Imágenes de páginas

olic services in, 110, 116, 119, 241. First
directory of, published, 115. Maps of,
ib. Washington's visit to, in 1789,
203. Monument on Beacon Hill, 233.
Trinity Church used for a Roman
Catholic funeral, 241. Tontine Cres-
cent, 351. Lodge of colored Masons
in, 383.

Bostwick, Rev. David, his "Life of Pres-

ident Davies," I. 10.

"Bourgogne," French war vessel, the, at
Portsmouth, I. 148.
Bourne, Silvanus, II. 116.

Bowdoin, Gov. James, I. 480, 488; II.
103, 101, 107, 232, 266, 294, 390, 395,
396. His "Discourse before the Amer-
ican Academy" cited, I. 110.

Bowen, Abel, his "Picture of Boston "
cited, II. 123 n.

Boyle, Sir Robert, I. 137.

Boylston, Thomas, II. 384.
Brackenridge, Hugh Henry, I. 227.

Brackett, Joshua, M.D., I. 97, 213, 225,

240, 242, 243, 273, 407, 482.
Brackett, Mrs. Joshua, I. 129.
Bradford, Alden, LL.D., II. 391 n.

Bradford, David, II. 350.

Bradford, Thomas, I. 147 n.

Bradford, William, I. 147 n., 281, 297.
Brandt, Joseph, I. 228.
Breese, Abby, II. 252, 256.
Breese, Arthur, II. 296.

Breese, Hon. Samuel, I. 420, 423, 477,
478, 480, 485, 487; II. 45, 101, 103,
127 n., 149, 166, 252, 254, 256, 257,
259, 304, 326, 356, 363, 368, 371 n.
Breese, Mrs. Samuel, II. 147, 149, 165,
252, 254, 256, 371.

Breese, Miss Susan, II. 45, 131, 165, 197,
209, 254, 273, 275, 371.

Brissot de Warville, Jean Pierre, II.
221, 282, 283, 288.

Brooks, Deacon Samuel, I. 32.


Buckwheat cakes, II. 285, 294, 296.
Buffaloes, II. 52, 57, 60.

Buffon, Georges Louis Le Clerc, Comte
de, I. 142, 150.

Bulfinch, Charles, II. 234.

Bumper, origin of the word, I. 494.
Bunker, I. 400.
Bunker Hill, Dr. Gordon's account of
the battle of, II. 156, 159, 161, 163.
Dr. Belknap's views on the battle,
159. Mr. Thacher's account of the
battle, 163. Direction of the wind
during the battle, ib.

Burdet, Rev. George, I. 318, 327, 339,

[ocr errors]

Burgess, Rev. Daniel, I. 471.

Burghers," the, I. 180.

Burgoyne, Gen. John, I. 44, 421, 425.
Burke, Ædanus, I. 431.

I. 400.

Burnaby, Andrew, D.D., his "Travels
through the Middle Settlements of
North America," I. 14, 17, 22, 24, 25,
29, 30.

Burnet, Gilbert, D.D., Bishop of Salis-
bury, his "Life of John, Earl of Roch-
ester," cited, I. 85, 89.

Burr, Rev. Aaron, I. 8.

Butler, Joseph, D.D., Bishop of Durham,
II. 385.

Byles, Daniel, I. 262.

Byles, Mather, D D., I. 68, 432; II. 51,
53, 201, 239. Hymn by, and Joseph
Green's parody on the same, I. 70, 71.
Anecdote of, 285. Anecdote told by,
471. List of articles found in his
house after his death, II. 234, 235.
Byles, Thomas, I. 262, 285.
Byng, Admiral John, II. 135.


of Charlestown, II. 291, Cadogan, William, M.D., II. 144.

[blocks in formation]

of Halifax, II 325.

Brown, Rev.

Brown, Dr.

II. 313, 316-318.

Brown, innkeeper, I. 387.

Brydone, Patrick, I. 191.

