That will was drawn before the great fire of London in 1666. The mother of Mrs. John Perry the elder was already buried in St. Sepulchre Church in 1658; and the good Joseph Holland, citizen and clothworker, directed that his own body should be buried on the south side of the christening pew" of that parish church. A grandson of the second John Perry, Nathan, became deacon of the old South Church in Worcester in 1783, and continued in that office till his death in 1806; his son Moses succeeded in the office immediately, and continued in it till his death in 1842; and his son Samuel succeeded his father and sustained the office thirty-five years longer, making ninety-four years of continuous service in one family. ARTHUR L. PERRY, Seventh generation from first John.] NATHANIEL DOWNEINGE of London, gentleman, 7 May, 1616, proved 14 May, 1616, by his wife Margaret Downeinge. To be buried in the parish Church of St. Dionis Backchurch, London, or elsewhere it shall please my executrix. To the poor of St. Dionis and of St. Gabriel Fanchurch, London. To my brother Joseph Downeinge, now dwellings in Ipswich, in the County of Suffolk, twenty pounds. To my sister Abigail Goade, wife of John Goade, skinner, twenty pounds, and to their son, John Goad, forty shillings to make him a cup. To my sister Susanna Kirby, wife of John Kirby, skinner, twenty pounds. To my mother in law Mary Cellyn, widow, ten pounds and the "Hope [hoop] Ringe" which was my mother's. To my brother Joshua Downinge the seal ring of gold that I do wear on my hand. And to my brother Emanuel Downeinge I give the like ring of gold of the same value & fashion. The residue to my wife Margaret Downeinge, whom I make sole executrix. Whereas I am now seized in fee of and in the late dissolved monastery of the " Fryers Carmelites, or the Whiteffryers," in Ipswich in the County of Suffolk, with the appurtenances, &c. this to wife Margaret and her heirs forever. Cope, 48. Sir GEORGE DOWNING of East Hatley, in the County of Cambridge, Knight and Baronet; 24 August, 1683, with codicil added 7 July, 1684; proved 19 July, 1684. My body to be interred in the vault which I have made under the chancel at Crawden, alias Croyden, in the county of Cambridge, by the body of my wife Frances. Son George Downing, Esq., and son William named. Houses in or near King Street, in the city of Westminster, lately called Hampden House, which I hold by long lease from the Crown, and Peacock Court there, which I hold by lease from the Collegiate Church of St. Peter, Westminster; all which are now demolished and rebuilt, or rebuilding, and called Downing Street. To Edward Lord Viscount Morpeth and Sir Henry Pickering,* Baronet, my son-in-law, in trust, &c. Bequests to sons Charles and William Downing, and to three daughters, Lucy, Mary and Anne, at age of twenty-one years or day of marriage. The guardianship and custody of the persons of these three daughters entrusted to my dear daughter Frances Cotton. Bequests to daughter Cotton's children, Francis, John and Thomas, and to Elizabeth and Frances, the two daughters of my late daughter Pickering deceased; also to nephew John Peters, niece Lucy Spicer, nephew Joshua Downing and Mr Edmond Woodroffe, one of my clerks in my office in the Exchequer. Hare, 139. *This Sir Henry Pickering was son and heir of Sir Henry Pickering of Whaddon, who was created a Baronet 2 January, 1660. He was of Barbados in 1695, and had two wives, Philadelphia, daughter of Sir George Downing, by whom he had two daughters, Mary and Anne (who both died without issue), and secondly, Grace, daughter of Constant Silvester, Esq. (See REG. xxxvii. 385.) At his death, in 1705, the title became extinct. (See Add. MS. 24493, British Museum.)-H. F. W. This Indenture made the Thirteenth day of Sept. Anno Dom. one thousand seuen hundred and in the twelfth yeare of the Reigne of our Soueraign Lord William the third, by the grace of God of England, Scotland, ffrance and Ireland King, defender of the Faith &ca. Between Charles Downing of London in the Kingdome of England Esq' of the one part and Thorndike Procter of Salem in the Countey of Essex within his Majties Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England in America, yeoman, on the other part [then follows the ordinary phraseology of conveyance of a tract of three hundred acres in Salem which was] formerly the farme of Emanuel Downing of Salem aforesaid Gent: Deceased, Grandfather of the said Charles Downing, purchased by the said Emanuel Downing of one Robert Cole unto whome the same was granted by the said town of Salem one thousand six hundred thirty and five* [together with other parcels of land which had belonged to Emanuel Downing. And the grantor warrants the purchaser that he may hold these premisses] free and clear or well and sufficiently Indemnified saued and kept harmless of and from all and all manner of former and other gifts, grants, bargaines, sales, leases, releases, mortgages, Joyntures, Dower, Judgments, Executions, Extents, wills, Entails, ffines, fforfeitures, titles, troubles, charges and Incumbrances whatsoever had, made, done, committed, knowledged or suffered by the said Charles Downing, St George Downing, Baront, late father of