Dec. 16 1630 Sara Balthrop of the same parish, spinster, aged 26, at her own disposing, her father deceased; at St. Matthew Friday Street. Dec. 28 Josua Hill of Yeling, Middlesex, yeoman, bachelor, t aged 33, and Jane Head of Acton, widow, aged 40, relict of the late Thomas Head, late of the same parish deceased; at St. Martin's, Ludgate, or at Acton. 1630-31. Jan. 4 Henry Reynoldes of Upminster, Essex, husbandman, t widower, aged 40, and Elizabeth Angell of the same place, maiden, aged about the same; at St. Sepulchre's. Jan. 5 Henry Hooper of St. Mildred in the Poultry, draper, t bachelor, aged 24, at his own government, and Joyce Barnes of St. Martin's in the Fields, maiden, aged 23, her father deceased, and she at the disposing of Samuel Hopkins of the same parish, grocer, her uncle; at St. Martin's in the Fields. Jan. 17 William Gooddall [signed Goodhall] of Uxbridge, t Middlesex, draper, bachelor, aged 24, at his own government, and Jane Bartlett of Heston in the same Co., maiden, aged 21, daughter of Thomas Bartlett of the same place, yeoman, who consents; at Heston. Jan. 17 William Dickins of St. James Dukes Place, skinner, t bachelor, aged 26, at his own government, and Margaret Belfield of the same place, aged about 21, her parents deceased and she at her own disposing; at the same parish church. Jan. 18 Edward Belitha of Stepney, mariner, bachelor, aged t 25, and Mary Copp of the same parish, maiden, aged 18, daughter of William Copp of the same, mariner, who giveth consent; at Stratford Bow. Jan. 22 George Brownell of St. Martin's in the Vintry, cloth Jan. 22 1630-31 † worker, bachelor, aged 26, and Frances Woodyard of the same parish, widow, aged 40; at the same parish church. Jan. 29 William Farmer of St. James Garlickhith, clotht worker, aged 30, bachelor, at his own government, and Anne Austen of Queenhith, widow, aged 29, relict of John Austen late of the said parish, clothworker, deceased; at St. Lawrence in Old Jewry or St. Martin in Iremonger Lane. Feb. 10 William Passand of St. Antholins, merchant tailor, t widower, aged 40, and Lucy Broughton of St. Botolph's Aldgate, widow, aged 26, relict of George Broughton late of the said place, gunsmith, deceased; at St. Botolph's, etc. Feb. 22 William Turner of St. Mary Hill, tailor, allegeth that † John Tailor of St. Mary Whitechapel, shipwright, bachelor, aged 32, intendeth to marry Jane Frogmorton [Throgmorton] of St. Mary Hill, maiden, aged 23, daughter of Henry Frogmorton who consents; at St. Martin's Outwich. March 2 John Hopkins of Alveley, Essex, hatmaker, wid† ower, aged 40, and Alice Bland of the same parish, aged 38, widow of Bland, deceased; at St. Faith's. March 18 Thomas Lechford1 of St. Andrew's Holborn, London, gent, alleged for Robert Eyre, gent, bachelor, aged 21, son of Robert Eyre of Lincoln's Inn Esq. (who consents) and Anne Aldersay of St. Antholin's, maiden, aged 18, daughter of Samuel Aldersay of the same place Esq., who consents, as attested by Robert Williams of Lincoln's Inn, gent. 1631. April 9 William Feild of Chigwell, yeoman, widower, aged 32, April 9 1631 1 Chester omits this name, of such interest to New England antiquaries, as well as the reference to Robert Williams. H. F. W. and Clement Goodwyn of the said parish, maiden, aged 20, daughter of John Goodwyn, who, being present, testifies; at the same parish church. April 13 Albayn Sweyn [as he writes it] of St. Olave, Silver t Street, cutler, bachelor, aged 22, and Anne Elson of the same parish, maiden, aged 21, daughter of Elson of Darbyshire, carrier; then appeared Nathaniel Swayne [as he writes it] of St. Olave's and testified; at St. Mary Magdalen, Milk Street. April 18 Thomas Capp of Christ Church, bachelor, butcher, t aged 24, and Elizabeth King of St. Clement Danes, widow, aged 24; at St. Mildred, Bread Street. April 19 William Gray of St. Dionis Backchurch, merchant, † bachelor, aged 24, with his father's consent, and Dorcas Gray of Stratford Bow, maiden, aged 20, daughter of Henry Gray of the said place, deceased, and she at the disposing of her mother who consents; at Stratford Bow. May 3 Richard Toppin of Sion College M.A., bachelor, † aged 30, and Dorothy Bullard of St. Michael's, Wood Street, maiden, aged 20, daughter of Thomas Bullard of the same parish, apothecary; at St. Mary Woolchurch. May 11 William Vaughan