Bryson, James, I. 199, 203, 212, 258, 350,
432, 449; II. 1, 141, 148, 167, 190, 198,

Buchner, Andrew, M.D., I. 295.
Buckminster, Joseph, D.D., I. 65, 84;
II. 3, 12, 14, 100, 109, 264, 265. "Met-
ropolitan," I. 106, 112, 113, 122, 137,
146, 147, 158, 167, 204, 217, 228, 230,
237, 335, 340, 341, 343, 347, 351, 354,
361, 373, 409. Marriage of, 131, 132.
Buckminster, Mrs. Joseph (Stevens), I.
129, 342; II. 13, 133, 135, 149, 153.
Buckminster, Rev. Joseph Stevens, birth
of, I. 354.

Caldwell, Rev. James, death of, I. 113.
Caldwell, Mrs. James, death of, I. 113.
Caldwell, James, II. 438.

Caldwell, John, II. 438 n.

Caldwell, Seth, II. 438 n.

Caldwell, William, II. 439.

Callender, Joseph, II. 269.
Calvin, John, II. 254.

Cambridge Chronicle," newspaper, II.
277 n.

Campbell, Col. Arthur, I. 91, 95.
Canada, proposed road to, I. 110, 112.
Trade of, with Vermont, I. 143.
Capac. See "Manco Capac."
Carey, Matthew, I. 450-453, 457, 459,
461, 462, 476, 477, 480, 483, 484, 489,
491, 494; II. 15, 38, 46, 60, 72, 76, 79,
97, 112, 142, 203, 209, 211, 218, 237,
267, 270, 308, 315, 338, 346, 426 n.
Carleton, Sir Guy, I. 130, 203.
Carmichael, Rev. John, I. 492.
'Caroline," sloop, I. 274.

Carroll, John, D.D., Bishop of Baltimore,
II. 123, 263, 265.

Carter, John, II. 46.

Carver, Capt. Jonathan, I. 414.

Cary, Col. Richard, II. 48, 84, 136, 143.
Death of, II. 212, 213.
Cary, Richard, Jr., II. 213.
Caryl, Rev. Joseph, his

Clerical etiquette in leaving one parish
for another, I. 440.

Clinton, Sir Henry, I. 64, 105.
Cobbett, William, II. 349 n.
Cochran, John, M.D., II. 235.

"Cock and Hen," Dr. Belknap's Apo-
logue of the, I. 8, 9, 11.

Exposition of Codman, John, II. 252, 253, 260.

the Book of Job,” I. 16.
Catholicism, Roman, I 61.
Ceres," ship, II. 255, 264, 274.
Chadburn, Col.

[ocr errors]

I. 54.
Chalmers, George, his "Political Annals
of America," II. 152, 154, 218, 219,

Chambaud, Louis, II. 218, 222.
Chambers, Ephraim, his "Dictionary of
Arts and Sciences," I. 39, 150.
Chandler, Thomas Bradbury, D.D., II.

Channing, William Ellery, D.D., I.
447 n.

Charles II. of England, I. 3.
Charlevoix, Peter Francis Xavier, I. 26,
28, 101.

Chastellux, François Jean, Marquis de,
II. 221 n.

Chauncy, Charles, D.D., I. 171, 172 n.,
201, 348, 406, 407, 409, 465.
Cheesman, Capt. Samuel, II. 266, 276,
279, 298, 358.

Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope,
Earl of, I. 6, 58, 67, 69, 76.
Chevalier, Jane. See "Anderson, Jane."
Chew, Hon. Samuel, I. 157, 161.
Chittenden, Gov. Thomas, I. 176.
Christianity, evidences of, I. 15, 17.
Chubb, Thomas, II. 385.

Church, Benjamin, M.D., I 95 n.
Churchman, John, II. 283, 288.

Coffin, Peleg, II. 346.

Coin, French, of Louis XIV., I. 93.
Coke, Sir Edward, I. 150.

