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O Lord, bless, keep, and defend this thy servant with thy heavenly grace and benediction, that he may continue thine for ever, and daily increase in thy holy Spirit more and more, until he comes to thy everlasting kingdom. Let thy mighty hand and outstretched arm, O Lord, be ever his defence; thy mercy and lovingkindness in Jesus Christ, thy dear Son, his salvation; thy true and holy word his instruction; thy grace and holy Spirit his comfort and consolation; both now and at the hour of death. Amen.


Look down, O Lord, we humbly beseech thee, with an eye of compassion on thy poor distressed servant, who hath so long laboured under this heavy affliction; and as the outward man is decayed and brought low by the tediousness of his distempers, do thou be pleased to support him in the inner man by the gracious assistance of thy holy Spirit. Give him unfeigned repentance for all the errors of his past life, and steadfast re

solution to amend them, should length of days be allowed him. Grant him a lively hope of that immortal bliss which is promised to all true christians; implant in him a strong sense of thy fatherly love and care over him, which may make him heartily love and entirely confide in thee; and lead him in all confidence to resign both soul and body to thy all-wise and merciful disposal. We know there is nothing that is impossible to thee. Thou canst bring him up even from the gates of death, and grant him a longer continuance among us. May it be thy good pleasure, O most gracious God, still to continue him here: spare him, O Lord, and deliver him also speedily from the misery under which he hath so long groaned. Increase and strengthen his patience, and fortify his mind under thy dispensations. Teach him to bear, with an equal mind, what thou thinkest fit to lay upon him ; so that, approving himself to thee in these and all other virtues, while thou tryest him by so sore an affliction, he may say at the last, with the holy Psalmist, "It was good for me that I was in trouble." Unto thy mercy we commend his case send the Holy Spirit to be his comforter, thy good angels to be his guardians; direct those who are to advise and prescribe the means of his restoration, and bring him to praise

thee again in the assemblies of thy saints upon earth, (or if thou hast otherwise disposed in thy wise counsels,) to praise thee in the great assembly of saints and angels in heaven; through Jesus Christ our Lord and only Saviour, to whom, with thee, and the Holy Spirit, be all praise, love, aud obedience, world without end. Amen.

Prayers to be used in trouble and affliction.


Almighty God, who beholdest with compassion and mercy the weakness and frailties of us thy sinful creatures, look down on me, I beseech thee, and deliver me, if it be thy blessed will, from the distress of mind under which I labour. Strengthen my judgment and inform my understanding, that I may rightly know my duty; and grant that I may act on all occasions, and in every circumstance of life, in the manner most acceptable to thee. Pardon my secret sins and infirmities, and preserve me from all wilful neglects and offences. If thou seest it consistent with thy glory, and with the everlasting welfare of my soul, fill me with that fervency of affection

towards thee, and with that measure of spiritual comfort and assurance, which may preserve my mind in a frame of chearfulness and composure. But if trouble and bitterness of mind be more expedient for me, continue to me both this and all other afflictions which thou seest most conducive to my future happiness, and grant that I may bear them with patience and resignation. Let thy holy Spirit direct and support me under every trial, and enable me so to walk in thy faith and fear, that I may at last be received into thy heavenly kingdom; through the merits and mediation of thy Son Jesus Christ, our blessed Lord and Saviour. Amen.


Almighty and most merciful Father, who lovest those whom thou punishest, and turnest away thy anger from the penitent, look down with pity upon my sorrows, and grant that the affliction which it has pleased thee to bring upon me may awaken my conscience, enforce my resolutions of a better life, and impress upon me such conviction of thy power and goodness, that may place in thee my only felicity, and en


deavour to please thee in all my thoughts, words, and actions. Grant O Lord, that I may not languish in fruitless and unavailing sorrow, but that I may consider from whose hand all good and evil is received, and may remember that I am punished for my sins, and hope for comfort only by repentance. Grant, O merciful God, that by the assistance of thy Holy Spirit I may repent and be comforted; obtain that peace which the world cannot give; pass the residue of my life in humble resignation and chearful obedience; and when it shall please thee to call me from this mortal state, resign myself into thy hands with faith and confidence; and finally obtain mercy and everlasting happiness; for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

By the same.

O Lord, our heavenly Father, without whom all purposes are frustrate, all efforts are vain, grant me the assistance of thy Holy Spirit, that I may not sorrow as one without hope, but may now return to the duties of my present state, with humble confidence in thy protection; and so govern my thoughts and actions, that neither business may withdraw my mind from thee, nor

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