of St. George's, Southwark, tailor, t bachelor, aged 40, and Alice Stanley of St. Botolph's without Bishopsgate, aged 38, relict of Philip Stanley deceased; at St. (?) May 16 John Clarkel of St. Antholin's, stationer, bachelor, † aged 29, and Margaret Ruck of St. Magnus, maiden, aged 21, daughter of Thomas Rucke late citizen and scrivener, deceased, and at the disposal of George Hunt of the said parish, her father in law; at St. Magnus. There was a connection of these two names here also. Elizabeth Spooner, widow of Thomas Spooner of Salem, in her will, 1673 (proved 1677), mentions cousin Margaret Ruck of Boston and cousin Thomas Clarke at Cambridge. May 17 1631 Edward Browne of St. Andrew's Holborn, whitebaker, bachelor, aged 25, and Sara King of Langley, Herts., maiden, aged 20, daughter of Nicholas King of the same place, yeoman, who consents, as attested by Samuel Cartwright of St. Bartholomew the Less; at St. Bartholomew the Less. May 18 Isaac Gilbert of Rayleigh, Essex, gent, widower, aged 38, and Sara Witham, maiden, aged (?), daughter of Robert Witham of Barling, Essex, clerk, who consents; at St. Faith's, London. June 3 Henry Fleetwood of Gray's Inn, gent, bachelor, aged 31, and Elizabeth Haynes of St. Andrew's, Holborn, maiden, aged 27, at her own disposing, her parents deceased; at St. Botolph's Bishopsgate. June 16 John Flexmore of Chipping Barnet, Herts., tallowchandler, bachelor, aged 22, with the consent of Elizabeth Flexmore of Chipping Barnet, widow, his mother (his father deceased), and Mary Gould of the same place, maiden, aged 19, daughter of John Gould of the same place, husbandman; attested by Thomas Kinge of Chipping Barnett, gold wire drawer; at East Barnet or the Chapel in High Gate. June 21 James Baldwin of St. Margaret, Lothbury, London, t vintner, bachelor, aged 29, and Grace Mason of St. Andrew Undershaft, spinster, aged 28, at her own dispose; at St. Andrew Undershaft. June 23 John Norton of Welcom, York, but now of Lont don, clerk, about 41, widower, and Dorcas Bovey of Little St. Bartholomew, spinster, aged 31, at her own disposing; at Little St. Bartholomew. June 23 Thomas Cartewright of Burntwood, Essex, clerk, t aged 30, and Judith Wingate of Ramsden Bellhouse, maiden, aged 25 and at her own disposing; at St. Lawrence Pountney. July 2 Richard Cary of St. Mary Staynings, goldsmith, bacht elor, aged 27, and Anne Mayes of the same July 2 1631 place, maiden, aged about the same, at her own disposing; at the said parish church. July 7 Nathaniel Norton of St. Swithin's, grocer, widower, t aged 56, and Mary Poole of the same parish, widow, aged about the same years, relict of Robert Poole deceased; at St. Mildred's Bread Street. July 16 John Whitamore of St. Mary Whitechapel, tallowt chandler, bachelor, aged 23, and Mary Wright of St. Saviour's, maiden, aged 16, daughter of Robert Wright of the said parish, merchant tailor; at St. Botolph's Algate. Aug. 1 Robert Tompson of St. Botolph's Algate, founder, t widower, aged 60, and Joane Gilberd of St. Botolph's Aldersgate, widow, aged 60; at St. Nicholas Olaves. Aug. 7 [on a loose sheet] James Moody of Burnham, Essex, t clerk, bachelor, aged 26, and Elizabeth King of Southminster, singlewoman, aged 23, daughter of Benjamin King1 late of Southminster, long since deceased, as attested by Mr. Edward Hastler of Latchindon, clerk; at Cricksey, Essex. Aug. 18 Zacharie Kinge of Watford, Herts., draper, bacht elor, aged 27, and Hellen Hall of Bovingdon, aged 21, daughter of Alice Hall of the same place, widow, with the consent of the said Hellen (sic) her mother, her father deceased; at St. Magnus. Aug. 18 John Whiting [signed Whittinge] of Uxbridge, tailt or bachelor, aged 24, at his own government, and Mary Kirrell of the same place, spinster, aged 22, daughter of Richard Kirrell of the same place yeoman; at St. Nicholas Olaves. Aug. 18 Thomas Proctor of, Essex, yeoman, bacht elor, aged 40, and Alice Baldwin of St. Katherine Cree Church, spinster, aged 30, sole at her own disposing; at St. Mildred's, Bread Street. The pedigree of King showing this match may be found in the Visitations of Essex (Harleian Soc. Pub., Part II, pp. 588-9. See also Part I, p. 66.) H. F. W. 2I have his will (1669) as of Bovingdon, Herts.; he was evidently a son of Francis Kinge of Watford, already referred to. H. F. W. |