CHRISTIAN SOBRIETY: Published more particularly at their Defire, and dedicated to them. By JONATHAN MAYHEW, D.D. PASTOR OF THE SAID CHURCH. diss Jelly 9th 1786-46 year of his age Houshin MAKE no tarrying to turn to the LORD, and put not off from JESUS the Son of SIRACH. BOSTON, NEW-ENGLAND: Printed by RICHARD and SAMUEL DRAPER, in Newbury-Street: To the YOUNG MEN who usually attend his Ministry; and, more particularly, To those of them, at whofe REQUEST the following Difcourfes are published. I My dear young Brethren, 1 HAVE now before me a paper directed to me, figned by a confiderable number of you; in which you express both a full perfwafion, and a grateful fenfe of my friendly design in preaching the followlowing fermons: At the fame time defiring a copy for the prefs, in terms at once too respectful to me to be here repeated, and too plainly indicating a ferious turn of mind, to permit me to deny your request.† I SHOULD, indeed, do an injury to myself, if I denied that my aim in them was, as you fuppofe," the bettering your minds and morals." And the manner in which you attended to them, when preached, together with your being fo well fatisfied with them as to defire to read them in print, affords ground to hope that, by the bleffing of GOD, the fountain of truth, light and wisdom, + The paper here referred to, was figned by about fifty perfons of the younger fort. |