! IV. And it is hereby enacted, That all the faid penalties and Forfeitures, forfeitures shall or may be fued for and recovered in any of his how to be reMajesty's courts of record at Westminster, by bill, plaint, informa- covered and tion, or otherwife, wherein no effoin, wager of law, or protect- disposed. ion, shall be allowed, nor any more than one imparlance; one half-part of which faid penalties and forfeitures fhall be to the use of such person or persons as will inform or fue for the fame; and the other half-part to his Majesty, his heirs and fucceffors. V. Provided always, That this act, or any thing herein con- Not to prejutained, shall not extend, or be conftrued, deemed, or taken to dice the Southextend, to restrain or prejudice fuch trade or right of trade or Sea company. navigation within any part of the limits aforefaid, as the governor and company of merchants of Great Britain trading to the South-Seas, and other parts of America, and for encouraging the fishery, now are entitled unto; any thing herein contained to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding. VI. Provided nevertheless, and it is hereby enacted, That this Continuance act shall continue in force for five years, and from thence to the of this act. end of the next feffion of parliament, and no longer. Continued by 9 Geo. 1. c. 26. fect. 10. for seven years from March one thousand seven hundred twenty three, and further continued by 5 Geo. 2. c. 29. for seven years from May one thousand seven hundred thirty two, and by 20 Geo. 2. c. 47. to 25 March one thousand seven hundred and eighty. CAP. XXII. An alt for enlarging the time to determine claims on the for- W HEREAS by an act made in the fourth year of his Majefty's reign, intituled, An act for vesting the forfeited eitates in Great Britain and Ireland in trustees, to be fold for the use of the publick; and for giving relief to lawful creditors by determining the claims; and for the more effectual bringing into the respective exchequers the rents and profits of the faid eftates, till fold, it is (amongst other things) enacted, That the commiffioners and trustees therein named, or any four or more of them should, and they are hereby required and impowered to hear, determine and adjudge, all and every claim or claims which then were or should, within the times therein mentioned, be entred, as foon as conveniently might be, before the twenty fifth day of March one thousand seven hundred and nineteen: and whereas it is (by the faid recited act) further enacted, That every claimant, who shall not acquiefce and reft fatisfied in the judgment, determination, or decree of the faid commiffioners and truftees may, within the time therein mentioned, appeal from and present exceptions thereto, in fuch manner as by the faid act is directed; and for the determining fuch appeals, it is thereby also enacted, That it fhould be lawful for his Majesty, by commiffion under the great fea of Great Britain and Ireland respectively, to nominate, appoint and authorize, any five of the judges of England, Scotland and Ireland respectively (the major part whereof to be a Quorum) which should be 1 4 Geo. 1. c. 8. be courts of delegates and of record in England, Scotland and Ireland respectively, to hear and determine fuch appeals, and to affirm, repeal, alter or reverse the judgments, determinations or decrees of the faid commiffioners and trustees; all which appeals should be by the reSpective courts of delegates, finally heard and determined before the twenty fourth day of June one thousand seven hundred and nineteen: and whereas by reafon of the great number of claims made and entred on the faid forfeited eftates, very many of them will, on the faid twenty fifth day of March one thousand feven hundred and nineteen, be left unheard and undetermined; be it enacted, &c. The time for hearing claims enlarged to June 24, 1720. and from thence to the end of the next feffion. The King may appoint five of the judges to be a court of record. The time given to the courts of delegates enlarged to Sept. 29, 1720. and from thence to three months after the end of the next feflion. The time for discovery of any concealed debts, &c. enlarged to 24 June 1720, and from thence to the end of next feffion. And the discoverers entitled to the benefits of the act 1 Geo. 1. ftat. 2. c. 50. The courts of delegates to appoint registers, clerks, &c. who fhall be sworn. And fhall have fuch falaries, as the treasury thall judge reasonable. To be paid as directed by the act 4 Geo. 1. c. 8. The courts of delegates may remit to the commiffioners fuch claims as they fhall think proper, who fhall proceed as directed by the delegates. But claimants may appeal from fuch fubfequent proceedings. The delegates in England may determine appeals relating to estates in Ireland. And their determination shall be binding. Any three of the commiffioners refiding in England, &c. shall be a court of record in Ireland, and their decrees fhall be valid. Perfons pretending title to eftates feized in Scotland, and that the perfons attainted were not poffeffed thereof; or that they have right to such estate as fuperior or vaffal, by virtue of 1 Geo. 1. ftat. 2. c. 20. may present their exceptions to the court of feffions in Scotland, before Auguft 1, 1719. which court fhall determine the fame in a fummary way before Nov. 1, If it appear that the attainted persons had such estate, or that the claim of the party excepting fhould have been entred by virtue of 1 Geo. 1. ftat. 2. c. 50. it fhall not be determined by the court, but as by 4 Geo. 1. c. 8. is directed, unless the party excepting claim by 1 Geo. 1. ftat. 2. C. 20. The commiffioners fhall make proper defences. If no exceptions be presented, as above, all rights, &c. fhall be void. Decrees of the court of feffions fhall be final. No advocation, &c. fhall be granted, and no fummons, &c. issued by the faid court, or any other, for levying the rents, &c. at the inftance of any perfons but the commiffioners. Superiors and vaffals fhall pay a proportional fhare of the debts of attainted perfons. 