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falfe and groundle fs." Do the Gallican Catholic Church, and the Roman Catholic Church in Spain and Italy agree in all things? Are they agreed in this doctrine of the Pope's fupremacy? Are there no opinions embraced by the one that are difclaimed by the other? Have the Canons even of the General Council of Trent been equally received by the whole Roman Catholic Church? Are there not Diocefes even in Ireland where they are admitted as fo many articles of Faith to be received under pain of damnation, and others in which they are rejected? In the great article of the immaculate Conception, are the opinions of your order and thofe of the Dominicans the fame? How have the walls of your refpective Convents been fhaken by the thunders of controverfy on this momentous question? What anathemas have you not fulminated against each other in this polemic tempeft?

Set thefe gentlemen right, Rev. Sir; you know that you can do it without much danger; you can fhow them how dexterously an expert cafuift may admit the facts which they deny, and yet draw the fame conclufion from his admifiion that they draw from their denial. I make no doubt but you will contrive it in fome way or other. You will make it clearly appear, that a thing may be the fame and yet different. That to a true fon of the Church of Rome agreement and difagreement may be fynonymous terms. In oppofition to every thing I have advanced you Doctor Troy is a Francifcan friar.

will prove, by irrefragable arguments, that a man cannot be a Catholic without being a Papift, or a Papift without being a Catholic; and thus you will have to congratulate yourself, on rendering the glorious fervice to your country, of depriving it of all hope of ever seeing an end to her diffentions, and the miferies that flow from them; for never, never shall that unhappy country know peace while you and your brethren preach to the great body of Catholics, the doctrine of the Pope's unlimited fupremacy; and of implicit obedience to the See of Rome, as you now preach it. Your referves and your fophiims; your diftinction of fupremacy in fpirituals and fupremacy in temporals are worn threadbare. However you may reconcile yourself to the deception, you must yourself laugh at fuck a diftinction while you preach it; and if the fallacy of the diftinction, and the conviction of its fallacy, proved so often by the conduct of the great bulk of the Roman Catholics of Ireland, were not written in the blood of my countrymen, I should join in the laugh at fuch mummery.

Am I to tell you, Sir, in what way this question

* Doctor Troy, in his Paftoral Letter of 1793, fays—“The Church is infallible in her doctrinal decifions and canons, on points of faith and morals; and therefore the Catholics are obliged to adhere implicity to fuch decrees and canons of the Church, a Tembled in general Council, and confirmed by the Pope, as rules of faith." Thefe general Councils inculcate, as a religious duty, the depofition and murder of heretical Sovereigns, the nullity of oaths ef allegiance to fuch, and the extirpation of heretics.

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has been at all times argued in the which you have received your education? Are you to learn from me that in thefe fchools it is, to this day, uniformly maintained and taught, “that "the authority claimed by the Pope is that of "being univerfal Paftor over the Catholic Church; "that by virtue of this character, not only fpiri

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tual direction in matters of Faith, but an ac"tual direction over all the members of it doth belong unto him; for that otherwife the go66 vernment of the Church is imperfect and insuf"ficient for its end. Princes may eafily over"throw the Unity of the Church by favouring



Heretics, if they be not in fubjection to the Pope, as to their temporal concernments; be"cause it may happen that they have a regard to "no other but thefe. If it were not therefore, in "the Pope's power to depofe Princes, and ab"folve Subjects from their allegiance, when they oppofe the Unity of the Church, his power is



an infignificant title, and cannot accomplish "the end for which it was defigned." Befides,

Every Paftor must have a threefold power to "defend his flock; a power over wolves to keep "them from deftroying the sheep, a power over "the rams that they do not hurt them, and a

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power over the fheep to give them convenient "food. Now if a prince of a fheep turn a ram or a wolf, muft he not have power to drive "him away, and to keep the people from fol"lowing him ?"

Am I to tell you, that it is thus Bellarmine ar gues from the words PASCE OVES? Are you to learn from me, that this is the current doctrine refpecting the Pope's authority in the court of Rome at this day, as well as in your schools of divinity? Or, will you come forward, and by a public declaration, attefted and promulgated under your archiepifcopal feal and fignature, affert, that it is not your doctrine? In your private communications with a high-spirited nobleman, terrified from the loyalty of his feelings, at the confequences that must refult from fuch doctrines, and the part it might impofe upon him to take, in the hour of danger to his king and country, you may mince the matter; you may tell him, with Mr. Plowden, that the character of the christian, and that of the fubject, are not to be confounded; meaning, I fuppofe, if this rant is defigned to convey any meaning, that where the duties of the Romish Catholic and the subject interfere, the allegiance of the fubject is to be the directing principle of conduct, and not the creed of the Romish Catholic; you may tell him that, in conformity to this doctrine, "Roman Catholic loyalty and allegiance would oblige him to repel" (for fo, his lordfhip fays, he is taught to think)"even the head of the See of Rome, were "it poffible to fuppofe that the Ufurper, who "now disturbs the peace of the world, could "fend him here with his invading army."

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Lord Fingall, I am convinced, perfuades him felf that fuch are the opinions of his metropolitan; Doctor Moylan may maintain thofe opinions confcientiously-may promulgate them publicly, without equivocation or mental refervation, may act up to them at every hazard; but for you, Sir, alas! were you to publish fuch doctrines, in the way I propose, as your own rule of faith, in this matter; were you to publish them as the rule of faith you would enjoin to the clergy of your archiepifcopal diocefe, to maintain as well in theory, and in their exhortations, public and private, from the altar, and in the confeffion box, as in their own conduct and example; were you fo to publish them, as the rule of faith which you and they would enforce among your flocks, with the fame fanctions, the fame penalties, the fame terrors, as you would enforce the sacred and paramount duties of abftaining from all communion with hereticks, of believing that the Roman Catholic Church is the only Ark of Salvation*, out of which all muft perish; that the blood of the Redeemer flowed only for the true fons of the Church of Rome; that is, only for those who believe that there is another name as well as that of Jefus, which we must have faith in, or we cannot be faved; that to affift at the public fervice of those who are out of her pale, or at their family prayers, or to receive any moral or religious inftruction from them, or to frequent their fchools, to be educated with the Proteftant youth,

* See the Pope's Allocution.

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