Imágenes de páginas

the company; but no one, on the whole, has been better represented than GoLDSMITH's She Stoops to Conquer. With MRS. GLOVER'S Mrs. Hardcastle, and MRS. HUMBY'S Miss Hardcastle, we have been particularly delighted. The plain, natural humour of one, and the lively versatile powers displayed by the other, are truly excellent; and, independently of the merit evinced by the representatives of the other characters, would be sufficient to render the performance of this everpleasing comedy singularly attractive and gratifying.


THE pleasure we have derived from viewing this novel spectacle, proves that the most careless and unpremeditated lounge may sometimes turn to very good account. Drawn the other evening into the great room, Spring-gardens, by the announcement placarded at the entrance, we not only obtained a very agreeable and rational hour's amusement, but qualified ourselves to give our readers an account of an exhibition, which we think has sufficient merit to entitle it to their especial notice.

The original idea and execution of a Panorama, by the late MR. BARKER, were highly ingenious, and the Diorama was an improvement upon that new field opened to the graphic art: the present pictorial display combines the principles of both. It is historical, and comprises no fewer than twelve different views; which as illustrative of two distinct events, are divided into two series.

In the first series we have the representation of the British and combined fleets previous to the battle off Cape Trafalgar then that of the quarter-deck of the Victory, at the death of Nelson-this is followed by the Redoubtable on fire and the fourth scene exhibits the victorious conclusion of the tremendous contest, and the generous activity of the British boats, in saving the enemy from the wrecks of their shattered vessels.

The second series opens with the Battle of Gemappe: this is succeeded by a view of the Bellerophon, in Plymouth Sound, with Napoleon on board. The next scene presents us with a representation of the Island of St. Helena we then succes sively see Plantation House, and its grounds, Fairy Land, Longwood House, another view of the interior of the island, and the funeral procession of Napoleon.

Though, as already observed, the idea

of this exhibition is founded on the prin ciples of the Panorama and Diorama, the plan on which its scenes are brought to the eye is the reverse of that of the latter. As in the Regent's Park, the whole area in which the company is seated is made to move round from picture to picture, while the pictures themselves remain stationary; at Spring Gardens the spectators are fixed, and the pictures are caused to glide laterally and successively into view.


Most of the scenes are painted with considerable skill; and the illusion, in several instances, is very powerful. the first series, the ships, the boats, and the several crews are depicted in a lively and striking manner; and in the second, the exterior and interior of the island, and the representation of the emperor and his suite, succeeded by the solemnly grand delineation of his obsequies, give the clearest and most satisfactory idea of the circumstances intended to be portrayed, and forcibly convey to the mind the prominent particulars connected with the closing scene of the career of one of the most extrordinary of men.

Diary of Occurrences.

May 4.A SORT of panic prevails about the scarcity of the precious metals ; upwards of six millions sterling were exported last year, nine-tenths of which amount went to France. The recollection that guineas once sold for twenty-eight shillings, would cause a scramble for the sovereigns in circulation, were the present sensation to continue; but that is not likely. The flourishing state of commerce, and the power of the bank to contract their issues, must soon cause the drain of gold and silver to subside, and give a favourable turn to the exchange.

Green-peas and young gooseberries are exhibiting for sale in Covent-garden, and very fine strawberries are plentiful at 1s. 6d. per thumb-pottle. Rhubarb and asparagus are in great plenty. The late delightful alternation of showers and sunshine has done wonders for vegetation, and promises a most abundant fruit season.

6. Went to the Royal Academy Exhibition. It is certainly a very superior assortment this season, and highly creditable to the industry and talent of British artists. The compositions of Fruit and Flowers are extremely natural and beautiful. Among the portraits, setting aside the President's, that of Rivadavia is, I think, the most striking in eye, feature, and complexion, the Buenos Ayrian looks


almost alive, and that is certainly as high praise as one can bestow on the work of an artist. In the sculpture-room, Susannah at the Bath is a delicate and correct representation of female beauty but I must look in another day.

Reported that prince Leopold is going to marry the duchess of Berri.-A subscription opened in France to build a new church at Ferney, the chief object of which is to supersede the church built by Voltaire. Mr. Hicker, comptroller of the salt-mines in Gallicia, has discovered that naptha burns better than any oils in a mine where foul air is prevalent; and that it is less injurious to the health of

the workmen.