Cold winter of 1779-80, I. 30, 31, 36.
Colden, Cadwallader, II. 158.
Colman, Benjamin, D.D., II. 324.
Colonial policy of England, I. 14, 17.
Columbia," ship, II. 231.

Columbia College, New York, II. 130.
"Columbian Centinel," newspaper, II.

15, 19, 43, 66, 116, 133, 149, 208, 212,
233, 239, 298, 301, 329, 342. See also
"Russell, Benjamin."

"Columbian Magazine," I. 451 n., 454,
459, 461, 462, 465, 473, 474, 476, 482,
496, 500; II. 1, 13, 19, 23, 25-28, 52,
59, 77, 80, 83, 88, 89, 92, 99, 105-107,
139, 142, 149, 158, 198, 286 n., 294, 325.
See also "Universal Asylum.'
Columbus, Christopher, II. 307. Dr.
Belknap's discourse on, 308, 312, 314,
315, 317, 318, 322.

Comet of 1784, I. 301.

Confederation, American, weakness of
the, I. 207. Dr. Belknap's views on the
instability of government under the,

Cook, Capt. James, I. 154, 160, 273, 347;
II. 401. Last voyage of, I. 413, 417.
Cooper, Samuel, D.D., I. 384.
Copley, John Singleton, R.A., II. 115.
Copp, Benjamin, I. 388.

Cincinnati, Society of the, I. 303, 307; Copp, of Wakefield, N. II., I. 386.

II. 150.

Cist, Charles, I. 122, 451.

Clarke, John, D.D., I. 171, 172 n., 362,
368; II. 65, 167, 179. His funeral ser-
mon on Dr. Chauncy, I. 465.
Clarkson, Cornelia, II 240, 243, 256, 257,
267, 272, 275, 281, 296, 322, 325, 341,
352-354, 358, 361, 363, 364.
Clarkson, Gerardus, M D., I. 115, 184,
269 n, 290, 293, 298, 305, 333, 381, 420
n., 425, 428, 430, 438, 446, 479, 480, 483,
484, 486, 488, 494, 496; II. 13, 15, 110,
118, 121, 127, 133, 198, 201, 205, 240,
243, 341 n. "Ulysses," I. 260, 263, 268,
297, 320, 336, 338, 341, 355, 410, 424,
440. Death of, II. 239, 240.
Clarkson, Rev. Joseph, II. 243, 270.
Clarkson, Matthew, I. 355, 420, 450, 453;
II. 243, 341, 342.
Clarkson, Rebecca, II. 243.

Clarkson, Thomas, his "Essay on Slav-
ery," II. 27, 28, 32, 33, 215, 216.
Clarkson, William, M.D., II. 243, 270.
Clarkson family, the, II. 245.
Clergymen, salaries of, II. 125.


[ocr errors]

Copperas in New Hampshire, I. 32, 40.
Copyright, Connecticut law of, I. 195.
Cornwallis, Gen. Charles, I. 102.
Costume of ladies in 1782, I. 129.
Cotton, Rev. John, of Plymouth Co., I. 16,
88, 95.


Cotton, John, I. 337.

Cotton, Hon. Josiah, II. 326.
Coxe, Tench, II. 190.

Cranfield, Gov. Edward, I. 3, 14.

Crevecœur, Hector St. John, I. 493.

Cromwell, Oliver, I. 464.

Crosby, Ebenezer, M.D., II. 51, 53.
'Culheag," a log trap, I. 392.

[ocr errors]

Cumberland, Henry Frederick, Duke of,
II. 383.

Cushman, Robert, his sermon at Ply-
mouth, I. 93 n.

Cushman, Elder Thomas, I. 93 n.
Cutler, Rev. Manasseh, I. 385, 386, 391,
395, 397, 405, 408, 411, 412, 419, 425,
428, 442, 483, 484, 486-488, 490, 495,
496; II. 45, 53, 57, 61, 82, 170, 171,
176, 183, 186, 187, 189, 214, 215, 217,
282, 288. His removal to Ohio, I. 430.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Dallas, Alexander James, I. 485, 489-491,
497; II. 27, 35, 86, 138.

