Imágenes de páginas

C. in Number 100, Centum. C.C.C. Corpus Chrifti College. .a Hundred Weight.

Capt. Captain.

Cent. or Centum, an Hundred.

Chap: Chapter.

Cha. Charles.

Ch. Church...

Chancr. Chancellor.

Chr. Chriftopher..

Cit. City, Citizen, Citadel.
Clem. Clement..

Cl. Clerk, Clergyman.

C. P. S. Keeper of the Privy

Seal; Cuftos Privati Sigilli.

Co. County...
Col. Colonel.

Collr. Collector.

Comp. or Co. Company."
Comes, Commissioners.

Conft. Conftable.

Conts, Contents.

Correfpt Correspondent.

Counselr. Counsellor.

C. S. Keeper of the Seal;

Custos Sigilli.

Cr. Creditor.
Custo. Custom.
Curt. Current.

D. in Number 500.
D. Duke, or Duchefs.
D. D. Doctor of Divinity;
Doctor Divinitatis.

d. a Peny; denarius.
Dan, Daniel,
Dav. David,
dld. delivered..
Den. Denis,
Dep. Deputy.
Devon. Devonshire.
De. Ditto, the fame,
Dr. Debtor, Doctor...

[blocks in formation]

Eleg. Eleanor.

Eliz. Elizabeth.

Efqr. Esquire. Engd. England. Excellt. Excellent. Exa. Example. Exo. Exchange. Exr. Executor.

Exon. Exeter.

fl. the Ending ful.

Ft. Fort, Foot, and Feet.

Frd. Friend.

Fr. French.

Fra. France.

Fattr. Factor.

fd. the Ending ford.

F. R. S. or R. S. S. Fellow

of the Royal Society; Frater
Regalis Societatis or Regalis
Societatis Socius.

Fran. Francis or Frances.
Fred. Frederick.
Fret. Freight.
Gab. Gabriel.

Gar. Garrison.

Geo. George.

Gent. Gentleman.

Genl. General.

Genmo. Generalissimo.

Ger. Gerrard.

Gilb. Gilbert.

[blocks in formation]

Gour. Governor.

L. C. J. Lord Chief Juftice.

G. R. King George; Georgius Day. Lady.";


Grt. Great.

Greg. Gregory.

Gr. Grofs,

Han. Hannah.
Hants. Hampshire..
Hen. Henry.
Honble, Honourable.

Hond. Honoured.

Hon's. Honours.

Holld. Holland.

Hum. Humphry.

I. in Number 1.

Jac. Jacob.

Ja. James.

Feo. Jeoffroy.

Fer. Jeremiah.

7. D. Doctor of Laws;

Jurium Doctor.

J. H. S. Jesus the Saviour of

Men; Jefus Hominum Sal


Insta. Instance,

Inft. Instant.

Impl. Imperial.

Leo. Leonard. There

[blocks in formation]


ibid. in the fame place; ibidem. Mat. Matthew.

i. e. that is; id eft.

id. the fame; idem.

Insti. Instal

Ino. John.

Jon. Jonathan.
Fof. Jofeph.

Just. Justice.
Ingenr. Ingineer,
Kg. King.
Knt. Knight.
Kath. Katherine.
L. in Number 50.
1. Book; liber.
Lau, Laurence.

Mr. Martin.

[blocks in formation]
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Mon. Month.

Mof. Mofes.

Monfr. Monfieur.

M/s. Manufcripts; Manu-

M. S. Sacred to the Memory;

Memoriæ Sacrum.

m2. the Ending ment.

Nat. Nathanael.

Neh. Nehemiah.

Nic. Nicholas.

N. North.

[blocks in formation]

qrt. Quart.

N. B. Remark; Nota benè. q. Quantity.

North". Northampton.

No. Number; Numero.

Nt. Neat, or Netto.

N. S. New Stile.

ob. Half-peny; obolus.

Objt. Object.
Obed. Obedient.

or. Our.

