the use of half my house in the town of Taunton one half of the furniture, &c. To my eldest son Robert my estate in the County of Somerset formerly under lease to John & Richard Barber of Taunton, and all my houses and lands in said Taunton or elsewhere in England, and five thousand pounds sterling, &c. To my son Nathaniel my plantations in Mountserratt now under lease to John Dyer of the said island, and all my houses & lands in the said island, and my house and land in the town of Bassterre in the island of St Christophers. Item I give & bequeath to my son John all my lands in the County of Connecticut in New England near the town of Seabrook, they containing about five hundred acres. To my brother John Webb of Abington one hundred pounds sterling, at the same time forgiv ing him what he owes me. To my brother Harry Webb fifty guineas to buy him a mourning ring. To my executors ten guineas each to buy them mourning rings. To my sisters Anne Stone & Sarah Smith twenty pounds sterling each to buy them mourning & mourning rings. The rest & residue to my five children, Robert, Ann, Ruth, Nathaniel & John. I appoint William Gerrish, Esq., in London, Isaac Hobhouse of Bristol, merchant, John Paine of Taunton, mercer, Dominick Trant, Thomas Meade, George French and Peter Lee of this Island, Harry Webb of Antigua and my son Robert Webb executors & the guardians of my children. Spurway, 78. BENJAMIN PLUMMER of Portsmouth in the Province of New Hampshire in New England Esq. 7 May, 1740, proved 12 March, 1740. To my esteemed friend Mrs Mary Macphederis my gold watch, my negro boy named Juba and a ring of five guineas price. To Theodore Atkinson Esq. my saddle Horse and to him & his wife each of them a gold ring. To M' John Loggin one suit of mourning apparel. The whole of my apparel to be sold for the most they will fetch in the town of Boston. To my honored mother one hundred pounds sterling. The residue to be equally divided amongst my brothers. My brother Mr Thomas Plummer of London, merchant & Theodore Atkinson of Portsmouth Esq. to be the ex ecutors. Wit: Arthur Browne, James Jeffrey, Josh Peirce. Proved at London by Thomas Plummer, power reserved for Theodore Atkinson the other executor. Spurway, 73. [I extract the following from a letter to me from Miss Plumer, of Epping, N. H., dated Nov. 1, 1885, in reply to an inquiry about Benjamin Plumer: In a note at the end of my father's manuscript genealogy of the Plumer family, my father writes, Benjamin Plumer was appointed collector of Piscataway in New England. His commission, of which I have a copy in the handwriting of R. Waldron, Secry, is dated Feb. 11, 1736. It was sworn to before Gov. Belcher, June 8th, 1736. Ho was perhaps the progenitor of the Portsmouth Plumers. There is a silver vase in the Atkinson family on which is inscribed the deaths of various persons, among the rest that of Benjamin Plumer, Esquire, who died May 8th, 1740, aged 24 years. If this was the collector he was but twenty when appointed.' "—Com. by George Plumer Smith, Esq., of Philadelphia, Pa. In the New Hampshire Provincial Papers, vol. iv. p. 864, is a letter from John Thomlinson to Theodore Atkinson, dated "London, 5 April, 1737." Mr. Thomlinson writes: " Altho the Bearer Mr. Plummer his coming over Collector in your place may be some Disadvantage or Disappointment to you, yet when I tell you I dare say he will prove the most agreeable Gentleman that you could have had, in every respect, you will excuse my here recommending him to your friendship. He is a gentleman of good sense and of a very good family and good circumstances." I presume that Plumer was an Englishman.-EDITOR.] ... Notes on Abstracts previously printed. NATHANIEL PARKER (ante, p. 8). My god-daughter the daughter of my nephew Bernard Saltingstall." The pedigree of the Saltonstall family, given in Bond's Watertown, shows that Bernard Saltonstall was a great-grandson of Gilbert Saltonstall, from whom the New England family descended, through Sir Richard of Huntwicke. The Bernard Saltonstall referred to in the will was son of Sir Richard Saltonstall of North Ockenden, co. Essex. Susanna, sister of Bernard, married William Pawlett of Cottles in co. Wilts, who was a grandson of William Pawlett, first Marquis of Winchester. (See Dr. Marshall's Visitation of co. Wilts, 1623, p. 92.) JOHN COFFIN JONES BROWN.] RICHARD PERNE; RACHEL PERNE (ante, pp. 