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Cap. 19. For redeeming the fund appropriated for payment of the lottery-tickets, which were made forth for the service of the year 1710, by a voluntary subscription of the proprietors into the capital stock of the South-Sea company; and for raifing a sum of money to pay off fuch debts and incumbrances as are therein mentioned; and for appropriating the supplies granted in this session of parliament; and to limit times for prosecutions upon bonds for exporting cards and dice.

Cap. 20. For fettling certain yearly funds payable out of the revenue of Scotland, to fatisfy publick debts in Scotland, and other uses mentioned in the treaty of union; and to discharge the equivalents claimed on behalf of Scotland in the terms of the fame treaty; and for obviating all future disputes, charges and expences, concerning those equi


Cap. 21. For the better securing the

lawful trade of his Majesty's fubjects to and from the East-Indies; and for the more effectual preventing all his Majesty's subjects trading thither under foreign commif


Cap. 22. For enlarging the time to determine claims on the forfeited estates.

Cap. 23. For appointing a commiffioner and trustee to put in execution the powers and authorities of the several acts of parliament relating to the forfeited estates, and estates given to superftitious uses, in the room of George Treby esq; who has defired to be discharged from the faid trusts.

Cap. 24. For the better preventing frauds committed by bankrupts. Cap. 25. For continuing the act made in the eighth year of the reign of the late Queen Anne, to regulate the price and affize of bread; and for continuing the act made in the twelfth year of her faid late Majejesty's reign, for the better encouragement of the making failcloth in Great Britain.

Cap. 26. For preventing the mischiefs which may happen by keeping too great quantities of gunpowder in or near the cities of London and Westminster, or the suburbs thereof. Cap. 27. To prevent the inconveniencies arifing from seducing artificers in the manufactures of Great Britain into foreign parts.

Cap. 28. For the further punishment of such perfons as shall unlawfully kill or destroy deer in parks, paddocks or other inclosed grounds. Cap. 29. For making more effectual the laws appointing the oaths for security of the government, to be taken by ministers and preachers in churches and meeting-houses in Scotland.


Cap. 30. For amending and making more effectual the laws for repairing the highways, bridges, and ferries

ferries in that part of Great Britain
called Scotland.

Cap. 31. For enlarging the time
granted by an act of the ninth and
tenth years of King William, for
cleansing and making navigable
the channel from the Hythe at Col-
chester to Wivenhoe; and for mak-
ing the faid act more effectual.
Cap. 32. For relief of fuch sufferers
of the islands of Nevis and St.

ance of the capital messuage called Halifax House in St. James's Square, in the parish of St. James, Westminfter, and the castle and manor of Fotheringhay in the county of Northampton, in trustees, to be sold together with a term of five hundred years devised by William late lord marquis of Halifax to his executors, in truft, for the better performance of his will.

Christopher's, as have fettled in ei- 5. An act for relief of Sir Nicholas

ther of those islands, and made due proof of fuch settlement before the

twenty fifth day of December 1712.

Tempest, baronet, touching an estate
demised to him by William late lord
Widdrington and lady Jane his late
wife, many years before the at-
tainder of the said late lord Wid-

Private Alts.

Anno 5 Georgii I.

1. An act for repairing the roads from 6. An act to enable William Granvill,

esq; to take upon him the furname
of Glanvill, instead of his furname
of Evelyn, pursuant to the will of
William Glanvill, esq; deceased.

the top of Stoken-Church hill to En-
flow Bridge, and the road leading
from Wheatley Bridge through the
city of Oxon by Begbrooke, to New
Woodstock in the county of Oxon 7. An act to enable William Pultney,

(except the mile-way on each fide the city) and to disable all commiffioners or trustees appointed for repairing of any highways or roads, to have any place of profit arifing out of the toll for repairing such highways or roads.

efq; and the persons in remainder after him, to make leases of the houses and ground therein mentioned, and to rectify some mistakes in two leases from King Charles the Second to Sir William Pulteney, and from King William the Third to John Pulteney, efq;


2. An act for repairing the roads from
Beconsfield in the county of Bucks, 8. An act for vesting certain lands
to Stoken-Church in the county of

3. An act to render more effectual the agreements that have been made between Thomas Holles duke of Newcastle, Henry Pelham, esq; Edward Lord Harley, and the lady

and tenements in the county of
Somerset, the estate of Thomas Jett,
esq; in trustees, to be fold, and
with the money arifing thereby, to
purchase other lands of the like
value, to be settled to the same

Henrietta his wife, William Vane 9. An act for vesting in John Porrett,

and Gilbert Vane, esquires, fons of Christopher Lord Bernard, or any of them, in relation to the will and estate of John late duke of Newcastle; and for settling the fame in such manner as may be agreeable to the intent of the said agreements; and for other purposes therein mentioned.