Dalton, Tristam, II. 6.

Dana, Francis, LL.D., II. 6, 8, 9, 376,

Danforth, Rev. Samuel, II. 56.
Dark day in Canada, I. 425.
Dark day in New England, I. 52–55 58.
Dartmouth College, I. 47. Education at,
II. 40-43.


Dunlap, John, II. 320, 327, 328.

Du Pratz, Le Page, his "History of Lou-
isiana," I. 26, 28.

Duyckinck, Evert A. and George L.,
their "Cyclopedia of American Liter-
ature" cited, I. 73 n.


Eames, Capt. Samuel, II. 322, 324, 326,
328, 348.


Earthquake in 1784, I. 299. In 1786,
II. 149.

Eckard, Lawrence, I. 295.
Eckley, Joseph, D.D., I. 21, 190.
Education in New Hampshire before and
after the American Revolution, I. 287-

Davies, Rev. Samuel, I. 8, 10, 12. "Life | Eaton,
of," by David Bostwick, 10.
of," by Dr. Gibbons, 12.
Davis, Capt. Edward, II. 257.
Davis, John, LL.D., II. 326, 357-359,
367, 368. His edition of Cushman's
sermon, I. 93 n. His edition of Mor-
ton's Memorial cited, 445 n.
Dawes, Hon. Thomas, II. 234 n.
Day, Luke, I. 455, 456.

Dayton, Capt. Jonathan, II. 3, 4, 67.
Deafness, proposed cure for, I. 295-297,

De Lancey family, the, II. 158.
Democracy, I. 359, 360, 371.
"Democritus," of Exeter, N. H., I. 43,
46, 446 n.

Dexter, Samuel, II. 376, 387 n.


of, to Dr. Belknap, in answer to Judge
Tucker's queries, 384, 388. Letters
of, to Dr. Belknap, on slavery, 395-
398. Sketch of, 387 n.

Dexter, Timothy, Lord, II. 351.
Dickinson, John, LL.D., I. 185, 193,
195, 202.

Dickinson, Rev. Jonathan, I. 8.
Dictionary, Universal, the, I. 39.
Dighton Rock, I. 343, 353, 361; II. 76,

77, 160. Inscription on the, II. 81.
Dilly, Charles, II. 114, 197.
Dilly & Longman, Messrs., I. 449.
Dobson, Thomas, II. 247, 249, 250, 253,
255, 259, 273, 274, 291, 297, 301, 303,
305, 308-310, 312-315, 317, 318, 320,
322, 323, 325, 343, 346, 348, 349, 352,
354, 357, 360, 361, 368.
Dorchester, Mass., I. 19.
Douglass, William, M.D., I. 120, 209.
Dover, N. H., I. 222. See also "Belk-
nap, Jeremy."

Dover Court, origin of the name, I. 19.
Drake, Francis S., his "Dictionary of
American Biography" cited, II. 78 n.
Drought in 1782, I. 143, 151, 156.
Drury, Col. Luke, I. 480.
Dudley, Hon. John, I. 446 n.
Dudley, Gov. Joseph, I. 127.

I. 419.

Duffield, George, D.D., II. 100, 104, 107,

Dugard, William (?), I. 346.

Du Luth, Daniel Greysolon, Sieur, I. 42.

Edwards, Rev. Jonathan, I. 8.
Effingham, Thomas Howard, 3d Earl of,

II. 383.

Eliot, Rev. Andrew, I. 247 n., 434.
Eliot, John, the Apostle, II. 56, 63, 65, 69,
87-90, 96, 99, 329.

Eliot, John, D.D., I. 15, 16, 18, 21, 23, 26-
29, 35, 47, 128, 130-132, 281; II. 313.

