Sun rises, VII. 32 m.; sets IV. 28 m. Days increase in length 1 h. 14 m. Anniversary of George IV. accession. ANNIVERSARY CHRONOLOGY. On this day, 1820, George III. died, aged eighty-one. NATURAL HISTORY.-In mild seasons, like the present, the garden is quite gay with flowers; and carnations, roses, chrysanthemums, auriculas, ten-week stocks, daisies, mignionette, marigolds, sweetpeas, polyanthuses, primroses, violets, heart's-ease, and the sweet smelling wallflower may be gathered in abundance. In January, 1824, late crops of peas continued in bearing on some dry, sandy soils, till the second week of the month; cauliflowers were out in the open garden, and myrtles, acacias, and other hardy plants remained uninjured in the open air. In the middle of the month in this year, at Glasgow, the Christmas rose, the snowdrop, the polyanthus, the single or border anemone, the hepatica in its varieties, and the mezerion were in full bloom. January XXX.-Sunday. High Water, Morn. IX. 55 m.-Aft. X. 33 m. Holiday at the Exchequer, Bank, and South-Sea House.* Idolatry to his dearly-loved prerogatives, Mrs. Macauly says, was Charles's ruling principle; the interests of his crown legitimated every measure, and sanc tified, in his eye, the widest deviation from moral rule. The want of integrity is manifest in every part of his conduct; and this was the vice for which, above all others, he paid the forfeit of his life. Rapin also ascribes the ruin of Charles to his sinister and disingenuous conduct towards his opponents. For the doctrine of king-killing, however, we are no advocates. That a tyrant may be deposed is just, but to punish him with death, and by a subsequent law, is a greater outrage against reason and justice than any he could possibly have perpetrated. A king may be constituted a legal despot, and his subjects cannot afterwards constitute themselves into a legal tribunal to try his misdeeds. Whatever political changes may occur in Europe, it may be safely anticipated that Louis XVI. will form the last example of regicide: and what Talleyrand observed on the execution of the duke d'Enghien, may be applied to the conduct of the French revolutionistsit was not only a crime but a fault.→ Like many other men, whose public life character was exemplary. He was sober, has proved pernicious, Charles's private temperate, and chaste. He abhorred could not endure a profane or obscene debauchery; and, very unlike his son, word. 1790. The Life Boat of South Shields was first tried, and found to answer the intention of its patrons. Mr. Greathead, its inventor, received 12001. from the House of Commons, besides remunerations from several societies. January XXXI.-Monday. High Water, Morn. XI. 10 m.-Aft. XI. 47. m. King George IV. proclaimed. Lever, a native of Alkington, near ManOn this day, 1788, expired sir Ashton chester, who being a curious collector, and extending his views to all branches of natural history, became possessed of one of the finest museums in the world. This incomparable collection was disposed of by lottery, in 1805. WEATHER SIGNS.-If it begin to rain from the south, with a high wind for two or three hours, and the wind falls but the rain continues, it is likely to rain twelve hours or more; and does usually rain till a strong north wind clears the air. If it begin to rain an hour or two before sunrising, it is likely to be fair before noon, and so to continue that day; but if the rain begin an hour or two after sunrising, it is likely to rain all that WEEKLY CALENDAR. February I.-Tuesday. High Water, Morn. 0. m.-Aft. 0. 20 m.; February, the second month in the year, is so called from Februa, a feast held therein in behalf of the manes of deceased persons, when sacrifices were performed, and the last offices paid to the shades of the deceased. The weather in this month is generally subject to great changes of frost, snow, and rain ;—hence the observation of Shakspeare You have such a February face, So full of frost, of storms, and cloudiness! On this day, 1824, Dr. John Lempriere died, author of the Classical Dictionary, and the Universal Biography; and the first volume of a translation of Herodotus, the continuation of which was suspended on account of the appearance of Dr. Beloe's elegant version of that author. February II. CANDLEMAS DAY.- High Water, Morn. 0. 53 m.