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Christ our Lord: And the bleffing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be amongst you, and remain with you always. Amen.

And after a paufe, the Deacon fhall stand up, and Jay to the People,

Depart in peace.

Note, that if the Eucharift be not celebrated on Asbwednesday, or on any of the fix days next before Eafter, then the beginning of the Communion-fervice as appointed, with the Collect, Epiftle, and Gospel, fhall be firft faid, and immediately after the Nicene Creed this Penitential Office shall follow.

Here endeth the Penitential Office.




To be used at the

Miniftration of the Holy Communion throughout the Year.

The Collects, Epiftles, and Gospels, to be used throughout the year, are the fame with thofe appointed in the Common Prayer Book of the Church of England. But Note,

That no Collect appointed for any Sunday or Holyday, is to be faid at the Evening Service next before:

That the Introit, Collect, Epiftle, and Gospel, appointed for the Sunday, shall ferve all the Week after, where it is not in this Book otherwife ordered, and then that for the Sunday is to be omitted: That the Introit, Collect, Epiftle, and Gofpel, appointed for the Epiphany, Afh-wednesday, and Afcenfion-day, fball ferve for every day after to the Sunday following:

That if an Holy-day happen upon a Wednesday or Friday, the Leffons, Introit, Collect, Epiftle, and Gospel, appointed for the Holy-day, fhall be used, but the day fhall be obferved as a Faft, except it be Christmas-day:


That if an Holy-day happen upon a Sunday, the Lef fons, Introit, Collect, Epiftle, and Gofpel, appointed for the Holy-day, shall be used, and thofe for the Sunday fhall be omitted: But if it happen on Ashwednesday, or any day in Holy-week, on Eafter-day, the Sunday after Eafter, Afcenfion-day, Whitfunday, on Monday or Tuesday in Eafter or Whitfunweek, on Trinity Sunday, or on a Sunday in Advent, then thofe for the Holy-day fhall be omitted.




Form of offering the Sacrifice, and of adminiftring the Sacrament, of the Eucharist.

Note, That none but the Faithful are to be prefent at this Office.

Before the Communion time the Deacon fhall prepare fo much Bread, Wine, and Water for the Eucharift, as he judgeth convenient; laying the Bread in the Paten, or in fome other decent thing provided for that purpose; and putting the Wine into the Chalice, or else into fome fair and convenient Cup provided for that ufe, and the Water into fome other proper veffel. After which he Shall place them all upon the Prothefis, and cover them with a fair white linen cloth.


The Altar at the Communion time having a fair white linen cloth upon it, fhall ftand at the Eaft end of the Church or Chapel.

At the beginning of the Communion Service fhall be faid or fung (in the fame manner as the palms for the day are faid or fung) for the Introit the pfalm appointed for that day, the Deacon having firft turned to the People, and faid, The Introit appointed for this day is such a pfalm.

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V. Teach me, O Lord, &c.
VI. Let thy loving mercy, &c.
VII. O think upon thy fervant, &c.

VIII. Thou art my portion, &c.

IX. O Lord, thou haft dealt, &c.







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