Rev. Doctor Morse's. "The Rev.E. Smith has communicated to me the plan of his Dissertation on the Prophecies, and read in my hearing a considerable part of his MS. I deem his work seasonable, ingenious, and deeply interesting to the public. In explaining and applying some very important prophecies, he appears to differ from all the writers on the subject, who have preceded him, and for reasons, which, so far as my attention to the work enables me to decide, are as satisfactory as the nature of the case will admit. I cordially unite with my fathers and brethren above named, in their wishes to have this work published; and am persuaded it will be read with interest, and I would hope with profit, by multitudes of Christians who are anxiously observant of the signs of the times. Charlestown, Dec. 22, 1810. JEDIDIAH MORSE." "The Hopkinton Association, in the state of New Hampshire, having given a hearing to the Dissertation of the Rev. E. Smith, on the Prophecies relative to Antichrist, do approve of the object and execution of the work. They view it calculated to promote the interest of Zion in this age of the world; and do therefore cordially recommend it to the careful and impartial perusal of every class of people. Dunbarton, April 20, 1809. SAMUEL WOOD, Moderator. EBENEZER PRICE, scribe pro tem." Rev. Mr. M'Farland's. "I have read in manuscript a "Dissertation on the Prophecies relative to Antichrist, and the last times," by the Rev. E. Smith. In this eventful age, a work, that is calculated to explain the import and fulfilment of prophecy, is peculiarly seasonable and interesting. I can with sincerity concur with others, who have given their opinion respecting this work, and say, I believe it communicates new light on the prophecies, which relate to the last times. I wish it may be published, and have an extensive circulation. Concord, July 25, 1810. ASA M'FARLAND." SAMUEL T. ARMSTRONG would inform his friends and the public generally, that he intends shortly to open a BOOKSTORE, in a central part of Boston, and he takes this opportunity to solicit orders for BOOKS and STATIONARY, of which articles he will endeavor to have a complete and constant supply. •N. B. The PRINTING BUSINESS will be carried on as usual; orders to any extent attended to with promptitude, and executed with neatness and accuracy upon liberal terms. Charlestown, Mass. Feb. 20, 1811. CONTENTS. We are taught in the prophetic parts of the sacred Scriptures to expect the rise of a terrible atheistical Power, and a vast influence of Infidelity, in the last days, or just before the The last days have arrived, and an inceptive fulfilment of sideration. SECTION 1. The trials of the Church under the reign of Antichrist 167 Some other prophecies relative to the last expedition, and A treatise on the seven apocalyptic Vials Vial 1. The discovery made of Papal corruption, at the re- formation, early in the sixteenth century Vial 2. The terrible wars in Italy for nearly half a century, Vial 4. The operations of the European civil governments Vial 5. The overthrow of the Papal beast, by the rise of the Antichristian beast in France, in and after the year 1789 323 Vial 6. The subversion of the Turkish empire, to prepare 5. A faithful support and improvement of the regular ad- 10. Wisdom and prudence in the choice of our civil rulers 369 11. A vigilant eye upon the movements of the enemy; and |