59–61 and 89). [It was noticed in Rachel Perne's will that she cut off Edward Rawson, our faithful Colonial Secretary, with the proverbial shilling, although she bequeathed to Rachel, his wife and her daughter, £40. By a deed of his recorded in Suffolk Deeds, vol. iii. pp. 413 and 414, he acknowledges receipt of a marriage "portion of £300, which he long since Receaved with his wife." This accounts for the omission to bequeath any more of the Perne estate to him on its final distribution by will. JOHN COFFIN JONES BROWN.] DOROTHY LANE of London, widow, 17 January, 1605. My body to be buried in the parish church or churchyard of St Dunstans in the East, London, where I am a parishioner. To Susan Harrys, daughter of my late son in law William Harrys, late of Wapping in the County of Middlesex, mariner deceased, and of Dorothie my daughter, late his wife, ten pounds. To George Stake, son of my late sister Elizabeth, thirty shillings. To my cousin. Jeffery Thorowgood twenty shillings. To my cousin Bennet Burton twenty shillings. To my cousins Elizabeth and Sara Quaitmore, daughters of Rowland Quaytmore and of my said daughter Dorothie, his now wife, five pounds apiece. To the said Rowland Quaytmore, my son in law, thirty shillings to make him a ring. To Helen Averell, late wife of William Averell, Schoolmaster, deceased, my small joyned chair with a back. To the said Dorothie Quaytmore,* my daughter, and William Harrys, her son, and to the heirs of the said William Harrys, the son, lawfully begotten, all those my two tenements and two acres in Saffron Walden in the County of Essex, which late were Symon Burton's, my late brother's deceased, the said Dorothie Quaytmore & William Harrys her son to pay out to Samuel Harrys, son of my said daughter Dorothie Quaytmore, ten pounds upon reasonable request, within two months next after such day or time as the said Samuel Harrys shall attain and come to the lawful age of twenty-one years, and unto Jane and Joane Burton, daughters of my said late brother Symon Burton of Saffron Walden aforesaid, five pounds apiece within four years next after such day or time as my said daughter Dorothie & William her son or her heirs or assigns shall first enter and enjoy the said two tenements, &c. To Susan & Dorothie Harrys, daughters of my said daughter Dorothie Quaytmore (certain bequests). To Mary Quaitmore five pounds. To my cousin Elizabeth Quaytmore (certain table linen) and to Sara Quaytmore her sister (a similar bequest). To Mary & Sara Thorowgood, daughters of my cousin Jeffery Thorowgood, twenty shillings. To Richard Weech of London, merchant, twenty shillings. The residue to my daughter Dorothie and she and the above named William Harrys the son appointed full & sole executors. The said Jeffery Thorowgood & Richard Rowland Coitmore and Dorothy Harris (widow) married at Whitechapel, co. Mid. 28 March, 1594-5. Elizabeth, their daughter, bapt. 25 Feb. 1595–6.-I. J. GREENWOOD, Weech appointed overseers. To my cousin Walter Gray five shillings, and to his wife my stuff gown lined with furr. The witnesses were William Jones, Scr., Jeffery Thorowgood, signum Roberti Powell, shoemaker, and me Richard Perne. Commission was issued 4 March 1608 to Dorothie Quaytmore, with power reserved for William Harrys, the other executor, &c. Dorsett, 23. THOMAS RAINBOROWE of East Greenwich in the County of Kent, mariner, 4 December 1622, proved 23 February 1623. My body to be buried in the church yard of East Greenwich with such solemnity as my executors in their discretion shall think fit. My wife Martha and eldest son William Rainborowe to be executors. Ten pounds to be given for the putting forth of poor children of the parish of Greenwich aforesaid, &c. To said Martha my wife all my plate and household stuff and the furniture of my house and also my one sixteenth part of the good ship called the Barbara Constance of London and my one sixteenth of the tackle, apparel, munition, furniture, freight, &c. of the said ship. To my said son William two hundred pounds within one year next after my decease, and one sixteenth of the good ship Rainbowe of London & one sixteenth of her tackle, &c., one sixteenth of the ship Lilley of London (and of her tackle, &c.), one forty eighth part of the ship Royal Exchange of London (and of her tackle, &c.). To my son Thomas Rainborowe two hundred pounds within one year, &c. To my daughter