Ordr. Order.

O. S. Old Stile.

Oli. Oliver.

Omnipt. Omnipotent.

Ow. Owen.

Oxon. Oxford.

pd. Paid.

by; per.

qr. quarter or part.

Ra. Ralph.

Ran. Randal, Randulph.

Rich. Richard.

R. King or Queen; Rex aut


Rt. Right.

Retn. Return.

Redir. Rector.

Revd. Reverend.

Regt. Regiment.

Rayl. Royal.

Recd. Received.

Reb. Rebecca.


Rem. Remainder.

Recr. Receiver.

Cent. by the Hundred; Regr. Regifter.

[blocks in formation]

Philomath. a Lover of Learn- Sar. Sarah.

[blocks in formation]

Salop. Shropshire.

S. South.

Sr. Sir.

p. m. Afternoon; poft meri- S. or St. Saint.


[blocks in formation]

Sh Shire.

s. a Shilling; Solidus.

Serut. Servant.

Secry. Secretary.
Scotld. Scotland.

Sim. Simon.

Sol. Solution.

Spo. Spanish.

Spiritt. Spiritual.

S. T. P. Doctor of Divinity;

Sanctæ Theologiæ Profeffor.

Steph. Stephen.
Tempt. Temporal.
Theo. Theophilus.
Tho. Thomas...

Tim. Timothy.

Tob. Tobias.

[blocks in formation]

Tot. Total.

ys. this.

Treasy. Treasury.

yt. that.

Tr. Tare.

&. and.

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Person dying, left his Widow the Use of 5000l. Toa bequeathed 8461. 105. To each of his three Nephews 12301. To each of his four Neices 10504 To twenty poor House-keepers five Guineas each, and 200 Guineas to his Executor. What must he have died possessed of? Answer, 140511. 105.

(2) A Nobleman, going out of Town, is informed by his Steward, that his Corn-chandler's Bill comes to 1231. 195. His Brewer's to 411. 10s. His Butcher's to 2121. 6d.

To his Lordship's Baker is
chandler, 131. 85. To his
his Draper, 741. 135. 5d.
was 2141. 16s. 6d. His
His Confectioner's, 161. 25.
his Servants Wages, for half a Year, came to 461. 55.
What Money must he send to his Banker for, in cafe he
would carry with him, 501. to defray his Expences on the
Answer, 11081. 188. 3 d.

owing 241. To his Tallow-
Taylor, 1371. 95. 9d. Το
His Coachmaker's Demand
Wine Merchant's 681. 125.
His Rent 82 Guineas. And

(3) A Merchant buys up fix Bags of Canterbury Hops, N° 1. of which weighed, Cut. 2. 2. 10. N° 2. Cwt. 2. 1. 16. No 3. Gwt. 2. 0. 24. N° 4. Cut. 2. 3. only. Nos. Cwt. 2. 1. 12. No 6. Cwt. 2. 1. 16. besides a couple of Pockets Do that weighed, lb. 58 each: How many Hundred-weight has he to pay Carriage for, on bringing them to Town? Answer, Cwt. 15. 2. 27.

(4) A Corn-factor buys seventy Quarter of Oats for 461. 75. 6d. thirty-eight Quarter of Beans, for 100%. twelve Quarter of Peas, which cost 161. 16s. eighty-eight Quarter of Barley, for 731. 8d. fixteen Ditto of Wheat, for 561. gs. 10d. and fix Quarter of Rye, for 41. 1s. 6d. The Water-carriage of all comes to 131. 25. 7d. his Riding Charges to 11. 135. and if he clears eighteen Guineas by the Bargain, What do his Bills of Parcels amount to?

Answer, 3301. gs. Id.

(5) The Collector of Cash has been out with Bills, and gives Account, that A. paid him 131. and half a Crown; B. 21. 135. C. 145. and a Groat; D. 11. gs. 8d... 111. 6d.. F. 178. and a Tester; G. 125. 2d. H. a Pound




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