The working people are in a ferment on the subject of the re-enactment of the Combination Laws. It is a pity the whole should suffer for the thoughtless delinquencies of a few. Meanwhile, they would act wisely to refrain from any thing like general organization to interfere with the free agency of their em ployers. As they seek liberty for them selves, they ought not to seek to abridge it in others; and it would certainly be as unjust to dictate to the master the mode of employing his capital, as it would be to interfere with the journeyman in the best and most advantageous mode of employ ing and disposing of his labour.

Weekly Calendar.
May XIV.-Saturday.

High Water, Morn. XI. 26 m.-Even. XI. 52 m.
Sun rises, IV. 16 m.; sets V1I. 44 m.

On this day, 1610, Henry IV., king of France, styled "the Great," was assassi nated at Paris, by the fanatical Ravaillac.

Map XV.-Sunday.

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High Water, Morn. 0.0 m.-Even. 0. 19 m. Sunday Lessons, Morn. Deut. 12; Matt. 13. Even. Deut. 13; Rom. 14.

CHRONOLOGY.-1462. Battle of Hexham, in Northumberland; when the Yorkists gained a complete victory over the Lancastrians.

1740.-Died Ephraim Chambers, author of that voluminous work "The Cyclopædia." He was born at Milton, in Westmoreland. The intellectual character "of Mr. Chambers was sagacity and attention. His application was indefatigable; his temper cheerful, though somewhat impetuous; but neither in religion nor politics was he a slave to party. He was in

terred in the cloisters of Westminsterabbey.


1800. The late king George III. had: a double escape this day from being shot. While reviewing the guards in Hyde Park, a bullet was accidentally fired from a musket, and passed through the thigh of a gentleman, who stood at a small distance from his majesty. The same evening, the lunatic James Hadfield attempted to shoot the king at Drury-lane theatre.

May XVI.-Monday.

High Water, Morn. 0.43 m.-Even. -1.7 m.

On this day, 1726, John Ward, of Hackney, was expelled the house of commons for forgery. This notorious culprit, after his expulsion, was consigned to the pillory; on which disgraceful engine he was publicly exhibited, at a period when he was supposed to be worth 200,000%.

-The commodious house which Ward erected for his residence, at Hackney, is situated at the northern extremity of Church-street. The spot is still popularly known by the name of " Ward's Corner."

Map XVII-Tuesday.

High Water, Morn. I. 32 m.-Even. I. 58 m.

1727. Died, at St. Petersburg, in about the fortieth year of her age, that extraordinary personage Catharine I. She was the illegitimate daughter of an obscure country girl her being taken prisoner at Marienburgh was the occasion of her be coming the favourite, and, at length, the consort of Peter the Great. Upon the death of that monarch, in 1725, Catharine was declared empress of Russia, chiefly through the contrivance of her first patron, prince Menzikof. The great reason why the Czar was so fond of Catharine was, it is universally said, her possessing that "soul's refreshing green," an exceeding good temper; she was never seen peevish, nor out of humour.

May XVIII.—St. Dunstan.

High Water, Morn. II. 23 m.-Even. II. 45 m.

New Moon, U. 6 m. morning.

Dunstan was promoted to the see of Worcester by king Edgar; he was afterwards bishop of London, and archbishop of Canterbury. He died in 988, in the sixty-fourth year of his age: his miracles are too commonly known to be repeated.

May XIX-Thursday.

High Water, Morn. III. 4 m.—Even. 111. 22. m.

1824. Died, aged ninety-three, that excellent and liberal man baron Masseres,

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Map XX.Friday.

High Water, Morn. III. 39 m.-Even. III. 56 m.

CHRONOLOGY. 1506. Expired, at Valladolid, in Spain, Christopher Columbus, the discoverer of the New World. He was buried at Seville; his tomb is before the choir of the cathedral; the monument consists of one stone only, on which is engraven, in the Spanish language, "To Castile and Arragon, Columbus gave another world:" an inscription simple and expressive, the justness of which will be acknowledged by all who peruse the adventures of this eminent, but unfortunate man.


