NEW AND IMPROVED SERIES OF THE TRACT MAGAZINE. FOR OR nearly half a century the "Tract Magazine "has held its place amongst the most highly-valued publications of the Religious Tract Society. District visitors have found it helpful in their ministrations from house to house. In the sick-room it has soothed and comforted multitudes. The conductors of Mothers'-meetings and Cottageservices have testified to its great value as supplying a fund of interesting and touching narratives exactly suited to their wants. It has been widely circulated and highly prized amongst the elder classes in Sunday and Day Schools; and many thousands monthly are used by Tract distributors. Though numerous periodicals have recently come into existence having a similar aim and character, yet its circulation has not gone back, and it has never sold more largely than at the present time. Frequent letters are received attesting its usefulness, both in the edification of believers, and the awakening and conversion of sinners. Thus encouraged, the Committee of the Religious Tract Society desire to seek for it a yet wider circulation. With the New Year a new and greatly improved series will commence. Whilst its general tone and character will remain unchanged, the following improvements, amongst others, will be introduced: 1. It will be printed on toned paper, of a superior quality, and with improved type. 2. The illustrations will be enlarged and improved. 3. Each number will be complete in itself. Continuous stories and narratives having proved to be unfavourable to its use for Tract distribution, these will be discontinued, and no article will be carried on from one number into another. 4. Every effort will be made to render the Magazine increasingly popular and useful amongst the class for whom it is designed, by increasing the variety and value of its contents. Its price, One Penny monthly, will remain unchanged. It may be had at all Depôts of the Society, and by order from all booksellers. Applications for grants, at a reduced price, for gratuitous distribution, should be made to the Secretary. |