1 Geo. 1. ftat. 2. c. 20. All claims entred within the times appointed, as well those figned by attornies, &c. as by the parties themfelves, fhall be determined according to their validity. 4 Geo. 1. c. 8. Offices of keepers of his Majefty's houses, &c. in Scotland, whereof any attainted person was poffeffed on June 24, 1715. and all rights, &c. thall be at the King's difpofal. Alfo all rights of patronage of churches, &c. which belonged to any attainted person, as above, shall belong to his Majefty, &c. EXP. 1719. CAP. XXIII. An act for appointing a commiffioner and trustee to put in execution the powers and authorities of the feveral acts of parliament relating to the forfeited estates, and eftates given to fuperftitious ufes, in the room of George Treby efq; who has defired to be discharged from the faid trust. EXP. The forfeited eftates, &c. which by 4 Geo. 1. c. 8. were vefted in George Treby, efq; and not fold before March 25, 1719. and all powers, &c. sḥall be transferred from him and vested in Charles Long, efq; his heirs, &c. Commiffioner abfenting from such office for three weeks, without order or con confent of four commiffioners shall forfeit 500l. to be stopped by the trea fury out of his falary. ސނ CAP. XXIV. An act for the better preventing frauds committed by bankrupts, See 11 Geo. г. For seven years and from thence to the end of the next feffion of parliament. C. 29. 13 Geo. EXP. CAP. XXV. An alt for continuing the act made in the eighth year of the reign of the late Queen Anne, to regulate the price and affize of bread; and for continuing the act made in the twelfth year of her faid late Majesty's reign, for the better encouragement of the making fail-cloth in Great Britain. W I. c. 27. 3 Geo. 2. C. 22.5 Geo. 2. C. 30.* HEREAS divers temporary laws, which by experience have been found beneficial and ufeful, are expired or near expiring; therefore for continuing the fame, be it enacted by the King's most excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal and commons, in this present parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That an act made in the feffion of parliament, held in the eighth The act of year of the reign of her late majefty Queen Anne, intituled, An 8 Ann. c. 18. act to regulate the price and affize of bread, which was to continue Geo.1. ftat.2. continued by for three years, and from thence to the end of the next feffion of c. 26. farther parliament, which act was further continued by an act made in continued for the first year of his prefent majefty King George, for three years, ve yend of five years, and and will expire at the end of this prefent feffion of parliament, the next feffhall continue and remain in full force, with fuch alterations as fion of parliawere made in and by the said act, paffed in the first year of his ment. present Majefty's reign, for the term of five years, and from Continued by thence to the end of the next feffion of parliament. to the 22Geo.2.c.46. c. 16. conti II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, The act 12 That an act made in the feffion of parliament, held in the twelfth Ann. ftat. 1. year of her said late majefty Queen Anne, intituled, An act for nued for seven the better encouragement of the making of fail-cloth in Great Briyears, and tain, which was to continue for the term of seven years, and from thence to the thence to the end of the next feffion of parliament, fhall be con- end of the tinued and remain in full force, for the term of feven next feffion of and years, from thence to the end of the next session of parliament. Farther Parliament. continued for seven years by 10 Geo. 1. c. 17. fect. 3. and by 20 Geo. 2. c. 45• CAP. XXVI. An act for preventing the mischiefs which may happen by keeping too great quantities of gunpowder in or near the cities of London and Westminster, or the suburbs thereof. W HEREAS great quantities of gunpowder are frequently lodged and kept in ware-houses and other places in and about the cities of London and Westminster, and the fuburbs thereof, to the apparent danger, if not utter ruin and deftruction of feveral pub·lick offices, and of the lives and fortunes of many thousands of his Majefty's fubjects: for preventing the mifchiefs aforefaid, be it en acted acted by the King's most excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal and cominons, in this prefent parliament affembled, and by the authoAfter Aug. 1, rity of the fame, That from and after the first day of August one thousand seven hundred and nineteen it fhall not be lawful 1719, above any ftore London, 1. c. 23. not more than upon oath. 600l. of gun--for any perfon or perfons to have or keep more than fix hundred powder thall not be kept in pounds of gunpowder, each hundred containing five score. pounds net weight, at any time, in any ftore-house, warehouse, &c. in houfe, or other place, within the cities of London and WeftminWestminster, fter, or either of them, or within the fuburbs thereof, or with&c. By 11 Geo. in three miles of the Tower of London, or within three miles of his Majefty's palace at St. James's, or within two miles of any magazine now erected for keeping gunpowder, belonging to 200lb. is to be his Majefty, his heirs or fucceffors; for the ufe of the publick. kept, &c. 22 Geo.2.c.38. II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That Two juftices from and after the said first day of August one thousand seven may fummon hundred and nineteen it shall and may be lawful for any two or perfons trad- more of his Majefty's juftices of the peace, living within any of ing in gunpowder, and the limits aforelaid, to summon before them any person or perexamine them