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Lead was furnished by the mines of Matthew Hart in Farm ington, and the mines at Middletown and New Canaan were utilized by the Colony for furnishing not only the immediate local needs but also the requirements of New York, Massachu setts Bay and other colonies as soon as they became aware of the supply. Sheet lead was provided in large quantities for temporarily repairing gun shot wounds in the sides and hulls of vessels, as well as for moulding into bullets for small arms. These, together with other natural resources, including the copper ore at the "Simsbury mine" at Newgate, soon created the needed impetus, and demand and supply became gradually coincident.


This Assembly do appoint, impower and desire his Hon" the Governor, during the present session of this Assembly, to fill up the blank commissions for private ships of war and Letters of Marque and Reprisal sent, or that shall be sent from time to time by the President of the Congress to this Assembly, and the same deliver to the person or persons intending to fit out such private ships of war who shall apply for the same, and also to see the proper bonds executed, sent with such commis sions and see the same duly returned agreeable to the resolutions of the Honble Continental Congress for and during the pleasure of this Assembly."

Apr. 34, 1776, Congress ordered that blank commissions for private ships of war and Letters of Marque and Reprisal, signed by the President but sent to the General Assembly, Conventions, and Councils or Committees of Safety of the United Colonies, to be by them filled up and delivered to the persons intending to fit out such ships. The form of the commission was as follows:


The Delegates of the United Colonies of New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware,

Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia

TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, GREETING: YE, That we have granted, and by these Pres


ents do grant license and authority to.. mariner, Commander of the

of the burthen of

navigated by

of mounting


tons or thereabouts, belonging to

in the Colony of

carriage guns, and

men, to fit out and set forth the said a warlike manner and by and with the said and the crew thereof, by force of arms, to attack, seize and take the ships and other vessels belonging to the INHABITANTS OF GREAT BRITAIN, or any of them, with their tackle, apparel, furniture and ladings, on the high seas or between high water and low water marks, and to bring the same to some convenient Ports in said Colonies in order that the Courts, which are or shall be appointed to hear and deter mine causes, civil and maritime, may proceed, in due form, to condemn the said captures, if they be adjudged lawfull Prize; the said having given Bond with sufficient sureties, that nothing be done by said or any of the officers, mariners or company thereof, contrary to or inconsistent with the usages and customs of nations, and the Instructions, a copy of which is herewith all delivered to him. And we will and require our officers wheresoever, to give succour, and assistance to the said in the premises.

This Commission shall continue in force until the Congress shall issue orders to the contrary.




When an American officer was taken prisoner, the following was the form of Parole (printed) required:

I, the Subscriber.

do hereby acknowledge myself a Prisoner of War to His

Majesty, and most solemnly and strictly bind myself by all the full, implicit and extensive faith and meaning of a PAROLE OF HONOUR, which I hereby give to His Excellency Vice-Admiral ARBUTHNOT; and that I will not directly or indirectly, either by Word or Deed, take any further Part in the Dispute between Great-Britain and the British Colonies in North-America, until regularly exchanged for an Officer of Equal Rank in His Majesty's Service."

Copy of British Commission issued to
Captain Ebenezer Parker of the

Privateer EXPERIMENT of Bermuda.

GEORGE THE THIRD, BY THE GRACE OF GOD, OF GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE & IRELAND KING, DEFENDER OF THE FAITH &c; To All to Whom these presents shall come GREETING. WHEREAS, By an Act Passed in Parliament in the seventeenth year of Our Reign, Chapter the Seventh, it is enacted that the Lord High Admiral of Great Britain, or the Commissioners for Executing the office of Lord High Admiral of Great Britain for the time being, or any three or more of them, or any person or persons by him or them empowered and appointed, shall and may from and after the Twentieth Day of February, 1777, at the request of any merchant or merchants being owner or owners of any ship or vessel employed in Trade or retained in our service giving such Bail and Security as is therein directed, caused to be issued forth one or more commission or commissions to any person or persons whom such merchant or merchants shall nominate to be commander, or in case of Death, successively Commanders of such ship or vessel, for the attacking, surprising, seizing, and taking by and with such ship or vessel, or with the crew thereof, all ships and vessels, goods, wares and merchandise, chattels and effects whatsoever, belonging to the Inhabitants of the AMERICAN COLONIES NOW IN REBELLION; and all ships and vessels, with their cargoes, apparel and furniture belonging to our subjects of Great Britain or Ireland, which shall be found trading to or from the said