Freemason," I. 163, 223, 247, 258, 267,
275, 279, 300, 308, 318, 329, 332, 333,
335, 340, 343, 354, 361, 368, 401, 407.
Marriage of, 247. Letter from, to Dr.
Belknap, in answer to Judge Tucker's
queries, II. 382, 383.

Eliot, Samuel, I. 199, 206, 210, 214, 218,
222, 223 n., 228, 230, 235, 240, 241,
246, 249, 258, 264-267, 278, 287, 292,
293, 332, 335, 348, 355, 362, 380, 402,
407, 449, 457, 469, 470 n.; II. 115 n.
Extract from a letter of, I. 272.
Eliot, Samuel Atkins, I. 223 n.
Eliot, Rev.


of Fairfield, Conn., I.

Elizabeth, of England, II. 394.
Ellery, William, II. 292.

Elliott, Col. Simon, I. 458; II. 87, 361,

Ellis, W., his account of Cook's Voyage,
I. 413.

Eloquence in New Hampshire, II. 40.
Ely, Samuel, I. 133.

Emery, Enoch, I. 397.
Emery, Noah, I. 118.
Emery, Samuel, II. 335.
| Emery,

I. 400.

England, Colonial policy of, I. 14, 17.
Entick, John, his "Spelling Dictionary,"
I. 174, 183, 274.

Episcopal clergy, complaints of persecu
tion during the Revolution, made by,
I. 134.

[blocks in formation]

Evans, Rev. Israel, I. 36, 119, 122, 125,
408, 411; II. 103, 141, 145, 149, 300,
304. Installed minister of Concord,
N. H., II. 148.

Evans, Capt. John, I. 387, 398, 399.
Everett, Rev. Oliver, II. 264, 265.
Erving, Jolin, D.D., I. 358, 368; II. 311,


Fairfield, Conn., negroes kidnapped at,
II. 32.

Farmer, John, his edition of "Belknap's
New Hampshire" cited, I. 10 n.
Federal Capital, the, I. 416.
Federal Constitution, the, I. 495, 496,
498; II. 2, 29, 30, 33, 34, 36, 37, 39,
47-50, 54, 55, 57, 58. Massachusetts
convention to ratify the, II. 5-10,

Federal Street Church, Boston, I. 447 n.,
454. Dr. Belknap called to the, I.
457, 458.

Fenno, John, II. 122, 123, 126, 130, 132,

241, 243, 260, 274, 278, 281, 295, 297,
304, 314, 315, 317, 320, 328, 344, 350,

Fever in Philadelphia. See "Philadel-


of London, Eng., I. 125; II.

Finley, Mrs. Ann (Clarkson), II. 243.
Finley, Rebecca (Mrs. Breese), II. 371 n.
Finley, Samuel, D.D., I. 8, 10; II. 127,
371 n.

Fisher, Joshua, M.D., I. 386, 389, 395;
II. 171, 173, 175.

Fleet, John, I. 177; II. 300.

Fleet, Thomas, I. 177; II. 276, 300, 303.
Fleet, Thomas & John, Messrs., II. 271,
279, 284, 286, 289.
Flint, Royal, II. 290.

Flume, Dr. Belknap's account of a, in
Salmon River, N. H., I. 154-156, 160.
'Foresters," the, I. 421, 424, 474, 482,
484, 489, 492, 496; II. 1, 13, 15, 135-
137, 141, 197, 200, 278, 285, 289, 293,
295, 297, 313, 317, 427. Anecdote
about the authorship of, II. 227.
Foss, Joshua, Jr., I. 426, 478.
Fowle, David, his "New Hampshire
Gazette," I. 108, 132.
Fox, George, I. 328, 339.

Franklin, Benjamin, I. 25, 309, 432; II.
39, 43, 71, 155, 157, 190, 239, 294, 296,
401, 419.

Franklin, Gov. William, I. 182.

"Free Thoughts on the Toleration of
Popery," II. 342.

