Cap. 25. For repairing the roads from and for other purposes therein men tioned. ford, to Biggleswade in the county 2. An act for vesting part of the estate of Bedford. Cap. 26. For enlarging the term granted by an act in the fourth year of his Majesty's reign, intituled, An act for repairing the highway, leading from the Stones-Endin Kent- 3. An act to enable Anne Walker, alias of Thomas earl of Hadinton, in trustees, to be fold, and with the monies arifing thereby, to purchase other lands of the like value to be settled to the fame uses. street to the Lime-Kilns in EastGreenwich near Black Heath, and > Baughs, a minor, the wife of Thomas Folliot Walker, gent. to fell and convey unto the right honourable William Conolly, esq; and his heirs, her share and proportion of feveral manors, lands, tenements and hereditaments in the kingdom of Ireland, devised to her by the last will of Thomas late Lord Folliot, deceased; and for other purposes therein mentioned. to Lewisham church, being the Tunbridge road in the county of Kent; and for repairing and amending the highways and roads leading from Westminster ferry in the parish of Lambeth in the county of Surrey, to New-Cross in the parith of Deptford in the county of Kent; and for enlarging the term granted by an act passed in the fourth year of his 4. An act for confirming a partition نمی made between the right honourable George lord Carbery, baron of Carbery in the kingdom of Ireland, and Henry O-Brien, esq; of certain manors, lands and hereditaments in the several counties of Northampton and Rutland. Majesty's reign, intituled, An act for amending the roads from the city of London to the town of EastGrinstead in the county of Sussex, and to Sutton and Kingston in the county of Surrey; and for explaining and amending the fame act. went in the county of Derby na vigable. Cap. 28. For making the river Douglas, alias Asland, navigable from commonly called Baltonsbury common, in the parishes of Baltonsbury and Bradley in the county of Somerset. Cap. 27. For making the river Dar- 5. An act for inclosing the common, the river Ribble to Wigan in the 6. An act to enable Thomas Dove, esq; county palatine of Lancaster. Cap. 29. For preserving and improv- Private Acts. Anno 6 Georgii I. I. An act for settling and assuring the manors of Orton and BottleBridge, and other premisses in the county of Huntingdon, to the several uses mentioned in the will of Margaret late duchess of Newcastle, 1 to raise two thousand pounds upon his eslate at Upton, Sutton, Aylesworth and Castor, and to make fale of his estate at Heathencoate in the county of Northampton, for difcharging incumbrances upon the faid eftates, raising of portions for his brother and sister, and payment of his father's and his own debts. 7. An act for inclosing the heath or common, commonly called Gratqwood Heath in the parish of Eccleshall in the county of Stafford. 8. An act to enable the lessees and farmers of Daniel Whitby, doctor in divinity, and prebendary of the prebend prebend of Teington Regis, in the cathedral church of the blessed lady Mary the virgin, of Sarum, and of all succeeding prebendaries of the said prebend for the time being, to make leases of the copyhold lands of the several manors of Preston, alias Prestown, and Churchland, alias the Parson's Land, in the county of Devon. 9. An act for making the townships of Shipston and Tidmington a diftinct parish from the parish of Tredington in the county and diocese of Worcester, and for dividing the rectory of the said parish of Tredington into three parts. } 10. An act for fupplying the defects in, and better performance of the will of Edmund Dunch, esq; deceased. 11. An act for discharging certain estates in the counties of Lincoln and Warwick, of and from the uses and limitations contained in the marriage-fettlement of Sir William Keyte, baronet, and fettling other lands in the county of Gloucester, of greater value to the fame uses. 12. An act for vesting the estates of Sir John Hales and Sir Christopher Hales, baronets, deceased, in trustees, to be fold, for raifing money for the paying and discharging the debts and incumbrances charged thereupon, and affecting the fame, and for other purposes therein mentioned. 13. An act for sale of part of the estate of Sir John Chichester, baronet, for the purposes therein mentioned. 15. An act to enable Laurence Broderick, an infant, to perform certain articles of agreement entered into by Anne his mother, fince deceased, to whom he is heir. 16. An act to enable trustees to sell part of the estate of John Sandford, esq; deceased, for the payment of his debts and legacies, and for other purposes therein mentioned. 17. An act for sale of the estate of William Pembroke, late of Portfmouth-Dock, deceased, situate at North-Mims in the county of Hertford, for the purposes therein mentioned. 18. An act for vesting the estate of John Pendarves, late of Roscrow in the county of Cornwall, efq; deceased, in new trustees, to and for the same uses, intents and purposes, as are mentioned in his will. 19. An act to enable John Rofier, esq; and his issue, to change their fur names from Rofier to Reynolds. 