The Delivery of Israel out of Egypt, by F. DANBY, is a picture in a style which may be called peculiarly English; no other school of art, ancient or modern, presenting its similitude. For the invention of it we are indebted to MR. MARTIN, who first astonished the public with this novelty in his Fall of Babylon. The present picture is grand in conception; and, as far as regards that portion where the elements are represented, is perfectly original. The immense body of waters overwhelming the host of Pharoah is truly sublime; and notwithstanding it is so ideal a scene, it appears so real to the eye, that the imagination can scarcely divest itself from the idea that another sense is satisfied, and that the noise of the waters' thunders in the ears. The ominous and bloody streaks of light on the horizon, over the city of Egypt, are also successful efforts of an original imagination; as well as the thunder-cloud's above, piled in. heaps-an appearance so true to nature in her awful moments. But the most extraordinary, and also the most original part of the picture, is the cloud which illuminates the Israelites. The artist could scarcely have had a criterion or object of reference for this in nature, and yet the effect is not less apparently true and appropriate than it is visionary and mysterious. The actions of the numerous figures and various groups of the Israelites are powerfully expressive; they are such as we may imagine would have been upon the witnessing an event so full of


ment and disposition of the general lines and masses, as well as the situation of the principal figure, almost a literal copy from MR. MARTIN's picture of Joshua commanding the Sun to stand still. It is true that the figures of MR. DANBY are very superior in drawing and expression to those of MR.MARTIN,but he has not added sufficient to what he has borrowed to make it his own. Upon the whole, although this picture is truly forcible upon a first view, yet, upon repeated inspection, it does not give satisfaction equal to MR. DANBY's Enchanted Island, the last picture which he exhibited, putting out of the question its greatest deterioration-its want of originality in the principal part of the composition.


Daubeny's Supplement to Protestants' Companion," 8vo. 6s. 6d. Moh's Treatise Reine Canziani, 2 vols. 12mo. 14s.-Ayton's on Mineralogy, 3 vols. post 8vo. 11. 16s.Essays and Sketches of Character, crown 8vo. 8s. 6d.-Songs of a Stranger, by L. S. Castello, 8vo. 8s. 6d. Journal of Llewellin Penrose, 12mo.7s.-Coleridge's Aid to Reflec tion, post 8vo. 10s. 6d. Baron Field's New South Wales, 8vo. 18s.-Proctor's Journey across the Cordillera, 8vo. 12s.-The Sabbath Harp, 18mo. 5s-Refuge, 3 vòls. 12mo. 18s. Grandmother's Guests and their Tales, 2 vols. -Valley of Shenanvah, 3 vols. 18s.-My crown 8vo. 16s.-Shaw on the Spine, 8vo.7.s. -Salt on Hieroglyphics, royal- 8vo. 9s.— Travels of my Night Cap, 12mo. 6s.—Smith on Breeding for the Turf, 8vo. 12s.-Bowdich's Madeira, 4to. 21. 2s.-Anecdotes of Lord Byron, fe. 65.-Wood on Rail Roads, 8vo. 145.-Bentham's Rationale of Reward,

Svo. 12s..'

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The most objectionable part of the pic- London: Printed by 4. APPLEGATH, Stam

ture is the foreground, and this not on account of any deficiency in the composition, but from its being too much of a plagiarism. It is, indeed, in the arrange

ford Street, for THOMAS BOYS, No. 7, Ludgate Hill, to whom all Communications (free of expense) are requested to be addressed; and sold also by all Booksellers, Newsmén, and Venders in Town and Country.-Published every Saturday.

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THERE are few villages within a circuit of twelve miles of London which do not. yield materials for present admiration, or interesting retrospection. Kensington may boast its palace and fine gardens; Richmond, its noble hill and glorious prospect; Dulwich, its college and paintings; Woolwich, its naval and military depot; Deptford, its dock-yard; and Greenwich, its hospital. For past and present interest, perhaps Greenwich bears the palm of all the metropolitan hamlets. In history it is celebrated as the birthplace and residence of many of our sovereigns; it is famous as the scene of royal sports, of gorgeous


pageants, and Christmas gambols; and among its more recent associations we ought not to forget, that our great Novelist has made its park and palace the scene of not the least interesting incidents in the histories of "Kenilworth," and the "Fortunes of Nigel."

