Reed, William Bradford, LL.D., his "Life | Salaries of clergymen, I. 30, 49. of Joseph Reed" cited, I. 195 п. Relly, Rev. James, I. 190, 347, 364. Rhetoric, method of teaching, in the last Sargent, Winthrop, I. 171 n., 493; II. century, I. 346. Richardson, Jacob, II. 292. Rigby, Sir Alexander, II. 51. Rindge, Isaac, I. 399. Rittenhouse, David, LL.D., I. 52, 62, 68, Rivington, James, his "Royal Gazette," Robbins, Rev. Chandler, I. 88 п. Robin, Abbé Claude C., his "Voyage Robinson, Rev. John, I. 326. His "Apol- Rogers, Rev. Daniel, I. 444. Roman Catholic services in Boston, II. Romans, Capt. Bernard, I. 417; II. 57. "Royal Gazette." See "Rivington, Jas." Russell, Benjamin, II. 43-45, 48, 65, 66, Russell, Joseph, I. 257, 260, 262, 275 п., Rycaut, Sir Paul, his translation of Gar- S. Sabin, Joseph, his "Dictionary of Books Sabine, Hon. Lorenzo, his "American St. George's Society, New York, II. 230. Salmon Fall River, description of a Salmon, Thomas, his "Geography," I. 82. 254. 103, 104, 107, 133, 309. Savage, Edward, II. 358. Sawyer, Benjamin, I. 396 n. Sawyer, -, of Hamilton, Mass., I. 493. Sayre, Rev. James, II. 130. Scott, Capt. James, Jr., II. 257. Schuyler, Gen. Philip, II. 151. Seabury, Samuel, D.D., Bishop of Conn., I. 435; II. 131. Sedgwick, Theodore, LL.D., II. 6. Sewall, David, LL.D., I. 32, 246. Shaw, Major Samuel, I. 473; II. 752. Shays's Rebellion, I. 448, 455, 457, 460, Sheaffe, Jacob, I. 262, 269, 270. Shirley, Gov. William, I. 106, 120, 124, Shitz, -, II. 265. "Skunk Association," the, I. 182. Slavery, II. 2, 11, 22, 23, 219, 220, 223. Stearns, William, II. 438 n., 440. Sterne, Lawrence, I. 268, 273. Stevens, Benjamin, D.D., I. 66, 131 n.; Stillman, Samuel, D.D., I. 48; II. 148. Stoughton, Lieut.-Gov. William, I. 19, 196. Swift, Jonathan, Dean of St. Patrick's, I. Symmes, Hon. John Cleves, II. 83, 87, Talc, I. 355, 362. т. Tammany, origin of, I. 355, 363. Tappan, Rev. David, II. 155, 160, 163. Taylor, Durbin, I. 426. Taylor, George, II. 355. Taylor, Hon. John, II. 6. "Temple of Cloacina," the, I. 182. , Temple, Sir John, I. 432. Thacher, Rev. Peter, I. 384 n.; II. 156, Thomas & Andrews, Messrs., II. 257, 265, "Thomas and Sarah," ship, II. 18. Thompson, -, of Maine, I. 400. on, in Virginia, and project for eman- Slave-trade, petition to Massachusetts Sluyter, -, І. 370. Small-pox, inoculation for the, I. 231. Smith, Jonathan B., of Philadelphia, I. Smith, Capt. John, II. 72, 82, 425. His Smith, Robert, D.D., I. 174. Jersey," II. 365, 366. Smith, Hon. William, his "History of Smith, William, D.D., his "Eulogy on Smith, Capt. of Waterborough, Me., Snow, Caleb Hopkins, his "History of Snowdon, -, of New Jersey, II. 256, "Ab- Society for Propagating the Gospel Soto, Fernando de, II. 52, 53, 57, 60-62, South Carolina, value of a dollar in, I. Sparhawk, John, I. 154, 160. Spooner, Rev. John, II. 410. Spotswood, William, I. 451, 462, 463, Spotted children, 1. 