the said Charles, and the abouesaid Emanuel Downing or any of them. This Indenture was signed by the grantor, Charles Downing, Esqre, and his wife, Sarah Downing, and their seals affixed on the day and year first abovewritten. Deeds of Essex Co., Mass., Book 7, Lvs. 7 to 10. The will of Sir George Downing, Knight of the Bath & Baronet, providing (in default of male issue to his cousin) for the foundation of a new college in the University of Cambridge, "which college shall be called by the name of Downing College," was dated 20 December, 1717, and proved 13 June, 1749. Lisle, 179. [The foregoing extracts show clearly enough the connection of this family with New England, a family whose name, associated as it is with a street in which has been, for so many years, the official residence of the Prime Minister of England, the centre of the greatest and most wide-spread empire of modern times, and with a college in one of the most famous universities of the world, is known wherever the English language is spoken, and bids fair to last so long as English history shall be read. From some MS. notes furnished me by my very obliging friend Mr. T. C. Noble, whose authority on matters connected with the history of the great metropolis of the world and its surrounding parishes is unquestioned, I find that Sir George Downing was rated for a house in "New Pallace" (New Palace Yard, Westminster) for twenty years previous to 1683, that in 1728 the rentals of the whole of Downing Street (for assessment) amounted to less than £1000, and in 1828 the total was £3000. At the present time (1883) the whole street is occupied by the offices of the government and the residences of the First Lord of the Treasury, Chancellor of the Exchequer, &c. From the "Memorials of Westminster," by the Rev. Mackenzie E. C. Walcott, we learn that "The official residence of the First Lord of the Treasury formerly belonged to the Crown: King George I. gave it to Baron Bothmar, the Hanoverian Minister, for life. After his death King George II. offered the house to Sir Robert Walpole, who only accepted it upon the condition that it should be attached to the Premiership forever. Since that time, therefore, Downing Street is inseparably connected with the name of every successive Prime Minister of England." Chapter III. of the Appendix to these Memorials gives us additional information, including a list of the successive occupants of the official residence down *This must be a mistake for 1638. (See Book of Grants, Salem, edited by William P. Upham, Esq.)-H. F. W. to July 6, 1846. "Sir Robert Walpole accepted it in 1732, and came to reside here 22 Sept. 1735.' "In the small waiting-room of No. 14, for the first and only time in their lives met Sir Arthur Wellesley and Lord Nelson; the latter was well known to Sir Arthur from the prints in the shop windows; they conversed together for some minutes; on parting Lord Nelson went out of the room and asked the name of the stranger whose conversation and appearance had made a deep impression upon him.' I am informed by William H. Richardson, Esq., F.S.A., who is now annotating "The Annals of Ipswiche, by N. Bacon," that George Downing, who was undoubtedly the father of Emanuel and Nathaniel Downing, was master of the Grammar School, Ipswich, about the years 1607 to 1610. His son Emanuel, baptized in the parish church of St. Lawrence, Ipswich, 12 August, 1585, married at Groton, Suffolk, 10 April, 1622, Lucy (baptized 27 January, 1601), daughter of Adam Winthrop, Esq., and sister of Governor John Winthrop. Mr. Downing was a lawyer of the Inner Temple, London, Attorney in the Court of Wards, and seems to have lived in the parishes of St. Bridget and of St. Michael, Cornhill. He came over to New England in 1638, took up his abode in Salem, was admitted into the church 4 November of the same year, and frequently represented the town in the General Court of the colony. The date of his death is not known, nor has any record yet been found of any will made by him. We have seen what became of his farm in Salem. His town residence was conveyed, 8 August, 1656, by Lucie Downing of Salem, with consent of Emanuel Downing her husband (as is recited in the deed) to their son Lieut. Joseph Gardner, as the dower of their daughter Ann on her marriage with Lieut. Gardner. It was described as a messuage or tenement in Salem situated upon four acres of ground entire, having the Common on the east, the street or highway that runs from the meeting-house to the harbor on the south, and the lane that goes to the North River on the West. This property comprises the various estates now included between St. Peter, Essex, Newbury and Browne Streets. Lieut. Gardner and his wife sold various lots at either end to sundry members of the Gardner family, and to Deacon Richard Prince and Mr. William Browne, Jr. The house, which stood where the residence of the late Col. Francis Peabody stands, remained as the homestead of Mrs. Gardner. After the untimely loss of her first husband, who was killed in the great Swamp Fight, 19 December, 1675, she took for a second husband Simon Bradstreet, Esq.; but by the terms of the marriage contract of 2 May, 1676, the ownership of the homestead remained