Grenewic, or Grenevic, as this place was called by the Saxons, is, literally, the green village; meaning, says Mr. Lysons, perhaps, the village on the green. most attractive remains are the royal hospital, the park, and the Easter and Whitsun fairs.


The idea of a national asylum for sea

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men is said to have originated with Mary, the queen of William III., who highly approved of it. When their majesties had resolved to found an hospital for this purpose, sir Christopher Wren suggested that Greenwich palace, which Charles II. had begun to rebuild, and finished one wing, should be converted to this use, and enlarged with new buildings. The suggestion was adopted; and, to the honour of the great architect, he superintended the new buildings for many years, without any emolument or reward. In 1705 the hospital was opened, when forty-two seamen were admitted; the number has been since increased to three thousand, and the number of out-pensioners is much greater. The pensioners who are the objects of this noble charity must be seamen disabled by age, or maimed, either in the king's service, or in the merchant's service (if the wounds were received in defending or taking any ship, or in fighting against pirates.) The revenues of the hospital arise from a deduction of sixpence per month out of the wages of seamen, from estates annexed to the foundation, bequests of individuals, rents and tolls from Greenwich market, and some other sources.


taking a peep through poor Jack's telescope, seeing that "great East Indiaman, which is just now turning the corner of Woolwich reach,—there you see the seven smugglers who were hung in chains,further on you behold Barking-church steeple, so plain that you may see the hands of the clock move!" The more quiet spectators are inhaling the refreshing breezes which sometimes blow over the river from Epping forest; others are sauntering through the umbrageous and lofty glade, or divided into gipsy groups, regaling themselves with porter and gin, ham and beef, and other varieties of the season. All ranks and degrees mix in this joyous carnival without distinction, and the lords and ladies of the West, may be found commingled with the flowers of Whitechapel and Shoreditch in the East; and even the right honourable the chancellor of the Exchequer has sometimes been seen taking a sly peep, to witness the happy effects of peace and plenty, and the reduction of taxes.

For the benefit of our country readers, who cannot behold the sports of Greenwich fair, we present them with a cut of some of the more striking and picturesque exhibitions.


After the conversion of Greenwich palace into an hospital, the park remained, as it still does, in the crown. It was walled round with brick by James I., and laid out in Charles the Second's time under the direction of Le Notre. The park contains one hundred and eighty-eight acres ; is planted chiefly with elms and Spanish chestnut trees; one of the latter is of great POLITICAL ECONOMY, AT THE LONDON size, measuring fourteen feet ten inches in girth, at three feet from the ground.

The scenery of the Park is very beautiful, and the views from it, particularly from One-tree Hill and the Observatory, uncommonly magnificent; affording one of the best prospects of the metropolis, its pool navigation, its populous eastern suburbs, and the serpentine windings of the Thames for a great extent. Mr. Boswell frequently mentions the park as the scene of his rambles and gossip with our great lexicographer; in 1737 Dr. Johnson lodged in Church-street, and composed a great part of his Irene, as he walked in the park.

During the fairs, which are held for three days, at Easter and Whitsuntide, Greenwich is crowded with visitors, who by land and water pour into the town from all parts of the metropolis. The park is the great centre of attraction, forming a sort of encampment of holiday-folks; some amusing themselves with running, others rolling or tumbling down an almost perpendicular hill, at the no less peril of their necks than their modesty; others are



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Capital the Produce of previous LabourFallacy of popular Opinion on Wages— High or low Wages no effect on Prices -Relation of Profits and Wages-A Rise of Wages sometimes lowers Prices— Exportation of Machinery.

MR. McCULLOCH's discourse this morning referred to the effect of the employment of capital, and the influence of variations in the rate of wages, and of variations in the rate of profits on the prices of commodities.

The lecturer commenced by referring to his previous definition, that capital is merely the accumulation of previous labour, from which it derives its value. The value of commodities depends on the amount of capital, and the quantity of labour employed in their production. If a commodity, with the aid of capital, can be

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