Barbara Lee two hundred pounds within one year, &c. To my daughter Martha Wood two hundred pounds within one year, &c. To my daughter Sara Porte two hundred pounds within one year, &c. Whereas I have taken of the Right Honorable Edward Lord Dennie, Baron of Waltham Holy Cross in the County of Essex, by Indenture of Lease bearing date the eight and twentieth day of September Anno Domini 1619, a capital messuage called by the name of Claver Hambury and certain lands, with their appurtenances, situate, lying & being in the said County of Essex, for the term of two and twenty years, &c. and for and under the yearly rent of a peppercorn, &c.; for which said lease I have paid to the said Lord Denny the sum of two thousand three hundred pounds of currant English money; and the said messuage and lands, &c. are worth yearly in rent (de claro) two hundred and twenty pounds or thereabouts, &c. &c. it is my will that there shall be paid out of the rents, profits, &c. to Martha my wife one annuity or annual rent of one hundred pounds, to my son William an annuity, &c. of twenty pounds, to my son Thomas an annuity, &c. of twenty pounds, to my daughter Barbara Lee an annuity, &c. of twenty pounds, to my daughter Martha Wood an annuity, &c. of twenty pounds, to my daughter Sara Port an annuity, &c. of twenty pounds. The residue of my personal property to my two executors to be divided equally, part and part alike. My dwelling house and lands in East Greenwich shall be sold by my executors for the most profit they can & within as short time after my death as conveniently may be, and of the money arising therefrom one third shall go to my wife Martha, one third to my son William and the other third to my said four other children, Thomas, Barbara, Martha & Sara. The witnesses were J. W. the mark of John Wotton, of the precinct of St Katherine's, mariner, John Woodward, Not. Pub., and John Brooke his servant. Byrde, 8 ANTHONY WOOD of Redrith in the county of Surrey, mariner, 13 August 1625, proved at London 3 January 1625 by the oath of Martha Wood his relict and executrix. To wife Martha all my lease &c. in my now dwelling house in Redrith & my part of the good ship Exchange of London & of the Charity of London. To son Richard all my portion of the good ship Rainbow of London & my adventure in her &c. To my sons Richard, Thomas & Anthony five hundred pounds apiece, & to my daughter Sara five hundred pounds, at one & twenty. To my brother John Wood five pounds a year for eighteen years. To my mother Raynborrowe three pounds for a ring. To my brother William Raynborowe five pounds for a cloak. To my brother Francis Port three pounds for a ring. To my brother Thomas Lee three pounds. To my brother Thomas Raynborowe three pounds. To my uncle William Wood & his wife four pounds, for & in remembrance of tokens of my love unto them. I give to my said wife all my lease of certain lands at Waltham which I have & hold from the Lord Denny, &c. My said wife & my said son Richard to be full & sole executors &c., and I name & appoint overseers of this my will my loving friends the worl Henry Garway & William Garwaye of London mer chants. A codicil made Tuesday the 23d of August A.D. 1625 revokes the bequest of his portion of the ship Rainbow to son Richard & bequeaths it to Martha Wood his wife. Hele, 4. ROWLAND COYTEMORE of Wapping in the County of Middlesex, mariner, 5 June, 1626, proved 24 November 1626 by Katherine Coytemore, relict and executrix. To son Thomas Coytemore and his heirs, &c. the messuage or tenement, lands, hereditaments and appurtenances in the manor of Milton in the parish of Prittlewell als. Pricklewell, in the County of Essex, now in the tenure and occupation of John Greene, &c. and my farm and copyhold land of forty four acres or thereabouts, in the parish of Great Bursted in the County of Essex; wife Katherine to have the use and rents until my son Thomas shall accomplish his age of one and twenty years. To my daughter Elizabeth Coytemore three score pounds at her age of one and twenty years or day of marriage, also the tenement or messuage known by the sign of the Blewboare in the town or parish of Retchford, in the County of Essex, now in the tenure of William Ashwell als. Hare. To my son in law Thomas Gray and his heirs my two copyhold tenements, &c. in Rederith als. Rederiff, in the County of Surrey, now in the several occupations of