-Aft. I. 25 m. NATURAL HISTORY.. "The snowdrop," Mr. Foster remarks," is almost proverbially constant in its appearance on candlemas-day; and the mildness and severity of the weather seem to make little difference in the time of its blowing. It comes up and flowers through the snow, and seems to evolve its white and pendent flowers as if by the most determined periodical laws; and is indeed so constant to the time of the year, that it has been reckoned an emblem of the purification: The snow-drop blooms, Ere winter's wild storms are past, Her mantle of snow, February III. ST. BLAZE.- High Water, Morn. I. 53 m.-Aft. II. 26 m. $79 Armenia, and suffered martyrdom in 316, by command of the governor of Cappadocla. He is the patron saint of woolcombers; who, in several parts of England, have a grand procession, in commemoration of this renowned bishop, who is reported to have discovered the art of combing wool. He is said to have visited England; St. Blaze, a small village in Cornwall, is celebrated for having been his landing-place, and from whence it derives its name. ANNIVERSARY CHRONOLOGY.-On this day, 1738, died sir Thomas Lombe, proprietor of the famous mill for silk-throwing; being the first and largest ever constructed in England, and which had great influence on the commerce of the country. A complete model of sir T. Lombe's silk mill is deposited in the Tower. 1794. Sixteen persons were crushed to death in attempting to get into the little theatre, Haymarket, in which the Drurylane company then performed. February IV.-Friday. High Water, Morn. III. 46 m.-Aft. III. 5 m. ANNIVERSARY CHRONOLOGY.-1555. John Hooper, bishop of Gloucester, was burnt before the door of his cathedral, in that city, in the reign of the weak and bigoted Mary. 1746. Expired at Athelstoneford, in Scotland, the Rev. Robert Blair, author of the lugubrious poem called THE GRAVE. ROBINSON CRUSOE. Why is this charming romance so universally interesting to young people? It seems to arise from its marvellous adventures, the simplicity of the narrative, and the state of nature in which the hero of the story is placed. Children can neither comprehend nor sympathize in the refined and complicated movements of social or polished life; but they can in the vicissitudes of an individual placed, in some respects, in a natural state-cast on a desolate island-to live in caves-on the milk of goats,-to cultivate a small plot of ground, with the simplest implements ;these are level to their capacity, and bear some analogy to their own every-day vocations. They are interested in the marvellous, in legends, in stories of ghosts, of babes in the wood, the exploits of giants, outlaws, and robbers-because they believe these things. SHAKSPEARE.-In our last number we mentioned the discovery of an ancient edition of eleven plays of our great Dramatist; St. Blaze was bishop of Sebaste in the following extract is the original version of the celebrated Soliloquy in Hamlet, in the newly discovered edition of 1603: Ham. O that this too much grieu'd and sallied flesh Would melt to nothing, or that the vniuersall Globe of heauen would turne al to a Chaos! Mine vncle: O let me not thinke of it, Within two moneths, ere yet the salt of most beast Ham. Lady, will you give me leave (and so Ophel. No, my lord. One of the passages in the Closet-Scene stands thus: Looke you nowe here is your husband A looke fit for a murder and a rape, A dull dead hanging looke, and a hell-bred eie, What divell has thus consoned you at hobman LONDON MARKETS, Jan. 21.7 There has been no variation in the Cotton, Sugar, or Spirit market this week. There has been a great demand for Dye-woods within the last few days; Jamaica Logwood 81. to 8l. 5s. CORN. With the exception of Oats and Flour, the supply has been very moderate. -Wheat is 25. cheaper than last week, fine samples bringing 60s. to 74s. and inferior 40s. to 56s.-Barley 32s. to 48s.-Malt 60s. to 70s. -Small Beans 48s. to 56s.-Feed Oats 22s. to 27s.-Top price of Flour still 70s. FISH.-Salmon is still scarce, but other fish plentiful; the same sort of cod that would have fetched 20s. per lb. last week, might be bought for 5s. this. Soles 1s. to 5s. the pair. POULTRY is cheaper. Geese yesterday at Leadenhall from 4s. to 7s. each; a handsome fowl 3s., a duck 1s. 9d. to 2s. 9d. CATTLE. The supply at Smithfield during the week has been-beasts 3,410, (420 more than last week,) sheep 21,370, calves 300, pigs 170. BEEF is 2d., mutton 4d., and veal 2d. per stone cheaper by the carcass. Anglo Mexican Mine. £100 £10 100 5 14 16 Birmingham & London Railway 1 .. 