Imágenes de páginas

Not to extend

to the King's ftore-houses, &c.

Perfons fued

may plead the general iffue, &c.

and shall recover treble cofts.

Actions to be brought in the proper county, and within fix months.

V. Provided always, That this act, or any thing herein contained, fhall not extend or be conftrued to extend in any wife to affect any ftore-houfe or magazine belonging to his Majefty, his heirs or fucceffors, wherein gunpowder or other ftores fhall be kept for the use of the publick, or to hinder the proving or trying gunpowder by his Majefty's officers, as is ufual, for the fervice of his Majefty, his heirs or fucceffors, or to the carrying of gunpowder to or from any of his Majesty's magazines, or with forces in their marches.

VI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That if any fuit or action thall be commenced or profecuted against any perfon or persons for any thing done in pursuance of this prefent act, in every fuch cafe fuch perfon or perfons shall and may plead the general iffue, and give this act and the special matter in evidence at any trial to be had thereupon, and that the fame was done in purfuance or by the authority of the said act; and if a verdict fhall pafs for the defendant or defendants, or the plaintiff or plaintiffs fhall become nonfuit, or discontinue his, her or their fuit or action, after iffue joined, or if upon demurrer, or otherwife, judgment fhall be given against the plaintiff or plaintiffs, the defendant or defendants fhall and may recover treble cofts, and fhall have the like remedy for the fame, as any defendant or defendants hath or have in other cafes by law.

VII. Provided always, and be it enacted, That all fuits, actions and profecutions to be brought, commenced or profecuted against any person or persons, for any thing done or to be done in pursuance or by authority of this act, fhall be laid and tried in the county where the fact was committed, and shall be commenced and profecuted, without wilful delay, within fix calendar months next after the fact committed, and not otherwise.

VIII. And whereas it may be neceffary that new ware-houses for keeping gunpowder should be erected in fome place or places out of the limits aforefaid, at convenient distance from the city of London and from whence fufficient quantities of gunpowder may with greater Safety be fupplied, as occafion requires: and whereas there are large tracts of marsh and meadow grounds in the counties of Effex, Kent and Surrey, where new ware-houfes may be commodiously erected, Such marsh and meadow grounds being at good distance from dwelling houfes or habitations, and therefore, and by reason of their adjacency to the river Thames, are convenient for fuch ware-houses; but forafmuch as any perfon or persons who may be defirous to erect any fuch warehoufes there, may be liable to actions or disturbance on that account, or may be unreasonably impofed upon in the purchase thereof be it enacted by the authority aforefaid, That the juftices of the peace for the faid counties of Effex, Kent and Surrey respectively, fhall at their general quarter feffions of the peace to be holden for the faid counties respectively, appoint fome proper and convenient fions appoint plot or plots of ground out of the limits aforefaid, not exceedproper places, ing two acres, in any one place in each county, being fituate in

The juftices for Effex, Kent and

Surrey may in their fef



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erect ware

the faid counties of Effex, Kent or Surrey, and adjacent to or on which any near the river Thames, on which plot or plots of ground fo to perfons may be appointed, it shall and may be lawful for any perfon or per- houfes, first fons defirous fo to do, to erect any ware-house or ware-houses agreeing with for keeping gunpowder, first agreeing with the owners and pro- the owners. prietors of the faid ground for the fame; and in cafe any fuch owner or proprietor shall refuse or neglect to agree, or by reason Owners reof any difability or impediment cannot fo agree, the juftices of fufing or difabled to agree, the peace for the faid counties of Effex, Kent and Surrey refpec- the juftices tively fhall, at their general quarter feffions, iffue their warrant may iffue waror warrants to the fheriffs of the said counties respectively, to rants to the impanel and return before them, at such times and places as theriff to imshall be appointed in fuch warrant or warrants, a fufficient jury, panel a jury to who upon their oaths (which oaths the faid juftices refpectively the true value are hereby impowered to adminifter) fhall inquire into the true of the ground; value of the faid plot or plots of ground fo to be appointed for gunpowder ware-houfes as aforefaid; and all fuch verdict and inquifitions shall be kept with the records of the said sessions respectively; and the judgments and decrees of the faid juftices and the respectively thereupon fhall be final and conclufive to all parties; crees thereon justices deand to that end the faid juftices refpectively thall have power fhall be final. to fend for any perfon or perfons interested, and to examine any parties or witneffes upon oath, as they fhall think fit (all which oaths the faid respective justices are hereby impowered to adminifter;) and the fum or fums of money to be affeffed and adjudged as aforefaid, not exceeding thirty years purchase, fhall be be paid to the paid to the respective proprietors and owners of the faid ground, proprietors; according to their respective interefts therein, to be adjudged by or on their the faid juftices refpectively as aforefaid; and upon fuch pay- cept it, left ment, or in cafe of refusal to accept the fame, then upon leaving with the the fame with the faid refpective juftices for the benefit of fuch juftices, and owner or proprietor, the inheritance of the said plot or plots of the inheriground fhall be vested in the purchasers thereof and their heirs tance hall be and affigns, for the purposes aforefaid; and the ware-houfes a- purchafers. forefaid, and all other ware-houses for gunpowder, which fhall The warebe erected on or near the river Thames, fhall be built and houses to be fecured, from time to time, in fuch manner as fhall be pre-directed by built, &c. as scribed and directed by the principal officers of his Majefty's the officers of


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The money

affeffed shall

refufal to ac◄

vested in the

the ordnance.

