TH "Scr has re duced and pa sidere means It s prayer dange men g are ter it, wh portant He h from it study c in the His v tle leisu to him perfect In a t tention be desir paths, w shall find writer w any forme He wor of the du casion, in the course of his writing this book, to feel that s much easier to know how to pray, than really to pray. e grace of prayer is a divine gift of far more importance in the mere knowledge of all parts of this duty, or the ility to perform it before man. If some are disposed to think, that he has in any instance : the standard of devotion too high, he would say, that he s endeavored to follow the Scriptures; and though he Is that this necessarily often condemns both himself and ristians in general, it appeared his duty not to lower the ndard on that account, but rather to explain it, and press the more, that the perfection of the rule might lead himf and his readers more simply to the Savior for pardon, ace, and strength. Some may, indeed, on the other hand, nk, that by not setting the standard high enough, he has en proved his own want of devotional feeling. He is ady here to submit to those of more experience in the ristian life. It would have been easy to have enlarged many parts; t the object was to bring forward only the most obvious d useful observations that occurred. Though prayer is that duty which especially declares e guilt and weakness of man, and the grace and power God; yet there is danger in pressing any positive duty, 1 particularly that of prayer, lest we should in any easure foster and encourage that self-righteousness which so natural to the human mind. The writer has endeaved to guard against this evil. Without prayer, indeed, man possesses spiritual life; yet we are not saved by our ayers; the ability to pray is rather a part of that salvan which Jesus Christ has obtained for us. It may be thought by some, that parts of this work are le more than a collection or bringing together of texts Scripture. This will not, it is presumed, be an objection the majority of his readers; and it may be said, if it need a passa knew t also ve those p inconsi The Chape of a co in the them o mits to press, deliver The parts of instruct If the and be writer 1 that he he has reader a every g induce o to aim a Spirits. Salisb Δνση80 that the author felt that when he could quote In prej endeavore in a recer additions |