100 5 13 15 Metropolitan Milk Company. 0 Protector 0 TO CORRESPONDENTS. J. E. S. is received. Edgar Darlington will, we think, do with a little curtailment. The theatrical proposal We have no objection to the Muses, or a light article on any subject, which has merit. Several communications have been received and accepted, of which we will avail ourselves the first opportunity. Odd moments, or Time beguiled, post 12mo. 6s. -Claxson's 22 Discourses on various subjects, 8vo. 98. The Young Robinson, 12mo. 3s. 6d.Castle Harcourt, 3 vols. 12mo. 16s. 6d.-The Mys-we must decline. tery Developed, 3 vols. 12mo. 16s. 6d.-Literæ Sacræ, 8vo. 9s.-Uwin's Compendium of Medicine, 12mo. 7s. 6d.-Raikes' Two Essays, 8vo. 5s. -French Domestic Cookery, by an English Physician, 12mo. 7s. -Ottley's Series of Plates after Artists of the Florentine School, No. 1, folio, 12. Is., large paper, 1l. 7s.-Mant's Prayer, 2 vols. 8vo. Il. 4s., large paper, 11. 16s.-Coasts and Ports of France, pt. 1, roy. 4to. 14s., large paper, Il. 1s.-Picturesque Tour in the Valley of Chamouni, pt. 1, roy. 4to. 14s., large paper, ll. ls. -Sicily and its Monuments, pt.1,roy. 4to. 14.10s., Jarge paper, 21. 5s.-Autommarchi's Last Days of Napoleon, 2 vols. 8vo. 1. 1s.-A short extract from the life of General Mina, Spanish and English, 8vo. 58. London: Printed by A. APPLEGATH, Stamford Street, for THOMAS BOYS, No. 7, Ludgate Hill, to whom all Commu. nications (free of expense) are requested to be addressed; and sold also by all Booksellers, Newsmen, and Venders in Town and Country-Published every Saturday. ROYAL MILITARY ACADEMY, WOOLWICH COMMON. THE town of Woolwich is about eight miles from London, and forms one grand school in which the art of war, from its simplest rudiments to the most difficult combinations, is taught, with all the aids it can derive from practice, and the discoveries of modern science. The dockyard, the arsenal, the barracks, the repository, and the military academy are the great laboratories in which have been perfected, the men and the materiel that have chiefly contributed to establish the naval and military renown of England. The precise period of the establishment of the dock-yard is uncertain: it appears, however, that the Harry Grâce de Dieu, of 1,000 tons, was built there, in 1512. This celebrated ship, the Columbus of the time, was in length 128 feet, and in breadth 48 feet; she had eleven anchors, the largest of which weighed 4,400 lbs. In its present enlarged state, the yard extends about five furlongs along the river, VOL. I. by one furlong in breadth. The number of artificers and labourers employed during peace is about 1,500; but in war time it rises to 4,000. 1 Between the dock-yard and the arsenal, formerly called the warren, is the ropewalk, 400 yards in length, where the large cables for the royal navy are made. The arsenal, comprehending about 60 acres. of ground, contains, with other buildings, the foundry and the old military academy, which was erected by sir John Vanbrugh The foundry is provided with several furnaces, the largest of which will melt about seventeen tons of metal at once. The civil and military branches of the ordnance have been established at Woolwich since the accession of George L There are barracks for the royal artillery, horse and foot, and also for the marines; the first forms a noble and extensive range of building, with a beautiful parade ground in front. The repository, adjoining (the G 1 barracks, is appropriated to the arcana of war; comprising a great variety of military engines, plans of fortifications, models, different kinds of arms and armour, and curious pieces of mechanism. It is a very interesting spot: among the curiosities we noticed there, was the car on which Napoleon Bonaparte was conveyed to his last home, in St. Helena. Strangers are not admitted without an introduction; and if their appearance be somewhat suspicious or inquisitive, they are not even allowed to approach the exterior boundary. The Military Academy, though founded in 1719, was not finally arranged till 1741 and the edifice, of which we give a representation, was only completed