IX. And whereas feveral leafes, covenants, articles and agreements have been made and granted to feveral perfons of ware-houses and ftore-houses for keeping of gunpowder: be it therefore enacted by the authority aforefaid, That all fuch leafes, covenants, ar- After Aug. 1, ticles and agreements, made or entred into as aforefaid, of fuch ware-houses or ftore-houses within the cities of London and ware-houfes any 1719, all leafes, &c. of Westminster, and fuburbs thereof, fhall, if the tenants or leffees for gunpowfhall defire the fame, from and after the first day of Auguft one der, &c. fhall, thousand seven hundred and nineteen, be null and void to all if the leffees intents and purposes whatsoever, as abfolutely as if fuch leafes, void. defire it, be covenants, articles and agreements had never been made or

I 2


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This act fhall not discharge any rent due

granted; any law, act, ftatute, provifion, cuftom, matter or
thing to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding.

X. Provided, That nothing herein contained shall difcharge any rent due on or before the twenty-fifth day of March one before March thousand seven hundred and nineteen, or any demand for breach of any covenant before that time.

25, 1719.


An act to prevent the inconveniencies arifing from seducing
artificers in the manufactures of Great Britain into foreign


HEREAS divers ill-difpofed perfons, as well foreigners, as fubjects of this kingdom by confederacy with foreigners, have of late drawn away and transported, and have also made divers attempts to entice, draw away and transport several artificers and manufacturers of and in wool, iron, steel, brafs and other metals, clock-makers, watch-makers and divers other manufacturers of Great Britain, out of his Majefty's dominions into foreign countries, by entring into contracts with them to give them greater wages and advantages than they have or can reasonably expect within this kingdom, and by making them large promifes and using other arts to inveigle and draw them away: and whereas there is great danger that, by means of these and fuch like practices, many great and profitable branches of the trades and manufacturies of this kingdom may be transplanted into foreign countries: therefore for the preventing the like practices for the future, be it enacted by the King's moft excellent majesty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal and commons, in this prefent parliament af fembled, and by the authority of the fame, That if at any time Perfons con- hereafter any perfon or perfons fhall contract with, entice, envicted of con· deavour to perfwade or folicit any manufacturer or artificer of or tracting with or enticing, in wool, iron, fteel, brafs or any other metal, clock-maker, &c. any artifi- watch-maker or any other artificer or manufacturer of Great cer in wool, Britain, to go out of this kingdom into any foreign country out iron, &c. to go of his Majefty's dominions, and fhall be lawfully convicted into a foreign country, fhall thereof upon any indictment or information which thall be preferred or brought against him or them in any of his Majefty's courts at Westminster, or at the affizes or general gaol delivery, or quarter-feffions of the peace for the county, riding or divifion where fuch offence fhall be committed, the person and perfons prifoned for fo convict shall be fined any fum not exceeding one hundred three months. pounds for such first offence, according to the difcretion of the court in which fuch conviction shall be, and fhall be imprisoned fecond offence for the space of three months, and until such fine shall be paid; shall be fined and if any perfon or perfons, having been once convict as aforedifcretionarily and imprifon- faid, fhall offend again, and be so convict a second time of the ed for twelve like offence, then and in such case the person so convict a second months. time shall be fined at the discretion of the court where such con

be fined not exceeding

1ool. for the first offence, and be im

And for the


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viction fhall be, and be imprisoned for twelve months, and un

til fuch fine fhall be paid.

II. Provided nevertheless, That no perfon or perfons fhall be Profecution prosecuted for any of the offences aforefaid, unlefs fuch profe- in twelve cution shall be begun within the space of twelve months next months after after fuch offence thall be committed.

the offence.