Freeman, Rev. James, I. 500; II. 213,
315, 345.

"Freeman's Journal," the, I. 227.
"Freemason," the. See "Eliot, John."
French Revolution, the, II. 166, 190.

French war vessels in Portsmouth har
bor, I. 148. Accident to one of the,
I. 162.

Freneau, Philip, I. 186, 199, 203, 216,

Fuller, Major Abraham, I. 109; II. 7.


Gage, Gov. Thomas, II. 124, 395, 432,

Gaine, Hugh, I. 186, 199; II. 295.
Gains, Col. George, I. 175.
Gannett, Ezra Stiles, D.D., I. 447 n.
Garcilaso de la Vega, his " Royal Com-

mentaries of Peru," I. 157, 161, 167,
174, 176, 242, 256, 273, 299, 306, 316,
334, 380, 404, 407; II. 79, 82, 119.
Gay Head, I. 253.
"Gentleman's Magazine,” the, I. 25, 164;
II. 203.

George II. of England, I. 10; II 28.
George III. of England, I. 194, 205.
Georgia, value of a dollar in, I. 423, 427.
Gerard, Conrad Alexander, LL.D., I. 62.
Germaine, Lord George, I. 107, 108.
Gerry, Hon. Elbridge, II. 5, 7–9, 18, 105,

Gibbons, Thomas, D.D., his "Life of
President Davies," I. 12.
Gilbert, William W., II. 4.
Giles. See "Gyles.

Gill. See "Wright & Gill."

Gillon, Commodore Alexander, I. 117.
Glover, Richard, 205.

Goldsmith, Oliver, II. 118. His "Ani-
mated Nature," I. 137, 142, 150, 154,

Goodwin, George, I. 147 n.
Goodwin, Capt. Nathaniel, II. 18.
Gookin, Daniel, II. 309, 315.
Gordon, William, D.D., I. 1, 12, 19, 21,
22, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30, 32, 44, 51, 60,
103, 105 n., 108, 111-113, 115, 119, 125,
126, 135, 147, 188, 198, 223, 240–243,
256, 264, 340, 348, 357, 435, 442, 457,
481, 489, 496; II. 102, 105, 107, 110,
111, 113, 115, 118, 120, 132, 145, 150,
156, 159, 161, 162, 166. Sketch of,
I. 147 n. Extract from a letter of,
449. Criticisms on his History, II.
151, 153. His "American Revolu-
tion" cited, I. 23 n.

Gorges, Sir Ferdinando, I. 128; II. 49,
51. His "America Painted to the
Life," I. 1.
Gorham, Nathaniel, II. 5, 68, 281, 283,

Gout, remedies for the, II. 140, 144.
Gove, Edward, I. 106, 111, 112, 122.
Gray, Horace, LL.D., II. 438 n.
Gray, II. 310, 311.
Gregory, John, M.D., his "Father's Leg-
acy to his Daughters," I. 67, 69.

Green, Ashbel, D.D., II. 262, 266–269,
284, 309, 341, 342.
Green, Joseph, I. 68. His parody on
Mather Byles's Hymn, I. 71-73.
Greene, Gen. Nathaniel, I. 102; II. 152,

Greenleaf, Thomas, II. 24, 29, 37, 44, 46,

Greenleaf, William, II. 79, 82.
Grumman, Ichabod, II. 68. Affidavit
of, 3, 4.

Guild, Benjamin, I. 441, 491, 494.
Gullagher, Christian, II. 269 n.
Guthrie, William, II. 329.

Gyles, John, "Memoirs" of, I. 3, 6, 8.

[blocks in formation]

Hampstead Plain, Long Island, descrip-
tion of, I. 252.

Hancock, Gov. John, II. 15, 18, 32, 134,
212, 341, 356.

Hancock, Mrs. John, II. 53.

Harbach, John, II. 282.

Hardy, Silas, I. 464.

Harris, Benjamin, I. 209.