and opened in 1806. It is nearly a mile south from the town, on the upper part of the common, and is built in a castellated form, from designs by Mr. James Wyatt. The principal front, facing the artillery barracks, extends above 200 yards; and the expense of the structure was estimated at 150,000. The number of pupils or cadets, destined for the two corps of artiliery and royal engineers, during the war, was about 300; but since the peace that number has greatly decreased. The academy has been fortunate in possessing in the mathematical chair, Derham, Simpson, Hutton, and the present Dr. Gregory -all of whom, we believe, were self-taught, and, to the honour of the governors and directors of the Academy, were indebted for their promotion to the just, but unsupported, claims of native talent and genius. Besides the mathematical professors, there are masters in chemistry, fortification, French, drawing, fencing, &c. Woolwich and its vicinity form a pleasant excursion fr. n town in fine weather, and contain abundant materials to gratify curiosity. At the eastern extremity of the common is Shooters-hill, which commands extensive and interesting prospects in all directions: the view from it of London, the Thames, and the shipping, is particularly impressive. Over this hill passed the great Roman road, through Canterbury and Rochester, to London; its course is nearly pursued by the present road from Shooters-hill to Dartford. There is a beautiful romantic walk from Woolwich over Plumstead-common, by Wickham, and the seat of the late lord Eardley, to Erith. The barrack-field forms an agreeable promenade in summer, the attractions of which are heightened by the music of the artillery band, military evolutions, the throwing of shells, and other warlike exercises. As to the town of Woolwich, we certainly should not recommend it to those who are in search of the picturesque, and the inhabitants appear hard to please in religious matters; for it contains, we think, a chapel for nearly every variety of religious belief. We may also add, for the information of Ladies, that the number of women in Woolwich, in proportion to the men, greater than in any town in England-about nine females to eight males: which superabundance of the fair sex may possibly arise from the God of War being the presiding genius of the place. Books. "We may read, and read, and read again, and still glean something new, something to please, and something to instruct.”—Hurdis. THE possession of old wine, old friends, and good books, was, some centuries past, the wise wish of a certain monarch of Spain. However sceptical we may be, in these our times, of the plenitude of the first and second of these excellent companions, we may, at all events, felicitate ourselves upon a pretty good chance of possessing the last. In the multitude of counsellors safety has been said to arise; surely from the multiplicity of publications that now almost momentarily issue from the booksellers' pandemoniums, some wisdom is to be gathered. To be sure, quantity never can make quality, but when the seed is so abundant some of it will undoubtedly fall upon the good ground; thorns and briars there will be enough, but barrenness cannot stretch itself from "Dan to Beersheba." Lord Bacon-" that wisest, greatest, meanest of mankind," has said, that "reading maketh a full man; speaking a ready man; and writing an exact man ;' but in his times those only could attain to the pitch of accomplishment necessary to make them such, who were blessed with independence; but now, and the change is not the least wonderful of the many that we have lived to contemplate, there is not an artisan, a mechanic, or a labourer, to whom the means of reading, learning, and thinking are not now fully offered; to whom the well of knowledge is not every day opened. Truth, if she still dwell at the bottom of it, must be, indeed, a spirit of austerity. Literature is become kindly-minded, and of humble heart; she visits the dwellings of the industrious, in shapes suited to their means: she presents them with a bank in which their pence can be put out to an interest of good; and from which amusement will flow, far more gratifying and honourable than the jovialities of the ale-house, or the pastimes of the skittleground. It is a disgrace now in England not to know her every-day history; and |