with her. It was afterwards commonly known as the Bradstreet house, and was torn down in 1750, having previously been used as a tavern. On page 75 of the first volume of the REGISTER, and on page 185 of the fourth volume of Historical Collections of the Essex Institute, may be seen an engraving representing this house, in which Sir George Downing probably passed his boyhood while under the tuition of the Rev. John Fisk, preparing for entrance into Harvard College, from which he was graduated in that famous first class of 1642. For a long account of him and his family, and a list of his published works, see Sibley's Harvard Graduates, vol. i. pp. 28-51. Nathaniel Downing, brother of Emanuel and uncle of Sir George, was baptized in the church of St. Mary at the Tower, Ipswich, 8 October, 1587. He married, 6 May, 1613, Margaret, daughter of Doctor Daniel Selyne (or Selin), a French physician, who died 19 March, 1614-15, and in his will (Rudd, 23) mentions his sonin-law Nathaniel Downing. Mr. Downing seems to have had one son, Daniel, baptized at St. Dionis Backchurch, 5 April, 1614, and buried five days afterwards. In the Whitehall Evening Post of Febr. 11, 1764, is this letter: "To the Printer &c. Sir By the death of Sir Jacob Garrard Downing Bart an estate of about 5 or 6000 pr annum falls to the University of Cambridge, to build a college, to be called Downing College. The late Sir George Downing, of Gamlingay, in Cambridgeshire, Bart, having left it to the late Sir Jacob Garrard, and his Heirs male; & for want of such Issue, to the rev. Mr Peters, late Lecturer of St Clement-Danes & his Heirs male both of whom having died without such Issue, the Estate descends as above. The Original of the Family was Dr Calibut Downing, one of the Preachers in the Rebel Army, & a great man with Rump: and his son, afterwards Sir Geo: Downing & the first Baronet of the Family, was made Envoy from Cromwell to the States-General, and got a great Estate, owing to this Incident. When King Charles * The valuable MS. referred to in note, pp. 197-8, vol. xxxvii. REG. the 24 was travelling in Disguise in Holland, to visit the Queen Mother, attended only by Lord Falkland, & putting up at an Inn, after he had been there some Time, the Landlord came to these strangers and said, there was a Beggar-man at the Door, very shabbily dressed, who was very importunate to be admitted to them; on which the King seemed surprised, & after speaking to Lord Falkland, bid the Landlord admit him. As soon as this Beggar-man entered, he pulled off his Beard (which he had put on for a Disguise) & fell on his knees, & said he was Mr Downing, the Resident from Oliver Cromwell; & that he had received Advice of this intended visit from his Majesty to the Queen; and that, if he ventured any farther, he would be assassinated; & begged secrecy of the King, for that his Life depended upon it, & departed. The King was amazed at this, & said to Lord Falkland, How could this be known? there were but you & the Queen knew of it. Therefore the Queen must have mentioned this to somebody who gave Advice of it to his Enemies. However, the King returned back, whereby this Design was prevented. Upon this, after the Restoration, Sir George Downing was rewarded, made a Baronet & Farmer of the Customs, &c. &c., whereby this large Estate was raised. Besides the above Estate of Sir Jacob Garret Downing Bart. which devolves on the University of Cambridge, another fine Estate, with a handsome house at Putney, falls to his Lady." In the London Chronicle of Jan. 9, 1772, is this Article: "We are assured that the Heirs at Law [B. P. Ewer of Bangor who married a Barnardiston] of Sir Jacob Downing Bart have applied for a Royal Charter to found & incorporate the College at Cambridge. A spot is fixed upon for erecting this edifice, which is a spacious Picce of ground, fit for the Purpose, on the South Side of the Town, opposite the Physic Garden, & between Pembroke & Emanuel Colleges. A Design is preparing & Application making to the Owners of the Ground which belongs to several Bodies Corporate; & as soon as an Act of Parliament can be obtained to impower them to sell, this noble Benefaction will be carried into imediate Execution. -H. F. W. The English genealogical works which attempt to give the ancestry of Sir George Downing, baronet, give it crroneously. The error seems first to have been promulgated by Anthony a Wood in his Athene Oxoniensis, published 1691-2, where, in an account of Dr. Calybute Downing, the Puritan writer, son of Calybute Downing of Shennington, Gloucestershire, Sir George is called his son. The error has been copied into several Baronetages. Dr. Downing's ancestry has been carried back through his grandfather, Arthur, of Lexham in Norfolk, to his great-grandfather Geoffrey Downing of Norwich, who married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Wingfield. There are no indications of a relationship between this family and that of George Downing of Ipswich, Suffolk, who, as Mr. Waters shows, was father of Emanuel, the father of Sir George. Savage names Mary, wife of Anthony Stoddard; James; Anne, wife of Capt. Joseph Gardner and afterwards of Gov. Simon Bradstreet; John; and Dorcas, as other children