4. An act to vest the fee and inherit

gent. and his heirs, part of the
eftate of Thomas Davison, esq; at
Stranton, Seaton, Carew and Thorp
Thewles in the county of Durham,
freed from the uses and trusts of
the faid Thomas Davison's marriage
settlement, and to fettle other lands
of better value to the same uses.
10. An act for sale of feveral manors,
lands, tenements and hereditaments


of the right honourable Thomas earl of Westmorland in the county of Kent, and with the monies arifing by such sale to purchase other lands in or near the county of Northampton, to be settled to the fame uses.

11. An act for vesting an estate late of Francis Phelips, esq; in Barking in the county of Effex, in trustees, to be fold for the purposes therein mentioned.

12. An act to enable Thomas Willoughby, esq; and the persons in remainder after him, to make a jointure.

13. An act to enable Catherine Paul, an infant, to transfer the trust therein mentioned, as if the were of the age of one and twenty years. 14. An act for confirming an agreement between the mayor and commonalty and citizens of the city of London, governors of the poffeffions, revenues and goods of the hospitals of Edward King of England the Sixth, of Christ, Bridewell and St. Thomas the Apostle, and the governors of the schools founded by Erasmus Smith, esq;

15. An act for fale of part of the estate of Robert Barnwell, esq; and for purchafing other lands to be settled to the fame uses, as the estate to be fold is settled.

16. An act for fale of the estate of Nathaniel Long late of London merchant, deceased, for payment of his debts, and for applying the refidue according to the direction of his will.

17. An act to naturalize Peter Sejourne, Samuel Dufresnay, and Peter Lucas.

18. An act for naturalizing Lodowick Christian Sprogell.

19. An act for making the town and townthip of Sunderland a distinct parish from the parish of Bishop Wearmouth in the county of Durbam.

20. An act for vesting the manors of Askie, Catterton, and other lands in the county of York, and county of the city of York, part of the estate of Philip duke of Wharton, in trustees, to be fold or mortgaged for the purposes therein mentioned. 21. An act to enable the lords commiffioners of the treasury, or lord high treasurer for the time being, to compound with Jasper Cullum for the debts he stands engaged for to the crown on account of Richard Lee, Thomas Corbin, Hene age Robinson and John Fox, for the duties on tobacco.

22. An act to enable the lords commiffioners of the treasury, or lord high treasurer for the time being, to compound with Robert Wemes for the debt due from him to his Majesty, in relation to the duties

on falt.

23. An act to enable Robert Packer, efq; and Mary his wife, Winchcombe Horward Packer, (their son a minor) Henrietta Winchcombe, and Thomas Skerret, esq; and dame Elizabeth Winchcombe his wife, to enter their respective claims before the commiffioners and trustees for determining claims upon the forfeited estates, and to impower the faid commiffioners and trustees to hear

and determine the said claims. 24. An act for the relief of Edward Clent, esq; executor of lieutenant colonel Thomas Clent, for an army debenture lost in the pay-office. 25. An act to naturalize Peter Lamy de Hame, and Charlotte Whetstone.

Anno 6 Georgii I.

Cap. 1. For granting to his Majesty an aid by a land-tax to be raised in Great Britain, for the service of the year 1720.

Cap. 2. For continuing the duties on malt, mum, cyder and perry, for the service of the year 1720, and for enabling the lords commission. ers

ers of his Majesty's treasury to call in such exchequer-bills as are to be cancelled and discharged with money appointed for that purpose,

Cap. 3. For punishing mutiny and desertion, and for the better payment of the army and their quar


Cap. 4. For enabling the South-Sea company to increase their present capital stock and fund, by redeeming such publick debts and incumbrances as are therein mentioned; and for raising money to be applied for lessening several of the publick debts and incumbrances; and for calling in the present exchequerbills remaining uncancelled; and for making forth new bills in lieu thereof, to be circulated and exchanged upon demand at or near the exchequer.

Cap. 5. For the better securing the dependency of the kingdom of Ireland upon the crown of Great Britain.

Cap. 6. For preventing the carriage of excessive loads of meal, malt, bricks and coals, within ten miles of the cities of London and Westminster.

Cap. 7. For laying a duty of two pennies Scots, or one fixth part of a penny sterling, upon every pint of ale or beer that shall be vended or fold within the town of Montrofe, and privileges thereof, for fupplying the faid town with fresh water, and for other purposes therein mentioned.

