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April 20 Moyses Dyos of St. Giles without Cripplegate, cordt wainer, alleged that Edmund Heyward of Fleet Street, London, gent, a bachelor aged 21 and upward, at his own government, intends to marry with Alice Washington of the parish of St. Bride's in Fleet Street, maiden, aged about 30 years, her parents deceased and she sole at her own disposing; attested by Laurence Cooke of St. Botolph's Aldersgate, gent; at St. James on the Wall. [This is erased and unsigned.]

June 25 Thomas Vassall1 of St. Leonard's East Cheap, draper, a bachelor aged about 24, at his own government, and Ann Dickinson of the same parish, maiden, about 24, at her own government; attested by Thomas Bagnall of St. Nicholas Acon; at St. Nicholas Acon. [The following words erased "daughter of John Vassall of Ratcliffe, Stepney, mar."]


July 27 Thomas Bradbery [as he signs it] of St. Michael Royal, draper, a widower aged about 45, and Margaret Ridman of St. Magnus the Martyr, widow, aged about 50; at St. Faith's.

July 27 Mr. Daniel Donne, clerk, alleged that John Warren of St. Michael Basishawe, merchant tailor, a bachelor aged about 24, at his own government, intends to marry with Mary Donne of St. Bennet Gracechurch, maiden, about 20, daughter of Mr. John Donne, clerk, parson of the same parish; at the same parish church.

Oct. 9 Robert Thornton, mariner, bachelor, aged 42, and Elizabeth Wassall of St. Andrew's, Holborn, maiden, aged 25, at her own disposing; at St. Gregory's.

Brother of Elizabeth Church and a half brother of Samuel Vassall before mentioned. H. F. W.

Oct. 13 1626

Herbert Pelham1 of Boston in Lincolnshire Esq., a bachelor aged about 26, at his own government, and Jemima Waldgrave of Bures ad Montem, Essex, maiden, about 20, daughter of Thomas Waldgrave of the same place Esq., whose consent is attested by Arthur Jackson of St. Bride's, London, brewer; at Bures ad Montem.

Oct. 31 Richard Treate of St. Mary Woolnoth, goldsmith, a bachelor aged about 22 and at his own government, a freeman of the City, and Mary Averill of St. Botolph's without Bishopsgate, maiden, about 18, daughter of William Averill of the same parish, merchant tailor, who is willing, &c.; as attested by George Dale of St. Mary Woolchurch, goldsmith; at St. Botolph's without Bishopsgate.

Nov. 11 Richard Rogers of St. Savior's Southwark, yeoman, alleged that Richard Rogers of St. Martin's in the Fields, yeoman, a widower aged about 26, at his own government, intends to marry with Catherine Johnson, maiden, about 26, at her own disposing; at St. Gregory's &c.

Nov. 28 Sir Miles Sandys,2 Knight and Baronet, a widower aged about 64, and Mary West of St. Mary Aldermanbury, widow, about 40, relict of deceased; at St. Mary Aldermanbury.



Nov. 28 Nicholas Spenser of St. Thomas the Apostle, tailor, a bachelor aged about 29 and at his own govern ment, and Sibbell Jones of St. Dunstan's in the West, maiden, aged about 25 or 26, her parents deceased and she at her own disposing; at St. Bride's. [This is erased and against it is written "Vacat" on the margin.]

Dec. 23 John Pettit of St. Mildred's Bread Street, vintner, aged about 20 (25?), at his own government, and

I have several wills relating to this family.

I have numerous wills relating to this family, so closely connected with the Washingtons. H. F. W.

Dec. 23 1626

Margaret Nedham of the same parish, maiden, about 20, her father deceased; Roger Steele of St. James Duke's Place, yeoman, testifies consent of Margaret Letherland, widow, of the same parish, mother of the said Margaret; at St. Mildred's Bread Street.


Jan. 25 William Sanky of St. Mary Woolnoth, citizen and goldsmith, a bachelor aged about 26 and at his own government, and Anne Garfield of the same parish, maiden, about 21, her father deceased; George Dale of St. Mary Woolchurch, goldsmith, testifies the consent of Ann Blackmore als Garfield; at St. Mary Woolnoth.