Harrison & Ansley, Messrs., I. 223.
Harvard College, I. 25, 481; II. 198,
304, 342, 371, 387 n., 391 n.
Haslett. See "Hazlitt.”

Hastings, Jonathan, I. 35, 82, 132, 213,

214, 227, 236, 240, 334, 343, 348, 358,
376, 380, 449, 460, 470; II. 24, 28, 45,
55, 117, 118, 141, 167, 194, 196, 200,

Haszard, Mrs. Mary, I. 196.

Havanna, picture of the Virgin (black)
at, I. 176.

Hawkins, Sir John, II. 394.
Hazard, Ebenezer, his difficulties in col-
lecting his historical papers, I. 13.
An American chronology suggested
by, 37, 50, 117, 119, 123. His interest
in natural history and philosophy, 31-
35, 38, 45, 59, 62, 91, 219-221. Elected
a member of the American Academy,
88, 94. Appointed Postmaster-Gen-
eral, 115 n., 116 n. His salary as
Postmaster-General, 118. His oration
in praise of knowledge, 126, 128, 129,
131, 132, 137. His estimate of the
cost of printing Dr. Belknap's first

volume, 223, 224. His marriage, 246,
247, 256, 257. His theological views,
339, 382. His son Samuel born, 351.
His residence in Philadelphia, 372.
Illness, 381. Removes to New York,
418. His residence in New York, 420,
441. His daughter Elizabeth born,
438. His collection of newspapers
and pamphlets, 477, 478, 481, 491.
Affidavit of Ichabod Grumman con-
cerning him, II. 3, 4. Opposition to
him as Postmaster-General, 4, 24, 35-
37, 43, 63, 64-69, 71, 190, 191. Death
of his mother, 58. His labors in the
post-office, 61. Ilis collection of
papers, 71, 72, 75. Publication of
his collection of papers, 85, 86, 91,
219, 223, 246, 248-251, 255, 258,
262, 276, 279, 290, 292, 305, 309,
328, 349. His account of the Ameri-
can Magazine and Register, 91-
95. His opinion of the Society of
the Cincinnati, 150; of the Bible as a
school-book, 155. Removed from the
office of Postmaster-General,
Reasons given for his removal from
office, 193. Occupation, after losing
his office, 195. His ancestry, 196. Vin-
dication of his conduct in office, 207,
209, 211. Birth of his son Erskine, 208.
His attempt to obtain another public
office, 235-237. Removes to Phila-
delphia, 242. Residence there, ib.,
324. The first volume of his "Collec-
tions" published, 290. List of sub-
scribers in Boston and vicinity to his
first volume, 292 n. Elected a Cor-
responding Member of the Massachu-
setts Historical Society, 297. Birth
of his son Ebenezer, 311. Death of
his son Ebenezer, 316. Letter to S. A.
Otis, describing the fever in Philadel
phia, 334-337.


Hazard, Mrs. Ebenezer, I. 256-500; II.
1-371, passim.

Hazard, Ebenezer, Jr., II. 314, 318.
Birth of, 311. Death of, 316.
Hazard, Elizabeth, birth of, I. 438.
Hazard, Erskine, II. 275. Birth of, 208.
Hazard, Samuel, I. 421, 425, 434, 466;
II. 50, 78, 80, 122, 230, 304. Birth of,
I. 351.

Hazard, Alderman I. 460, 462.
Hazen, Col. John (?), I. 54.
Hazlitt (Haslett), Rev. William, I. 358,
370, 371; II. 168.


[ocr errors]

of Ipswich, I. 386.
Hearne, Thomas, II. 118.

Hemmenway, Moses, D.D., I. 173.

Hennepin, Father Louis, I. 26, 101. His

views on the conversion of the In-
dians, 42, 46.
Henry VIII. of
Hervey, Rev.
cited, I. 51.
Hewes, Josiah,

Letters "

England, 1. 46.
James, his
His "Meditations," 247.
II. 242, 244.

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