Cap. 8. For laying a duty of two pennies Scots, or one fixth part of a penny sterling, upon every Scots pint of beer or ale vended or fold within the town of Bruntisland and liberties thereof, for increasing the publick revenue of the said town, and for other purposes therein mentioned.

Cap. 9. For laying a duty of two pennies Scots, or one fixth part of

a penny sterling, upon every Scots pint of beer and ale that shall be vended or fold within the town of Pittenweem and liberties thereof, for repairing the harbour there, and for maintaining other publick works of the said town.

Cap. 10. For making forth new exchequer-bills, not exceeding one million, at a certain interest; and for lending the same to the SouthSea company at an higher intereft, upon security of repaying the same and fuch high interest into the exchequer, for uses to which the fund for lessening the publick debts (called the finking fund) is applicable; and for circulating and exchanging upon demand the said bills at or near the exchequer.

Cap. 11. For laying a duty upon wrought plate; and for applying money arifing for the clear produce (by fale of the forfeited estates) towards answering his Majesty's fupply; and for taking off the drawbacks upon hops exported for Ireland; and for payment of annuities, to be purchased after the rate of four pounds per centum per annum at the exchequer, redeemable by parliament; and for appropriating supplies granted in this seffion of parliament; and to prevent counterfeiting receipts and warrants of the officers of the South-Sea company; and for explaining a late act concerning foreign falt cellared and locked up before the four and twentieth day of June 1719; and to give a further time for paying duties on certain apprentices indentures; and for relief of Thomas Vernon, esq; in relation to a parcel of fenna imported in the year 1716.

Cap. 12. For preventing of frauds and abuses in the allowances on damaged wines, and for lengthening the time for the drawbacks on the exportation of wines.

a 3


Cap 13. For afcertaining the breadths, and preventing frauds and abuses in manufacturing serges, pladings and fingrums, and for regulating the manufactures of stockings, in that part of Great Britain called Scotland.

year of the reign of Queen Anne, for the reviving and continuing feveral acts therein mentioned, as relates to the building and repairing county gaols; and also an act of the eleventh and twelfth years of the reign of King William the Third, for the more effectual suppreffion of piracy; and for making more effectual the act of the thirteenth year of the reign of King Charles the Second, intituled, An act for establishing articles and orders for the regulating and better government of his Majesty's ships of war and forces by fea.

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Cap. 14. For prohibiting the importation of raw filk and mohair yarn of the product or manufacture of Afia, from any ports or places in the Streights or Levant seas, except fuch ports and places as are within the dominions of the Grand Seignior.

Cap. 15. To repeal so much of the act, intituled, An act for preventing frauds, and regulating abuses in his Majesty's customs, passed in the thirteenth and fourteenth years of King Charles the Second, as relates to the prohibiting the importation of deal-boards and fir-timber from Germany.

Cap. 16. To explain and amend an act passed in the first year of his Majesty's reign, intituled, An act to encourage the planting of timbertrees, fruit-trees, and other trees, for ornament, shelter or profit, and for the better preservation of the fame, and for the preventing the burning of woods, and for the better preservation of the fences of fuch woods.

Cap. 17. For appointing commissioners to examine, state and determine the debts due to the army; and to examine and state demands of several foreign princes and states for fubfidies during the late war.

Cap. 18. For better fecuring certain powers and privileges intended to be granted by his Majesty by two charters, for assurance of ships and merchandizes at fea, and for lending money upon bottomry; and for reftraining several extravagant and unwarrantable practices therein mentioned.

Cap. 19. For making perpetual so much of an act made in the tenth

Cap. 20. For continuing the acts formerly made for repairing the highways in the county of Hertford therein mentioned, and for making the said acts more effectual.

Cap. 21. For preventing frauds and abuses in the publick revenues of excise, customs, stamp-duties, postoffice, and house-money.

Cap. 22. For relief of insolvent debtors, and for the more easy dif charge of bankrupts out of execution, after their certificates allowed.

Cap. 23. For the further preventing robbery, burglary, and other felonies, and for the more effectual transportation of felons. Cap. 24. For better explaining the nature of conveyances to be made to the purchasers of the forfeited estates by the commissioners and trustees acting in Scotland; and for preventing difficulties in determining claims on the said eftates; and to enable the judges in Ireland to examine witnesses relating to claims on forfeited estates there; and for enabling fuch corporations as shall purchase any of the said estates, to grant annuities, not exceeding the yearly value of the said estates; and for relieving the widow and daughters of the late Sir Donald Macdonald,


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