20. An act for the naturalization of Mary Sophia Charlotte, viscountess Howe, wife of Scroop lord viscount Howe of the kingdom of Ireland. 21. An act for naturalizing Gerard Van Neck. 22. An act for naturalizing Bennet Erasmus Hopfer. 23. An act for naturalizing John Backer and George Kruger. 24. An act for naturalizing Samuel ampert. Gampert. 25. Act for naturalizing Cornelius Backer and Henry de Putter. 26. An act for naturalizing Francis Van Hemert, John Van Hemert, Frederick Morgan, and Henry Nicholas Sander. 27. An act for naturalizing John Henry Grutzman. 14. An act to enable Elizabeth Gomeldon, widow, and her trustees, to enter their respective claims before the commissioners and trustees of the forfeited estates, and to impower the faid commiffioners and trustees to hear and determine the fame. 28. An act for vesting the estate late of Gilbert Nicholletts, esq; deceased, in trustees for payment of his debts and sisters portions, and for making a provision for his widow and child, 29. An 1 29. An act for annexing the late duke of Shrewsbury's estate to the earldom of Shrewsbury, and confirming Gilbert earl of Shrewsbury's settlement in order thereto, and for other purposes therein mentioned. 30. An act for exchanging of several small parcels of land in the parish and manor of Fulham, belonging to the bishoprick of London, for other lands of greater value, to Charles earl of Peterborough and Monmouth, and his heirs. 31. An act to enable any corporations within the university of Cambridge, or any other perfons, to fell and convey any messuages and ground to the said university, for enlarging their publick library. 32. An act for rebuilding the parishchurch of Saint Martin in the Fields in the city of Westminster, at the charge of the inhabitants of the faid parim. 33. An act for sale of part of the estate of fir Coppleston Warwick Bampfylde, baronet, and for fettling another eitate of greater value to the same uses. 34. An act to enable fir James Lumley, baronet, to settle a competent jointure, and for other purposes therein mentioned. 35. An act for naturalizing Philip Germain and George Hollmans. 36. An act for naturalizing George Angell. governor, deputy-governor and directors of the South-Sea company, at, from and after the respective times for electing a fub-governor, deputy-governor and new directors of the faid company, to take, hold or enjoy any office, place or employment in the faid company, or in the East-India company, or bank of England, and from voting upon elections in the faid company. Cap. 3. For repealing an act made in the ninth year of the reign of her late majesty Queen Anne, intituled, An act to oblige ships coming from places infected, more effectually to perform their quarentine; and for preventing the plague being brought from foreign parts into Great Britain or Ireland, or the isles of GuernSey, Jersey, Alderney, Sark or Man; and to hinder the spreading of infection. Cap. 4. For granting an aid to his Majesty by a land-tax to be raised in Great Britain, for the service of the year 1721. Cap. 5. To enable the South-Sea company to ingraft part of their capital stock and fund, into the stock and fund of the bank of England, and another part thereof into the stock and fund of the East-India company; and for giving further time for payments to be made by the faid South-Sea company, to the use of the publick. Cap 6. For punishing mutiny and desertion, and for the better payment of the army and their quarters. Cap. 7. To preserve and encourage the woollen and filk manufactures of this kingdom; and for more effectual employing the poor, by prohibiting the use and wear of all printed, painted, stained or died callicoes, in apparel, housholdstuff, furniture or otherwise, after the twenty fifth day of December 1722. (except as therein, is excepted.) Cap. 8. For enlarging the time for making making the river Kennet navigable from Reading to Newbury in the county of Berks. Cap. 9. For the better preservation of the harbour of Rye in the county of Suffex. Cap. 10. For making the river Weaver navigable from Frodsham-Bridge to Winsford-Bridge in the county of Chester. Cap. 11. For finishing and adorning the new chapel, called Saint George's chapel, in Great Yarmouth in the county of Norfolk, and for enlightening the streets of the said town, by a duty or impofition on coals, culm and cinders, to be landed and confumed there. Cap. 12. For imploying the manufacturers, and incouraging the consumption of raw filk and mohair yarn, by prohibiting the wearing of buttons and button-holes made of cloth, ferge, or other stuffs. Cap. 13. For regulating the journeymen taylors within the weekly bills of mortality. Cap. 14. Fer continuing the duties granted by several acts made in the fixth and tenth years of her late Majesty's reign for repairing the harbour and key of Watchett, in the county of Somerset. Cap. 15. For making the rivers Mercy and Irwell navigable from Liverpoole to Manchester, in the county palatine of Lancaster. Cap. 16. For the better preserving and keeping in repair the piers of the town and port of Whitby in the county of York, and for explaining and making more effectual the several acts passed for lengthening and repairing the piers of Bridlington, alias Burlington, in the said county. Cap. 