Jan. 27 Matthew Goche of St. Peter's West Cheap, grocer, a bachelor aged about 23, at his own dispose, and Cicell Rockwood of St. Andrew's Holborn, maiden, about 23, at her own government, and dispose, her father and mother living both be

yond the seas; at St. Michael's Queenhithe. Jan. 27 William Frye of St. James Garlickhithe, clothworker, a bachelor aged about 26, and Elizabeth Atkins of All Hallows the Great, maiden, aged about 25, at her own disposing, her father and mother deceased; at All Hallows the Great.

Feb. 6 William Warham of Great St. Bartholomew's, gent., a bachelor aged 33, at his own government, and Anne Litler of the same parish, maiden, about 24, daughter of John Litler of Namptwich, Co. Chester, gent, who consents; attested by John Mercer, one of the grooms of H. M. Courser Stable; at St. Faith's or at St. Mary Savoy.

Feb. 28 Christopher Tailer of Stepney, tailor, a bachelor, t aged 29, and Alice Banckes of St. Botolph Algate, about 40, widow of Henry Banckes, glover, deceased; at St. Faith's.

Feb. 28 Thomas Potter of Richmond, yeoman, alleged that 1626-27 James Prescott of the same place, smith, a bachelor, aged about 23, at his own government, intends to marry with Margery Cropper, maiden, aged 25, and sole at her own disposing; at New Brainford, Middlesex.


April 14 Richard Washington of St. Martin's in the Fields, Middlesex, gent., a bachelor aged about 46, and Frances Browne of the same parish, maiden, about 27, daughter of Nicholas Browne deceased; at the parish church aforesaid.

April 18 John Payte of Hartingfordbury, Herts., yeoman, † bachelor, aged 22 and upwards, at his own government, with the consent of Reynold Payte his father, and Mary Hale of Amwell, Herts., maiden, aged 22, her father deceased; personally appeared George Hale of the same parish, yeoman, and testified to the consent of Mary Perry als Hale, her mother; at St. Peter's Paul's Wharf. A pril 25 Richard Bifield M.A. of Kingston upon Thames, a widower aged about 28, and Mary Lancasheire, of St. Lawrence, of Milk Street, maiden, aged 21, daughter of Susan Lancasheire, widow, who consents; at Lambes Chapel, Wood Street.

May 1 Sampson Waters of St. Martin's in the Fields, t blacksmith, a bachelor, aged about 23 or 24 and at his own government, and Grace Andrewes of the same parish, widow, about 28, late the wife of John Andrewes deceased; at St. Alphege. [signed Tamson Watha.]


9 John Bartlet of the precinct of Bridewell, feltmaker, bachelor, aged 27, at his own government, and May 9 1627

I have more than two dozen wills relating to the Bifields which I hope to publish one of these days. H.F. W.

2We had a Sampson Waters in Boston. H. F. W.

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Anne Taylor, widow, of St. Mary Magdalen, Old Fish Street, late the wife of Thomas Taylor of St. Mary, Somerset, citizen and cordwainer deceased, she aged 23; at St. Mary Mounthaw. May 16 John Evans of St. Giles Cripplegate, gent, widt ower, aged 43, and Frances Newman of the same parish, maiden, aged 20, at her own disposing; at St. Giles, &c.

June 2 Andrew Kearne of St. Martin's in the Fields, free† mason, a bachelor aged about 25, and Grace Lippingcott of the same parish, maiden, aged about 22 or 23, and sole at her own disposing; at St. Martin's, &c.


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June t

4 John Droeshout of St. Bride's, Fleet Street, engraver, a widower aged 26, and Anne Ward of St. Mary Matfellon als Whitechapel, maiden, aged 21, her parents deceased, with consent of her uncle Humfrey Norton of the same parish, and she at his dispose; at St. Mary Whitechapel.

7 William Jeffrey [as signed] of St. Mary Matfellon, mariner, aged 21, a bachelor at his own dispose, and Elizabeth Eeles of the same parish, maiden, aged 21, daughter of Thomas Eeles late of Stanwell, Essex, yeoman, deceased; at St. Catherine near the Tower.

June 30 Nicholas Axe of St. Clement Danes, tailor, a bacht elor aged about 31, and Alice Evans of the same place, widow, about 43; at the same parish church.

July 30 William Goddard of St. Bride's, haberdasher, aged 25, a bachelor at his own government, and Elizabeth Edmondes of the same parish, maiden, aged 24, daughter of William Edmondes of Winsloe, Bucks., gent, with consent of her said father; attested by George Harberd of St. Bride's cutler; at St. Bride's, &c.

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