Francis Welby and John Moore. If my children and children's children die before they accomplish their several ages of one and twenty or be married, then my aforesaid lands shall remain, come and be unto my kinsman Hugh Hughs als. Gwyn, my sister Elizabeth's son. To my grandson William Ball, son of William Ball, forty shillings. To my daughter in law daughter Dorothy Lamberton forty shillings. To the poor of Wapping three pounds and to the poor of the Upper Hamlet of Whitechapel forty shillings. To the masters of Trinity House, for their poor, ten pounds within one year, &c. My wife Katherine to be executrix and sons in law Thomas Gray and William Rainsborough of Wapping aforesaid, mariners, to be overseers. The witnesses were Raphe Bower pub. scr. and John Wheatley serv1 to the said scr. Hele, 125. See Gray and Coytmore Families, REG. xxxiv. 253.-Ed. MARTHA RAINBOROWE of the parish of St Bridget als. Brides, near Fleet St. London, widow, late wife of Thomas Rainborowe, late of East Greenwich in the county of Kent, mariner, deceased, made her will 29 November 1626, proved 23 September 1631. In it she referred to her husband's will & the lease of the messuage called Claverhambury and the disposition of its rents, bequeathed her own annuity among her five children, devised to her daughter Barbara Lee her sixteenth part of the good ship called Barbara Constance and gave the residue of her goods, chattels, &c. to her said daughter Barbara, wife of Thomas Lee, citizen & armorer of London, whom also she appointed sole executrix. The witnesses were Robert Woodford, Thomas Turner and Tho: Eastwood. St John, 102. WILLIAM RAINBOROW of London Esq. 16 July 1638, with codicil of 1 February 1642, proved 8 April 1642. To the Hamlet of Wapping as a stock for their poor fifty pounds; to the Hamlet of Whitechapel ten pounds, &c. To the Trinity House fifty pounds, with the condition that they give to poor seamen or their widows of the Hamlet of Wapping, every St. Thomas Day, forty shillings. To my eldest son Thomas Rainborowe all those my houses in Southwark purchased of Mr William Gambell and some of them lately built. To my son William Rainborowe those my houses in Gun Alley in Wapping purchased of my father in law Renold Hoxton and also one thousand pounds. To my son Edward twelve hundred pounds. Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Martha Coytmore, the wife of Thomas Coytmore now in New England, the sum of seven hundred pounds, if she be alive at the time of my death. To my daughter Judith Rainborowe one thousand pounds & to my daughter Joane Rainborowe one thousand pounds. All this to be paid to them, by my executors, at their several days of marriage or at their age of one and twenty years, and those that be of age at six months after my decease. To the four sons and one daughter of my deceased sister Sara Port, namely Robert, John, Thomas, William and Martha Porte, two hundred and fifty pounds, that is to each fifty pounds, at twenty one. To my brother Mr Thomas Rainborowe fifty pounds. To my sister Buckridge fifty pounds. To my sister Wood fifty pounds. To my father in law Renold Hoxton and to my mother in law Joane Hoxton ten pounds apiece to buy them each a ring. My executors to be my loving sons Thomas and William Rainborowe and I appoint them to bring up my younger children to their age of twenty one years or day of marriage and to have the tuition of them and be at the charges of meat & drink & clothes & learning. For overseers I desire my loving brothers in law Mr Robert Wood and M' John Hoxton to have a care that this my will be fulfilled and do give them twenty pounds apiece for their pains. Witnesses Robert Wood and William Ashley. To my mother in law Jone Hoxton my house at Wapping now in the occupation of Mr Sander Bence, during her natural life, toward her maintenance. To my grand child William Rainborowe one hundred pounds. Codicil. Whereas the said William Rainborowe hath by his will given to Martha Port fifty pounds the said William Rainbɔrow did about a year since and at other times afterwards declare his mind and will to be that the said Martha should not have or expect the said legacy because he had given her the sum of ten pounds and all her wedding clothes in marriage with William Ashley. Subscribed by witnesses 1 February 1641. Witnesses to the codicil, John Hoxton, Thomas Hoxton & Mary Bennfes. Campbell, 51. |