April 26 1608 Mansfeild of Gingrave, yeoman, father in law of the said Anne Newman, and testified; at St. Mary Mounthaw. May 2 William Culverwell of St. Peter's Cornhill, vintner, a bachelor aged about 28, a freeman and at his own government, and Anne Harrison, maiden, of St. James Garlickhithe, aged about 21, daughter of Peter Harrison of St. Sepulchre's, London, sadler, deceased about fifteen years, and her mother deceased, and she now serving with Mr. Anthony Culverwell1 of St. James Garlickhithe, mercer, with whom she hath dwelt a quarter year now last past, and at least a year or more before that; appeared William Nixon, clothworker, of St. James Garlickhithe, who married the grandmother of the same Anne Harrison, and testified &c.; at St. James Garlickhithe. Aug. 19 William Hollowaye of East Bergholt, Suffolk, gent, on behalf of John Woodward of Great Clafton, Essex, yeoman, widower (his wife deceased above a quarter year since) aged about 36, and Rose Levell of Tendring, Essex, widow of John Levell, yeoman, of the same town, deceased above three months since, she aged about 44; at St. James, Colchester. Oct. 21 John Norton of Stortford, Herts, yeoman, for James Horton, widower, aged about 36, and Mary Purcas, maiden, of Stortford, about 26, daughter of Peter Purcas3 of Thaxted, Essex, gent, deceased sixteen years since, and she dwelling with her mother Rebecca Norton als Purcas, wife of the said John Norton; at St. Ethelburgh, Bishopsgate. Nov. 9 Richard Thornton of Eastwood, Essex, yeoman, a This family has already been referred to in a note. H. F. W. This William Hollowaye was connected with the Goodwin family of East Bergholt. H. F. W. See previous note on the Purcas family. H. F. W. Nov. 9 1608 bachelor aged about 31; his parents deceased and he solely at his own government, and Jane Peacock of the same parish, a widow aged about 30, late wife of Edward Peacock, while he lived of Eastwood aforesaid, yeoman, deceased in January last; then appeared George Eglesfield of Sutton at Hone, Kent, natural brother unto the same Jane, and testified; at St. Ethelburgh, London. 1609. May 17 John Gale of Christ Church, Newgate, skinner, a bachelor aged about 26, son of William Gale of Hadleigh, Middlesex, gent, and Margery Cole, maiden, of St. James, Clerkenwell, aged about 17, daughter of George Cole, late of St. Foster's, London, grocer, deceased about two years, with consent of his father and Sir Robert Lee, knight, of Clerkenwell, and Dame Elizabeth his wife, father in law and natural and lawful mother of the said Margery, as testified by Thomas Lownds of St. Bride's, haberdasher; at St. Botolph's Aldersgate. May 26 Henry Morris, mealman, of London, bachelor, aged about 23; at his own government, and Dorothy Pathie, maiden, aged about 30, daughter of Henry Pathie late of Long Burton, Dorset, quarryman, deceased twenty years since; at St. Bennet Paul's Wharf. Sept. 23 Francis Anthony1, doctor of medicine, aged about 50, widower, and Elizabeth Lante, widow, of St. Trinity, Minories, aged about 36, relict of Thomas Lante of the parish, gent, deceased eight years since; at the Savoy, Strand. Sept. 27 Richard Andrewes of London, Esq., widower, aged about 39, and Mary Felton of St. Andrew's Hol 1 See my Gleanings, Part I, p. 86. H. F. W. Sept. 27 1609 born, maiden, about 19, daughter of Edmund Felton of Charterhouse Lane St. Sepulchre's; at St. Benet's Paul's Wharf. 1609-10. Jan. 19 John Pemberton1 of London, grocer, bachelor, aged about 27, son of Roger Pemberton of St. Alban's, Herts., gent, and he a freeman of London and at his own government and with his father's consent, and Katherine Angell, maiden, about 17, daughter of William Angell of St. Thomas Apostle, citizen and fishmonger, with whom she dwells; at St. Thomas Apostle. Feb. 6 Thomas Haughton of St. Thomas Apostle, tailor, bachelor, about 22, son of Robert Haughton of St. Giles without Cripplegate, London (-), and Anne Sterne, maiden, of St. Botolph Aldersgate, about 20, daughter of Thomas Sterne, gent, late of