fons, making, dealing or trading in gunpowder, or who shall be fufpected to have in his or their cuftody or poffeflion, or in the custody or poffeffion of any other person or perfons, in any ftore-house, ware-house, or other place within the limits aforefaid, and to examine such person or perfons upon oath touching Persons refus- the premiffes; and in case of refusal to be examined, to coming to be exa- mit fuch perfon or perfons to the county gaol, there to remain mined, to be without bail or mainprize, until he, fhe or they fhall conform or submit to anfwer, and be examined, as aforefaid; and if it fhall appear upon fuch examination, or by the oaths of any two or more credible witneffes, (which oaths fuch juftices are hereby Perfons hav- impowered and required to administer) that such person or pering above fons have or hath in his, her or their custody or poffeffion, at 600lb. of gunpowder, with any one place within the limits aforefaid, more than fix hun, in the faid li- dred pounds of gunpowder, as aforefaid, fuch juftices fhall mits, the ju- forthwith cause all and every the perfons aforesaid carefully to remove the fame out of the limits aforefaid; and if fuch percause them to fon or perfons fhall refufe or neglect to remove fuch gunpowder out of the limits aforefaid, by the space of twenty four hours after notice of any order made by any fuch juftices for removal Persons refuf- thereof, every such person or perfons fo offending fhall, for ing, to forfeit every such offence, forfeit the fum of twenty fhillings for every 20s. for every hundred pound of gunpowder, with full cofts of fuit, to any 1oolb. to the perfon or perfons who shall, within fix calendar months next committed without bail till they con form. ftices fhall remove the fame. informer. after fuch notice, inform or fue for the fame, by action of debt, bill, plaint or information, in any of his Majefty's courts of record at Westminster, wherein no effoin, privilege, protection, order of reftraint, wager of law, or more than one imparlance fhall be granted or allowed. III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, Two juftices That it fhall be lawful for any two or more of his Majefty's justices of the peace, living within the limits aforesaid, after the may iffue warrants for firft &c. 51. first day of August one thousand seven hundred and nineteen, fearching any from time to time, to iffue their warrant or warrants for search- ftore-houle, ing in the day time any ftore-houfe, ware-houfe, or other place, used for keeping gunpowder within the limits aforesaid, and for that purpofe to break open any fuch ftore-house, ware-house, or other place aforefaid, if there fhall be occafion; and that every person who fhall oppofe or hinder any fuch fearch fhall, Oppofing fuck fearch forfeits for every fuch offence, forfeit the fum of five pounds to any perfon or perfons who shall inform and fue for the fame, within fix calendar months next after the offence committed, in any of his Majefty's courts of record at Westminster, by action of debt, bill, plaint or information, wherein no effoin, privilege, protection, order of restraint, wager of law, or more than one If more than imparlance thall be granted or allowed; and in cafe more than 600 lb. be found in any fix hundred pounds of gunpowder, as aforesaid, shall upon ftore-houfe, search, be found in any store-house, ware-house, or other place the juftices aforefaid, fuch juftices fhall forthwith cause the fame to be care- may cause it fully removed out of the limits aforefaid, at the charge of the to be removed owner or owners of fuch gunpowder, or other person or persons having the cuftody or keeping thereof, to be levied by distress and sale of the offender's goods and chattels, by warrant under the hands and feals of fuch juftices, rendring the overplus to the owner. at the expence of the owner. lb. in covered carts, &c. and IV. And for preventing dangerous carriages of gunpowder After the said in and through the streets of London and IVeftminster, and the Aug. 1. above fuburbs thereof; be it enacted by the authority aforefaid, That 2000. of gunpowder from and after the said first day of August one thousand seven hall not be hundred and nineteen, it fhall not be lawful for any perfon or carried at a time, in the perfons to carry or convey, in or through any of the streets or streets of Lonlanes within the cities of London and Westminster, or either of don, &c. them, or within the fuburbs thereof, more than twenty hundred pounds of gunpowder, each hundred containing five fcore And shall be pounds net weight, at a time; and that all gunpowder which Thall be carried or conveyed in any carts or carriages in or the barrels through any of the streets or lanes aforesaid, after the time afore- shall be put faid, fhall be carried in covered carts or carriages, and the bar- into bags, &c. rels in which fuch gunpowder is carried fhall be close jointed and hooped, and fhall be put into bags or cafes of leather or man or horse, canvas; and gunpowder carried by man or horfe fhall be put thall be put into cafes of leather or canvas, and entirely covered therewith, into cafes of fo as that no fuch gunpowder be spilt or scattered in the paffage leather, &c. thereof; and if at any time after the faid first day of August one thousand feven hundred and nineteen, any gunpowder fhall be Gunpowder carried or conveyed by any person or perfons, in or through any wife thall be of the streets or lanes aforefaid, in any greater quantity, or in forfeited, any other manner, than as aforefaid, all fuch gunpowder fhall and may be be forfeited, and fhall and may be feifed by any perfon or per- feized by any sons to his or their own use and benefit, the person or persons fo offending being thereof lawfully convicted before two juftices of the peace. If carried by carried other perfon to his own use. VOL. XIV. I V. Pro |