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From the "Shipping Gazette."

"The several subjects are explained concisely and well."

From the "Solicitors' Journal."

"It will no doubt be found very useful, as it is short, clear, and practical. The practical directions contained in it are excellent."

From the "Standard."

"A Manual of Shipping Law which will no doubt be a welcome, and, we believe, a safe guide.'

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From the "Law Journal."

"The information has been put in as concise and practical a form as possible,"

From the "Mercantile Marine Magazine."

"This work is what its title indicates-a Practical Manual of Shipping Law. Here, at small cost-readily, concisely, and in clear language-both shipowner and shipmaster can acquire information as to their legal rights and duties."

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"It does not profess to be a law book full of references to statutes and authorities; its purpose as announced in the preface being to inform Ship Captains of their legal rights and duties, so as to enable them to keep their employers free from disputes and litigation: a very worthy object to be entertained by a solicitor, and the manner in which he seeks to attain it gives promise of success. The different contracts in which the ship master is apt to get involved are unfolded to him with great care and clearness."

From the "London Review."

"If Ship Captains will only learn enough from this book to know the dangers which beset them, in legal shoals as well as at sea, they will not have read it in vain."



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From the Quarterly "Law Review."

"The Manual, though small, is a complete digest of Shipping Law. We have rarely seen so much law accurately compiled within the same compass."

From "Public Opinion."

"The writer's object has been to give to Ship captains a plain and practical knowledge of their legal rights and duties, so as to enable them to keep their employers free from disputes and litigation. This the author has contrived to do, and from the clear and concise manner in which the work is arranged, subjects, which to non-legal readers appear devoid of interest, have here been presented in a thoroughly readable, if not an entertaining form. The Manual is appropriately named, for it is distinctly a Practical one."

From the "Western Daily Press."

"A work which will prove of great value to Captains, Shipowners, and Merchants. It is a concise and really useful summary of the law on the subjects to which it relates. It is ample enough to be what it professes to bea Practical Manual of Shipping Law, and brief enough to permit of ready reference. It is clearly written, with a view to make it easily understood, and it will no doubt become a favourite book with those who are directly or remotely connected with the shipping interest."

From the "Bristol Daily Times and Mirror.”

"A book of this class, well compiled, accurately written, and intelligible to those to whom it is of most use, is of the utmost value, and these are the characteristics of this one. We can honestly recommend it for perusal and careful study to our mercantile and shipping readers. What renders the book still more valuable is, that no other publication of the kind exists, in which the various practical points relating to Shipping Law are collected together."

From the "Sunderland Times."

"A copy of the book should certainly be in every Captain's cabin."

From the "Newcastle Chronicle."

"The freedom of the book from legal technicalities is a great recommendation."

From the "Cardiff Times."

"No technicalities are indulged in, and the law is laid down in a manner at once terse, concise, and plain."

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