colonies contrary to the Provisions of an Act passed in the Sixteenth year of our Reign, Chapter the Fifth, entitled "An Act Prohibiting All Trade and Intercourse with the said Colonies" -and to bring the said ships and vessels to adjudication in our High Court of Admiralty of England, or such other Court of Admiralty as now is or shall be hereafter duly authorized in that behalf; and Whereas three of our said Commissioners have authorized and empowered our Governor, Lieutenant Governor or Commander-in-chief of our Bermuda or Somers Islands to grant Commissions to vessels fitted out from thence; and Whereas, Bridger Goodrich of St. Georges in our said Island of Bermuda, merchant, owner of the Brigantine EXPERIMENT, hath by writing requested his Honour, George Bruer Esquire, Captain General, Lieutenant Governor and Commander-in-chief in and over our said Bermuda or Somers Islands, and Vice Admiral of the same, that he would cause to be issued forth a commission unto Ebenezer Parker, whom the said owner has nominated to be commander of the said Experiment; and Whereas his Honour George Bruer Esquire, our Liuetenant Governor and Commander-in-chief of our said Bermuda Islands, hath thereupon issued a Warrant under his Hand and the Seal of said Islands, willing and requiring the Honourable Andrew Cazneau, Esquire, Judge of our Court of Vice Admiralty of our said Islands, to cause a commission to be issued out of the said Court unto the said Ebenezer Parker, and in case of death, unto Robert Burton, James Clark, Isaac Vanhook, and William Campbell, successively to set forth in a warlike manner the said Brig or Vessel called the EXPERIMENT, of the burthen of 100 tons, whereof the said Ebenezer Parker at present is Commander; and Whereas the said Ebenezer Parker hath given sufficient Bail with Sureties to us in our said Court of Vice Admiralty according to the Affect and Form set down in our Instructions, a copy of which is given to the said Ebenezer Parker,

KNOW YE, Therefore, That we do by these Presents grant Commission to and do license and authorize the said Ebenezer Parker, and in case of Death, Robert Burton, James Clark, Isaac Vanhook, and William Campbell, successively, in a warlike manner, to set forth the said Brig EXPERIMENT, laden with provisions and stores of the burden of 100 tons, having

20 carriage guns, some of which carry shot of Twelve, and others of Six pound weight, with small arms in proportion, and belonging to the Port of St. George in Bermuda, and bound from thence on a Cruise, and whereof the aforesaid Bridger Goodrich is owner, and navigated with 100 men, and by and with said brigantine or vessel or with the crew thereof, to attack, surprise, seize and take all ships and vessels, goods, wares, and merchandises, chattels, and effects whatever belonging to the Inhabitants of the AMERICAN COLONIES NOW IN REBELLION, and all ships and vessels with their Cargoes, apparel and furniture belonging to our Subjects in Great Britain and Ireland, which shall be found trading to or from the said Colonies contrary to the provisions of the before mentioned Act of Parliament of the 16th year of our Reign, chapter the 5th, and which ships and vessels are made liable to seizure by merchant ships employed in Trade or retained in our Service, being commissioned thereunto according to Act of Parliament passed in the 17th year of our Reign, Chapter 7th, and concerning which seizures for the better guidance and conduct of the commanders of such ships and vessels certain Instructions have Issued under our Royal Signet and Sign Manual bearing date at Saint James the 27th Day of March 1777,-And to bring the same to such Port as shall be most convenient in order to have them legally adjudged in our High Court of Admiralty of England, or before the Judge of such other Admiralty Court within our Dominions as shall be lawfully authorized, which being condemned, it shall and may be lawful to and for said Ebenezer Parker or other successive commanders, to sell and dispose of such ships or vessels and goods so adjudged and condemned, in such sort and manner, as by the course of the Admiralty hath been accustomed, except in such cases where it is otherwise directed by our said Instructions, Provided that nothing be done by the said Ebenezer Parker or any of his officers, marines & company contrary to the true meaning of our Instructions delivered unto him therewith, but that the said Instructions, and each and any of them so far as they or any of them are therein Concerned, shall in any Particulars be well and duly performed and observed; and we Pray and Desire all Kings, Princes, Potentates, States and Republicks being our Friends and Allies, and all others to whom it shall appertain, to give

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