country, there

to exercife

in fix months

III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, After May 1, That if any of his Majesty's subjects within this kingdom, be- 1719, any aring fuch artificer or manufacturer as aforefaid, fhall, at any time tificer going after the first day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand into a foreign seven hundred and nineteen, go into any country out of his Majesty's dominions, there to use or exercise, or to teach any of the his trade, and faid trades or manufacturers to foreigners, or in cafe any of his not returning Majesty's subjects now being, or who hereafter fhall be in any after warning fuch foreign country out of his Majefty's dominions as aforefaid, given him by and there using or exercifing any of the faid trades or manufac- the ambaffaturies herein before-mentioned, fhall not return into this realm dor, &c, within fix months next after warning fhall be given to him by the ambassador, envoy, refident, minister or conful of the crown of Great Britain in the country in which fuch artificer fhall be, or by any person authorized by such ambaffador, envoy, resident, minifter or conful, or by one of his Majefty's fecretaries of state for the time being, and from thenceforth continually inhabit and dwell within this realm, then and in such case every fuch perfon or persons shall be from thenceforth incapable of taking shall be inany legacy that shall be devised to him within this kingdom, or capable of taking any of being an executor or adminiftrator to any perfon or perfons legacy, &c. within this kingdom, and (hall be incapable of taking any lands, tenements or hereditaments within this kingdom by descent, devife or purchase, and alfo forfeit all his lands, tenements, here- forfeit all his lands, &c. and ditaments, goods and chattels within this kingdom, to his Ma- be deemed an jefty's ufe, and fhall from thenceforth be and be deemed and alien. taken to be an alien, and fhall be out of his Majefty's protec


IV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, Justices of That from and after the faid first day of May one thousand seven peace may, hundred and nineteen, upon complaint made upon oath before on complaint any justice or justices of the peace, that any perfon or perfons is of any offence or are endeavouring to feduce or draw away any fuch manufac- against this act, iffue their turer or artificer as aforefaid out of his Majefty's dominions, for warrant for any of the purpofes aforefaid, or that any fuch manufacturer or the appreartificer as aforefaid hath contracted, promifed or is preparing hending of to go out of his Majefty's dominions for any of the purposes a- the offender, forefaid, then and in such case it shall and may be lawful to and for the juftice or juftices of the peace unto whom fuch complaint the affizes, fhall be made, to fend forth his warrant to bring the perfon and &c. perfons fo complained of before him or them, or fome other of his Majesty's juftices of the peace for the fame county, riding, divifion or city; and if when fuch perfon or perfons fhall be fo brought before fuch juftice or juftices, it thall appear to fuch justice or justices, by the oath or oaths of one or more credible



and bind him

to appear at

Perfons refufing to give fuch fecurity may be com


witness or witneffes, or by the confeffion of the party or parties so brought before him or them, that the party so complained of was guilty of any of the faid offences, then and in such case it fhall and may be lawful to and for fuch justice and juftices to bind the person so charged to appear at the next afsizes, general gaol delivery or quarter feffions of the peace for the county, city, riding or divifion where fuch offence fhall be committed, to anfwer the premiffes, with reasonable fureties for fuch his appearance; and in cafe fuch perfon or perfons fhall refufe or neglect to give fuch security, then and in fuch cafe it fhall and may be lawful to and for fuch justice and juftices to commit the perfon or persons so refufing to the county gaol, there to be kept until the next affizes or next quarter feflions of the county, city, riding or divifion where fuch commitment fhall be, at the election of fuch juftice of the peace, and until he, fhe or they fhall be delivered by due course of law; and in cafe any fuch artificer or manufacturer fhall be convict upon any indictment to be pregive fecurity ferred against him at fuch affizes or general gaol delivery, or not to depart quarter-feffions of the peace as aforefaid, of any such promife or the kingdom, contract, or preparation to go abroad beyond the feas, for any foned till fuch of the purposes aforefaid, then and in fuch cafe the perfon fo fecurity given. convict fhall give fuch fecurity to his Majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, not to depart out of his Majefty's dominions for any of the purposes aforefaid, as fuch court fhall think reasonable, and shall be imprisoned until such fecurity fhall be given.

Perfons convicted fhall

or be impri

Offenders in

Scotland to be profecuted in the court of justiciary or circuits there.

$ &

4 W. &

M. c. 10.

5 Geo. 1. c. 15.

9 1.

fect. 13.

V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That if any of the above-mentioned offences fhall be committed in that part of Great Britain called Scotland, the fame fhall be prosecuted in the court of jufticiary or the circuits there.


An act for the further punishment of such persons as shall unlawfully kill or destroy deer in parks, paddocks, or other inclosed grounds.

WHEREAS in defiance of the laws already in being, Seve

ral dijorderly and riotous perfons have of late, in great numGeo. 1. c. 22. bers, with armed force, entred parks and other inclofed grounds where deer are kept, whereby bloodfred and murder hath frequently happened, and greater mifchiefs may enfue: for the preventing and punishment of which offences, be it enacted by the King's most excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal and commons, in this prefent parAfter May 1, liament affembled, That if any perfon or perfons fhall, from 1719, perfons convicted of and after the first day of May one thousand seven hundred and entring into nineteen, enter into any park, paddock or other inclofed ground any park, &c. where deer are ufually kept, and wilfully wound or kill any red and killing or or fallow deer there, without the confent of the owner or owndeer, without ers of fuch park, paddock or inclofed ground, or of the perfon confent of the or perfons entrusted with the care or custody of such park, padowner, &c. or dock or inclofed ground, or fhall be aiding or affifting in the aiding, &c.

wounding any


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