in the County of Dorset, yeoman, 29 April, 1659, proved 4 October, 1660, by William Eyre. To wife Joan and son William Eyres, &c. To my daughter-in-law Mary Eyres the sum of three score pounds which was promised her at the marriage of her unto my son Symon Eyres, provided the portion promised by her friends in marriage be truely and duely paid and for those children she had by my son Symon. To my four grand children twenty shillings to be divided equally amongst them. Son William to be executor and my good friends Robert and Henry Godshall to be overseers. One of the witnesses was a John Eyre.

Nabbs, 182.

NATHANAELL SMITH, 19 February, 1650. "I dispose of my money and goods that is now in new England and elsewhere in wise and manner following." The sixty three pounds in Mr George Corwin's hands due by bond, twenty pounds of it to my kinsman Thomas Edwards, eighteen pounds to my sister Ruth Halford, ten pounds to Mr John Nicolls, flaxman, five pounds to my cousin Nathaniel Edwards and ten pounds to my uncle John Smith. The money in James Brown's hand and that which is in Master Makepeace his hand, Brown's being eight or ten pounds and M Makepeace's four pounds ten shillings, my will is that my sister Hanna Mellowes shall have, &c. The linen that I have I do give the napkins, towells and tablecloths and one half the sheets to my kinsman Thomas Edwards and the other half of the sheets to my sister Hanna Mellowes in New England. Linen of mine in my brother Mr. Samuel Wandley's hands I do freely bestow it upon him. Also if there should be any allowance for the plundered estate, one half whereof is due to me, I do give one half to my brother Mr Samuel Fisher and the other half to be distributed between my sister Walford and my sister Wandley. My kinsman Thomas Edwards and cousin Nathaniel Edwards to be administrators.

The witnesses were Samuel Brinsmeades and Samuel Oliver.

20 March 1650 emanavit comissio Thomae Edwards et Nathanaeli Edwards, consanguineis dicti defuncti, ad administrand bona jura et credita dict. defuncti iuxta tenorem et effectum testamenti ipiūs defuncti, eo quod dictus defunctus nullum omnino in hujusmodi testamento nominauit Êxe

cutorem etc.

Grey, 53.

[In the Massachusetts Archives, at the State House in Boston (B. 15, No. 70), may be found a copy of this will. Another copy is in the Court House at Salem, among the records of Ipswich Court, 1651, in the present office of the Clerk of Courts for the County of Essex. I have (scanty) minutes of what seems to be an earlier will, made 1 January, 1648 (Mass. Archives, B. 15, No. 72), in which the testator mentions William Halford, “my brother Andrew Halford's sonne," cousin Nathaniel Wandley, cousin Hannah Mellowes to have the linen and Abraham Mellowes my books, my brother Edward Mellowes and my brother Samuel Wandley to be executors.-H. F. W.]

EDWARD APSLEY of Apsley in the County of Sussex. The yearly profits of all my real and personal estate, in Sussex, Middlesex and Kent, to my brother George Fenwick, till my nephew Edward Fenwick attain the age of twenty one years. Then my will is that he should change his name to mine; and so I give to him the said Edward Fenwick ats Apsley all mine estate, both real and personal, he paying to his father one hundred pounds per annum during his life, to Jo: Apsley, son to my cousin Jo: Apsley of Pulberrow fifty pounds per annum during his life, to my servant Margaret Moyse twenty pounds per annum, to Thomas Stringer, my servant, ten pounds per annum, to Moses Fryer ten pounds per annum, to be paid to him at the house his father-in-law, Mr Evernden, now lives in, to Jo: Adams als Humphrey ten pounds per annum and a lease for twenty one years of all the lands he holdeth of me, at the rents he now payeth, to the town of Steyning five pounds per annum, to Sir Thomas Middleton one hundred pounds. To Sir Arthur Heislerige two either of my stone horses or mares. To Duncombe Colchester such of my geldings as he shall choose and twenty pounds, ten pounds by the year. To my cousin Richard Coldicott one hundred pounds. I would have one hundred and fifty pounds paid to M2 Bartholomew; Mr Pierce knoweth where he liveth. Other bequests.

There issued forth letters of administration, 13 August, 1652, to Sir Ar

thur Haslerigg, one of the members of the right honorable the Parliament of the Common Wealth of England, and a "legatary" named in this will, for that the said deceased named no executor, the pretended will or "scrowle of the said deceased, bearing date 11 October, 1651, being declared and decreed null and void. Bowyer, 215.

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[See will of Col. George Fenwick, ante, p. 41.—н. F. W.]

NATHANIEL ELES late of Harden in the County of Hartford, husbandman (nuncupative) 26 July, 1653, proved 18 February, 1653. To every one of the children of Mr William Eles twenty shillings apiece. To John Eles, son of the said William, a two and twenty shilling piece of gold over and above, &c. To every one of the children of Mr Nathaniel Eles twenty shillings apiece. It was his will that Richard White who liveth with Mr Nathaniel Eles should have all the money due unto him from goodman Salmon. To the two sisters of the said Richard White the rents of his house and lands till his brother John's son shall come to age. To the poor of Harnden and Essenden twenty shillings apiece to each parish if his money would hold out. To Mr Wilton and Mary Smith twenty shillings apiece. To goodwife Lewis one shilling. To his brother's daughter all the remainder of the money in his chest. To his brother's son his house and lands when he cometh of age. To his sister in-law a bond which is in his chest. Master William Eles to be sole executor. Alchin, 179.

[See will of Nathaniel Eeles, ante, p. 25.—H. F. w.]

RICHARD CROUCH (by mark) of the parish of St. Gyles without Cripplegate, London, Brewer's Servant, 27 October, 1660, proved 29 November, 1660. My body to be buried at the discretion of my executrix.

Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my brother William Crouch in New England beyond the seas one shilling of English money, to be paid unto him within one twelvemonth next after my decease if the same be demanded. To my sister Elizabeth Ayres, wife of Richard Ayres, the sum of twelve pence of like money if the same be demanded in twelve months. The residue to my loving wife Anne Crouch, who is to be executrix.

The witnesses were William Howe, Daniel How and Thomas Gill, Scr. Nabbs, 206.

[William Crouch, of Charlestown, married Sarah, daughter of Barnabas Lamson, of Cambridge. See Wyman's Charlestown, pp. 251, 597; Paige's Cambridge, p. 597.-EDITOR.

In connection with the above it may be well to notice the will of Peter Lidget of Boston, merchant, made 10 February, 1670-71, with a codicil dated 21 April, 1676, proved 5 May, 1676. (Suff. Reg. Prob., B. 6, pp. 160-162.) The following persons are named: My wife Elizabeth, my daughter Elizabeth, wife of John Usher, my only son Charles, my daughter Jane, my three children, the three children of my sister Elizabeth Cornel, lately deceased, viz: Peter, Mary and Robert, my sister Mary Smith's two children, John and Peter, they living in Essex, to be paid in London, my three kinswomen, cousin Crouch of Charlestown, cousin Cooke of Cambridge and cousin Rice of Sudbury, the three children of my aunt Lampson, my grandchild Elizabeth Usher, jr. My son Charles to marry Mrs Bethiah Shrimpton.-H. F. w.]

THOMAS BURNELL, citizen and clothworker of London, 5 July, 1661, with a codicil bearing date 19 August, 1661, proved 2 October, 1661, by the oath of Hester Burnell his widow.

Remembering the saying of St. Jerome which soundeth daily in mine ears, Surgite mortui et venite ad judicium.

If I die in London, to be buried within the chancel door of the parish

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