Skeighton, Norfolk, deceased about eight years since, with consent of the said Robert Haughton and of Amie Lawrence of St. Botolph, wife of William Lawrence, embroiderer, and mother of the said Anne; at St. Giles Cripplegate. Feb. 7 George Dexter of St. Katherine Cree Church, merchant tailor, bachelor, about 24, son of Thomas Dexter late of Olde, or Wolde, Northampton, yeoman, deceased about three years, and Anne Abell, maiden, about 23, daughter of Samuel Abell, gent, of Erith, Kent; at St. Anne and Ag nes. 1610. May 7 Henry Lee, merchant, bachelor, about 26, son of Henry Lee of Beere, Dorset, yeoman, deceased, at his own government and trading for himself, and Susan Wattes, maiden, of All Saints Bread A cousin of Roger Williams, the founder of Providence. H. F. W. May 7 1610 Street, about 20, daughter of John Wattes of Oct. 28(?) John Stoughton of Fulham, Middlesex, brewer, bachelor, about 28, at his own government, and Rachel Kidwell, maiden, of St. Peter's Cornhill, about 26, daughter of Kidwell late of Kingston Surrey, yeoman, deceased, and dwelling with a Mr. Bell of St. Peter's; at Fulham. 1611. April 6 John Haies of St. Bennet Grace church Street, grocer, bachelor, 36, and Elizabeth Foote, maiden, of the same parish, 29, daughter of Mr. John Footel of the same parish, grocer; then also appeared John Hayes of All Saints, Lombard Street, ironmonger, and testified; at St. Mary Woolchurch. May 8 Thomas Willis of St. Giles in the Fields, merchant tailor, bachelor, about 27, son of William Willis, late of the same parish, ale brewer, deceased, and Joane Brewer, maiden, of the same parish, about 21, daughter of John Brewer of the same parish, baker; at St. Giles in the Fields. June 20 William Foorth of London, gent, bachelor, about 30, son of William Foorth late of Hadleigh, Suffolk, Esq., deceased, and Mary Barker of London, maiden, about 17, daughter of Richard Barker late of Neyland, Suffolk, yeoman, deceased, with consent of Mary Bright als Barker of St. Edmonsbury, Suffolk, her natural mother; as testified by Danet Poyntell of St. Mary Aldermary, merchant; at St. Leonard's Bromley, Middlesex. I have his will and those of sundry of his family, who were closely connected with New England. H. F. W. 2All the names in this extract are interesting in connection with New England and I have numerous wills relating to their families. H. F. W. July 16 1611 Thomas Barker als Chapman of the Inner Temple, gent, bachelor, aged about 22, son of Edmond Barker als Chapman late of Sibton, Suffolk, gent, with his father's consent, and Mary Goodwin of St. Bennet Gracechurch, maiden, about 20, daughter of John Goodwin1 late of East Bergholt, Suffolk, clothier, deceased, she being at her own government, and with consent of her brother John Goodwin of East Bergholt clothier; as testified by William Gelsthorp; at St. Bennet Gracechurch street. Oct. 31 George Huddleston of St. Martin's Vintry, waterman, widower, about 30, and Bridget Glover, maiden, St. Andrew's Wardrope, about 20, daughter of Richard Glover, feltmaker, deceased long since; Francis Bigges, of St. Benet Paul's Wharf, feltmaker, testifieth that Joane Fushe als Glover, mother of the said Bridget and wife of William Fushe, of St. Andrew's, feltmaker, is willing; at St. Benet's Paul's Wharf. Feb. Feb. 1611-12. 6 Henry Ludlowe of the Inner Temple Esq., son of Sir Edmund Ludlowe of Maiden Bradley in Co. Wilts, knight, a bachelor aged about 21 (or 22), and Elizabeth Philipps, maiden of St. Dunstan's in the West, about 20, daughter of Richard Philippes of Whitchurch, Dorset, Esq., deceased, with consent of her uncle, Sir Edward Philipps, Master of the Rolls, in whose custody she is; at Rolls Chapel, Chancery Lane. 7 William Kinge of St. Botolph Bishopsgate, chandler, aged about 32, widower, and Ellynor White, maiden, about 20, daughter of James White of St. Giles Cripplegate, clothworker, deceased three years since, she now dwelling with her mother, See the Goodwins of Hartford, Connecticut, printed at Hartford, 1891. H. F. W. |