17. For making navigable the river Dane, from Northwich, where it joins the river Weaver, to the falling in of Wheelock-Brook; and Wheelock-Brook up to Wheelock-a Bridge in the county of Chester. Cap. 18. For enlarging the term granted by an act passed in the tenth year of the reign of her late majesty Queen Anne, intituled, An act for repairing the road from Highgate Gate-house in the county of Middlesex, to Barnet Blockhouse in the county of Hertford; and for repairing the road leading from the BearInn in Hadley to the fign of the Angel in Enfield chase in the faid county of Middlesex. Cap. 19. For continuing an act made in the fixth year of the reign of her late majesty Queen Anne, intituled, An act for repairing and enlarging the highways between the top of Kingfdown-Hill and the city of Bath; and also several highways leading to and through the faid city; and for cleanfing, paving and lightning the streets, and regulating the chairmen there; and for explaining and making the faid act more effectual. Cap. 20. For continuing the duties on malt, mum, cyder and perry, to raise money by way of a lottery, for the service of the year 1721, and for transferring the deficiency of a late malt-act to the land-tax for the faid year; and for difpofing certain overplus money to proper objects of charity; and for giving further time to clerks and apprentices to pay duties omitted to be paid for their indentures and contracts; and touching small quanti ties of cyder exported; and for relief of captain John Perry, concerning Dagenham Breach; and touching loft bills, tickets or orders; and concerning the duty of small pieces of plate; and to enable the undertakers for raifing Thames water in York-Buildings, to fell annuities by way of a lottery; and for fatisfying a debt, which was charged on the late duty on hops; and for approand for priating 6 1 priating the monies granted in this feffion of parliament. Cap. 21. For the further preventing his Majesty's subjects from trading to the East-Indies under foreign commiffions; and for encouraging and further securing the lawful trade thereto; and for further regulating the pilots of Dover, Deal and the ifle of Thanet. Cap. 22. For enabling Charles earl of Arran to purchase the forfeited estate of James Butler, late duke of Ormonde; and for granting relief to William late lord Widdrington; and for enlarging the time for determining claims upon the forfeited estates; and for enabling the commiffioners for the faid forfeited estates to certify into the exchequer, all such estates as they have found to be given to popish or fuperftitious uses. Cap. 23. For repairing the several roads leading from the town of Ledbury in the county of Hereford, to the several places therein mentioned. Cap. 24. For repairing the road from Wendover to the town of Buckingham in the county of Bucks. Cap. 25. For laying a duty of two pennies Scots, or one fixth part of a penny sterling, upon every Scots pint of ale or beer that shall be brewed for fale, vended or tapped within the town of Fedburgh, and privileges thereof, for paying the publick debts of the said town, and for supplying the fame with fresh water, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Cap. 26. For repairing the road from Saint Giles's Pound to KilbourneBridge, in the county of Middlesex. Cap. 27. For raising a fum not exceeding five hundred thousand pounds, by charging annuities at the rate of five pounds per centum per annum upon the civil lift revenues, till redeemed by the crown; and for enabling his Majesty, his heirs or fuccessors, (by causing such a deduction to be made as therein is mentioned) to make good to the civil lift the payments which shall have been made upon the said annuities; and for borrowing money upon certain lottery-tickets; and for difcharging the corporations for assurances of part of the money which they were obliged to pay to his Majesty; and for making good a deficiency to the East-India company. Cap. 28. For raising money upon the estates of the late sub-governor, deputy-governor, directors, cashier, deputy-cashier and accountant of the South-Sea company, and of John Aiflabie esq; and likewise of Fames Craggs senior efq; deceased, towards making good the great loss and damage sustained by the faid company; and for disabling such of the said persons as are living, to hold any office or place of trust under the crown, or to fit or vote in parliament for the future; and for other purposes in the faid act expressed. Cap. 29. For the King's most gracious, general and free pardon. Cap. 30. For appointing commiffioners to examine, state, and determine the debts due to the army. Cap. 31. For explaining and making more effectual the several acts concerning bankrupts. Cap. 32. To explain and amend the act of the twelfth year of her late Majesty's reign, intituled, An act for repairing the highway or road from the stones-end in the parish of St. Leonard Shoreditch in the county of Middlesex, to the furthermost part of the northern road in the parish of Enfield in the same county, next to the parish of Cheshunt in the county of Hertford. Private Afis. Anno 7 Georgii I. 1. An act for naturalizing John Robethon, and George Robethon his fon. 2. An |