Imágenes de páginas



From the original in the Marine Room of the Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass.


Should any officer or any of the Company be sent in a Prize & have the misfortune to be taken by the Enemy & kept Prisoner during the Remainder of the Cruize, such Person shall be intitled to a share notwithstanding in all the Prizes that may be taken by said Vessel during the Remainder of the Cruize, in the same manner as if they were actually on Board at the taking of such Prizes, provided he or they obtain their Liberty before the end of the Cruize he or they shall use their best endeavours to join said Vessel, by any method pointed out by the Owners or Agents, on Failure of which, he or they shall forfeit their Prize Money for the Benefit of the Owners and Ship's Company

10. That the Captain shall have full Power to displace any Officer that may be found unfit for his Post.

11. That the Captain, with his Principal Officers, shall have full power to appoint an Agent for the Ship's Company. 12. That in the Division of the Dead Shares, the Captain, Lieutenants, Master, Surgeon, and Officer of Marines shall not be intitled to any Part thereof.

[Attached to the printed Articles of Agreement.]

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


23 Woodbury Starkweather do
24 Jonathan Orms
25 Jeddiah Richardson
26 Ebenezer Bartram
27 Silvanus Smalley
28 Turner Harding
29 Samuel Sturges
30 Peter Bosson

Masters Mate

Gunners Mate 49 Frederick Curtiss

[Copied from a page of the original signatures of the Hibernia's Crew, which was attached to a printed form of the Articles.]

[blocks in formation]

Mich' Pepper

James Dubloin
Dom Tauzin

James Fry
Ebenezer Hyde
Fred Elderkin
Thomas Hisore
EphTM Hernick
Peter Bissoin
Will Wheeler
Isaac Williams
Turner Harding
Willm Thorp

Ebenezer Bartram

Adam Love

John Bladget

John Harrison
Samuel Sebra
Abner Doubleday
Daniel Rockwell

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Esau Richardson

John Coatney

D 29 Oct. 1780 Charon

Abner Coatney

Fred Curtis
Esau Gerti
Jacob Havey
Wm Scranton

Jason Bonzes

Jere Boyton
Roger Smith
Jonathan Ornes
Silvanus Smalley
Dan' Hempsted
Dan1 Smith
Jona Belcher

Henry Walton

Wodby Starkweather
Nat1 Fellows

Sam1 Sturges

D 29 Oct. 1780

D 29 Oct. 1780 Charon

Rich Rosser

Nathan Havey

D 29 Oct. 1780 Charon

C. M. Pole Captain. John Halsey Purser.

HORNET, Schooner.

Sylvester Pendleton of Stonington, commander; commissioned May 1, 1779. 4 guns and 15 men. Bonded for $5,000 by Sylvester Pendleton and Acors Sheffield of Stonington and John Alden of Lebanon. Owned by John Newman & Co., and witnessed by David Mumford. (Vol. 8, p. 7, 196 Cont. Cong.) This vessel, prior to the above commission, captured a French snow called Barron Dozer in 1778, with a valuable cargo of goods, the value of which was refunded to Monsieur Holker the French consul. The cargo, being much needed by the State, was delivered to Major Ledyard at Groton. (Vote: Gov. & Council, Dec. 18, 1778.)


Charles Jenks, commander, according to Court records captured the British victuallers, sloop Defiance, Christopher Allen late master, sloop Adventure, John Dow late master, and sloop Dispatch, William Hingston late master, on Long Island Sound in May, 1779, in company with Capt. Israel Stoddard of the Prudence.

HOPE, Schooner.

John Smith 3d, commander, duly commissioned by Governor Trumbull, captured the British sloop victualler Rover, 35 tons, Perez Gilbert late master, July 27, 1778, per libel filed Sept. 28, 1778, for the action of the Hartford County Maritime Court and for which favorable decree was granted.

HOPE, Armed Boat.

Samuel Smith of Southington, commander of the armed boat Hope, captured and brought into Hartford County Court the libel against a British vessel with illicit goods and merchandise being imported from Long Island.

HUMBIRD, Schooner.

Israel Lewis of Stonington, commander; commissioned Aug. 11, 1777. Armed victualler with 2 guns and 10 men. Bonded for $5,000 by Israel Lewis, John Rathburn Jr. and John Herttell, and owned by John Rathburn Jr. of Stonington. No other record.

HUMBIRD, Schooner.

Daniel Griffing of New Haven, commander; commissioned Aug. 11, 1778. An armed victualler, 3 guns and 7 men. Bonded for $5,000 by Daniel Griffing and Ebenezer Dayton,

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