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JUDE. v. 3. It was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you, that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.

WERE the apostle who wrote this epistle now on the earth, he would hardly find cause to complain, that there is not contention enough in the Christian Church; or that existing controversies are not conducted with sufficient earnestness; though he might not always approve of the ground of contention. And if any one has an inclination to engage in theological warfare, he may have an ample field for the exercise of his powers. Among the divisions and subdivisions of sects and parties, he may find abundant opportunity to exhibit his controversial skill. But in selecting the ground which he is to defend or attack, he may have occasion to inquire, whether by engaging in this or that theological contest, he will approve himself to God. Our text furnishes a rule, by which we may be safely guided, in choosing the field of our controversial labors. "Earnestly contend," says the apostle, "for the faith which was once delivered to the saints."

The word faith, in this place, as in many other passages of Scripture, is evidently used to signify, not the act of believing, but the Vol. XIII. No. 1.


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