of Emanuel Downing; and there was probably also a son Joshua (Mass. Hist. Coll. 4th S. vi. 79). Emanuel Downing announces his intention to leave New England in the fall of 1654 with Gen. Sedgwick (Ibid. p. 84). He was living as late as Sept. 6, 1658, in Edinburgh (Ibid. p. 86). His wife was living in England, June 27, 1662 (Ibid. p. 544). The place and date of death of neither are known. Interesting letters from Emanuel Downing and other members of his family, are printed in the volume of the Mass. Hist. Coll. cited. Henry Downing, father of Col. Adam Downing, distinguished as an officer in William III.'s army in Ireland, may have been, as represented by Burke (Ext. and Dorm. Baronetage, ed. 1844, p. 163; Landed Gentry, ed. 1853, i. 453), a son of Dr. Calybute. We find no evidence that Sir George had a brother Henry. It is not probable that Wood obtained his information from the family, for the deed of which Mr. Waters gives an abstract proves that Charles Downing, son of Sir George, knew that his grandfather's name was Emanuel so late as 1700, eight years after the publication of Wood's Athenæ. The following letter, copied for us by G. D. Scull, Esq., of Oxford, England, from the original, shows that Wood, while engaged on his work, applied to the Rev. Increase Mather for information about the Downings, but with little success: "Sir I have yours of 20th Instant. There never was any Dr Downing in New England. It is true yt Sir George Downing (who was knighted by Charles 2nd) had his education in ye Colledge there; but had no other degree there besides yt of Bachelor of Art. Nor do any in that colledge proceed further than Master of arts after seven years standing, as 'tis in Oxford and Cambridge. We never (which is pity) had any Doctors. I am ashamed to tell you that I cannot procure any further account concerning non conformist writers. I have really laboured to gratify you to my power. I heartily wish there were more publick spirits in the world. Sir Your servant, 1. MATHER. London July 23-1691. To Mr Anthony Wood near Merton College in Oxford.” An equally inexplicable error will be pointed out in this article when we come to the will of Sir William Phips, who is represented in English books to be ancestor of the present Marquis of Normanby. Both errors have years ago been pointed out by our countrymen. The second volume of Hutchinson's Massachusetts, which was reprinted in England in 1768, gives the true christian name of the father of Sir George Downing.-EDITOR.] THOMAS WARNETT, now of James City in Virginia, merchant, 13 February, 1629, proved 8 November, 1630, by Thomazine Warnet, relict and executrix. To Mris Elizabeth Pott one Corfe and crosse cloth of wrought gold and to Dr John Pott (1) five thousand of several sorts of nayles. To Francis Pott four score pounds of tobacco which he oweth me. Το Με Francis Boulton, minister, one firkin of butter, one bushel of white salt, six pounds of candles, one pound of pepper, one pound of ginger, two bushels of meal, one rundlett of ink, six quires of writing paper and one pair of silk stockings. To John Johnson's wife six pounds of soap, six pounds of white starch and one pound of blue starch. To John Browning's wife one thousand of pins, one pair of knives carved with two images upon them, twelve pounds of white starch and two pounds of blue starch. To the wife of Mr John Uptone one sea green scarf edged with gould lace, twelve pounds of white starch and two pounds of blue starch. To my friend M Thomas Burges my second best sword and my best felt hat. To John Grevett's wife one pair of sheets, six table napkins, three towels and one table cloth marked with T. W., six pounds of soap, six pounds of white starch and one pound of blue starch. To Thomas Key's wife one gilded looking glass. To Sargt John Wane's (2) wife four bushels of meal and one rundlett of four gallons of vinegar, one half pound of "threed" of several colours, twenty needles, six dozen of silk and thred buttons, one pewter candlestick & one pewter chamberpot. To Roger Thompson's wife one half bushel of white salt, one pound of pepper and one jar of oil. To Benjamin Symes (3) one weeding hoe. To George Muleston one "howing" hoc & one axe. To John Goundry one bar of lead of twenty pound weight and three pound. To John Hattone one black felt hat, one suit of grey kersie, one shirt marked T. W., four pairs of Irish stockings, two pairs of my own wearing shoes, one bar of lead and six pounds of powder. To John Southerne (4) six pounds of candles, one Poland cap furred and one pair of red slippers. To Michael Batt (5) his wife two bushels of meal. The rest of my temporal estate in Virginia, my debts being paid and legacies paid & discharged, to wife Thomazine, whom I appoint executrix. Friends John Southerne and James Stome overseers. To the former one black beaver hat and gold band, one doublet of black chamlet and one pair of black hose; and to James Stome my best sword and a gold belt. The witnesses were Francis Boltone (6) & John Southerne. Scroope, 105. [The following, from Harl. MS. (Brit. Mus.), 1561, f. 142, undoubtedly gives the pedigree of the testator of the above will, and indicates his place of residence before his migration. |