TESTIMONIALS. FROM THE PRESIDENT OF YALE COLLEGE. pro "Allow me to express my decided approbation of the object and plan of the National Preacher. It has opened a new channel for the religious influence of the press. It gives a durable form to a selection of able discourses; and bably gains for them a more attentive perusal, by distributing them, not in volumes, but in smaller portions, at regular intervals of time. The execution, so far as I have observed, is such as to satisfy the public expectation." FROM THE AMERICAN BAPTIST. "We esteem this Sermon (CCIX) one of the most valuable in the very valuable series of Sermons which that Work has presented to the reading public within the last ten years; a Work which deserves to receive a larger share of public patronage than it has yet secured." FROM PROFESSORS IN PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. "The plan proposed by the Rev. Austin Dickinson, of publishing a Monthly Series of Sermons, from the pens of respectable Ministers of different denominations of Christians in the United States, is one which, in our opinion, may be rendered highly interesting and extensively useful. We do, therefore, willingly recommend the undertaking to the patronage of the Christian community." FROM THE PRESIDENT AND PROFESSORS OF AMHERST COLLEGE. "Mr. Dickinson has a clear and discriminating mind; and is himself at once an able writer and preacher. Having spent four years at the South and West, and become extensively acquainted with Ministers and Christians of different denominations; and having at the same time an intimate knowledge of the religious state and wants of New-England; perhaps no man is better qualified to make a powerful and salutary impression on the public mind, by combining (and in a sense directing) the talents of our most eminent divines in his Monthly Preacher. "Most sincerely do we wish him the co-operation of those whose name and influence may make the work a blessing to many thousands." FROM THE QUARTERLY CHRISTIAN SPECTATOR. "We do not hesitate to say, that Mr. Dickinson has adopted one of the happiest expedients hitherto devised for eliciting that 'diversity of gifts' in the Christian ministry, which infinite wisdom and benevolence have bestowed for the edification of the body of Christ, and for bringing sinners to the foot of the cross." FROM THE NEW-YORK OBSERVER. "This periodical has, from its commencement in 1826, been regarded as a standard work; and, afforded as it is at the low price of one dollar a year, and sustained by some of the ablest writers of our country, we should expect it would continue to have an extensive and increasing circulation." I. The monthly numbers usually contain two Sermons. II. Price One Dollar, in advance, (or on receiving the first number) annually. Four copies, or volumes, for Three Dollars, in advance. III. Such as do not pay up arrearages, and give the Proprietor notice of a desire to discontinue taking the work, are responsible for payment while it is sent, and on commencing a new volume are responsible for its twelve numbers. New Subscribers may commence with any number they choose, on advancing payment for a year. An elegant Portrait of President Edwards accompanies the January Number. Postmasters are authorized to forward payments to the Proprietor, at his risk; to them receipts will be returned, to be shown to Subscribers. No mode of conveyance is found more safe than the mail. Correspondents will be careful in naming the individuals to whom credit is to be given, and the Post Office and State to which the work is to be sent. Letters may be directed, post-paid, to the Proprietor, DARIUS MEAD,ice of the National Preacher, 150 Nassau-street, New-York. CONTRIBUTORS. Upwards of sixty Clergymen, of five Christian denominations, and belonging to sixteen different States, most of whom are well known to the public as authors, have allowed the Editor to expect from them Sermons for this work; among whom are the following: Rev. Drs. Richards and Halsey, of the Theological Seminary at Auburn, Rev. Drs. Tucker and Beman, 'Troy; Rev. Dr. Sprague, Albany; Rev. Drs. Milnor, Matthews, Spring, M'Auley, Skinner, Brownlee, and De Witt, New-York City; Rev. Drs. Alexander and Miller, Professors in Princeton Theological Seminary; Rev. Professor M'Clelland, Rutgers College, NewJersey; Rev. Drs. Green, M'Dowell, Tyng, and Cuyler, Philadelphia; Rev. Dr. Bishop, President of Miami University, Ohio; Rev. Dr. Fitch, Yale College; Rev. Professors Tyler and Nettleton, East Windsor Theological Seminary; Rev. Dr. Wayland, President of Brown University; Right Rev. Bp. Griswold, Salem, Mass.; Right Rev. Bp. M'Ilvaine, Ohio; Rev. Dr. Humphrey, President of Amherst College, Mass.; Rev. Dr. Beecher, President of Lane Seminary, Cincinnati; Rev. Professors Woods, Stuart, and Emerson, of Andover Theological Seminary; Rev. Dr. Fisk. President of the Wesleyan University, Middletown, Ct.; Rev. Daniel A. Clark, Bennington, Vt.; Rev. Dr. Bates, President of Middlebury College; Rev. Dr. Matthews, Hanover Theological Seminary, Indiana; Rev. Dr. Baxter, Union Theological Seminary, Va.; Rev. Dr. Lord, President of Dartmouth College; Rev. Dr. Church, Pelham, N. H.; Rev. Dr. Leland, Columbia, S. C.; Rev. Dr. Coffin, Greenville, Tennessee; Rev. Drs. Perkins and Hawes, Hartford, Conn.; Rev. President Wheeler, Vermont University; Rev. Professor Howe, Columbia, S. C.; Rev. Dr. Chapin, President of Columbian College, D. C.; Rev. Dr. Nott, President of Union College. MOTHER'S MAGAZINE. This MONTHLY PERIODICAL has been published five years. The number to be issued in January, 1838, will be the first of Vol. 6th. The object of the publication is to promote the early physical, moral. and religious education of children, through the instrumentality of MATERNAL INFLUENCE. Terms-One Dollar a year, in advance. New-York, Dec. 13, 1837. S. WHITTLESEY, Publisher, 150 Nassar street, THE FAITHFUL PREACHER, AND WAGES OF 1 COR. IX. 16.- Wo is unto me if 1 preach not the Gospel. FATHERS AND BRETHREN: From this disciple of Gamaliel, this Apostle of Jesus, of miraculous call and special appointment, this humble, selfdenied, laborious, persevering preacher of the Gospel, let us learn that it is not the prerogative of birth, or talents, or education, or past or present success, to entitle us to a life of indolence or ease, relief from toil, or deliverance from wakeful anxious care. To whomsoever a dispensation, or stewardship of the Gospel is committed, on him there is laid an indispensable necessity to preach it; and when he has with all readiness of mind yielded obedience to the very uttermost, he has nothing, in the presence of man or God, wherein to glory. Instead of this, if he preaches from sinister motives, if he preaches negligently, or if unjustifiably he ceases to preach the Gospel, he has nothing to expect but wo. So saith this envoy of Heaven to a perishing world. "Wo is unto me if I preach not." Wo is unto every minister of Jesus who does not, to the extent of his ability and opportunity, preach the word of reconciliation. Wo is unto every one who measures the amount of necessity laid upon him by blind precaution, or blinder prejudice, and not by the wants of the perishing, the worth of the soul, the will of the Father, the grace of the Sanctifier, and the love of the Saviour. Wo is unto us, my brethren, if we preach not up to the full measure of all our muscular and mental power, excited and invigorated by the energy of the Spirit of him who says, "as your day is so shall your strength be"-"lo! I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." Yea, moreover, wo is unto us if we take not as the model of our ministry, the example of those "who subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, and showed mighty signs and wonders," and above all the example of him who "for the joy VOL. XII. No. 2. : |