380. Σφραγίς, meaning of the word, I. 39. Sproat, James, D.D., I. 184, 190, 368; II. Stark, Gen. John, I. 396 n. States, names proposed for the new, I. Thompson, Hon. Samuel, II 6, 18. Tides in the American lakes, I. 41, 46, Tillotson, John, Archbishop, J. 39. Thomson, Benjamin, inscription on his | Vassall, William, II. 385. tombstone in Roxbury burying- ground, I. 19 Thomson, Charles, I. 184; II. 193, 297, Vaughan, John, II. 108, 267, 274, 285, Tories, I. 25, 28, 282. Towne, Benjamin, I. 122, 124, 170. Virgin Mary, picture of a black, in Treadwell, Jacob, I. 247. Treadwell, Rev. John, II. 213. Trenchard, James, I. 451; II. 89, 95, 98, Trumbull, John, LL.D., II. 227. His Virginia, first laws of, II. 276, 280. At- "MeFingal," I. 142, 146. Tucker, Henry St. George, II. 423, 425 n. U. "Ulysses." See "Clarkson, Gerardus." "Universal Asylum and Columbian Universalism, I. 171-174, 190-193; II. V. Virginia cloth, I. 34. W. "Valerius," pseudonym, 1. 195, 199, 202, 203. Vallance, John, II. 250. Waldo, Daniel, Jr., II. 309, 313. Walker, Quock, II. 403, 438-440. United States," II. 349 n. Washington, Baily, I. 91 n. Washington, Pres. George, I. 20, 22, 61, 62, 134, 145, 300, 340, 346, 356, 379, Washington, Mrs. George, II. 132. Washington, Lt. Col. William, I. 87, Waters, Col. Josiah, I. 103, 199, 239, 273, Watts, Isaac, D.D., I. 433. Williams, Roger, II. 90, 96. Williamson, Hon. William Durkee, his Willis, Nathaniel, I. 27, 216. Winchester, Rev. Elhanan, I. 171. Wingate, Ion. Paine, II. 15, 16, 19, 25, Winslow, Gov. Edward, picture belong- Letter of, to Dr. Belknap, on Judge Massachusetts, 389-391. Sketch of, Winthrop, Gov. John, II. 72, 76, 77, 229, Winthrop, Prof. John, LL.D., I. 88, 410; Witchcraft, law of Massachusetts relat- Wright, Francis, letter of, transmitting Y. Yankee, Dr. Gordon's derivation of the Yankee Doodle, origin of, II. 118. I. 484 n.; II. 277 п. Young, Alexander, D.D., II. 277 п. 293, 295. Z. Zenger, John Peter, I. 162. 107, 117, 228, 231, 233, 238, 240, 243. Wentworth, Sir John, I. 265, 267, 278, Wilson, Rev. James, II. 3, 14, 21. 34, 51, 52, 56, 57, 59, 62, 69, 71, 72, 77, 80, 81, 83-86, 88, 90-93, 97, 100-103, Webster, Noah, LL.D., II. 23, 25-27, 31- | William and Mary College, II. 425 п. Webster, Peletiah, II. 335. Wedgery, William, II. 6, 8, 18. Weld, Rev. Thomas, II. 56. 482. 315, 324. II. 41. Wentworth, Michael, I. 94. West, Samuel, D.D., I. 95 п., 223, 433; Western lands, price of, I. 491. Westminster confession of faith, the, I. Winthrop, Judge James, II. 376, 401. Wheeler, Adam, I. 448, 464. Wheelock, John, D.D., his "Essay on Whidden, Mehitabel, case of, I. 238, Whipple, Col. Joseph, I. 387, 388 п., Whipple, Gen. William, I. 107, 433. Whiskey insurrection, the, II. 350, 351. White Mountains, Dr. Belknap's tour Whitefield, Rev. George, I. 328, 339. Wier, Robert, I. 458. Willard, Joseph, D.D., Pres. Harv. Coll., II. 271. Willard, Samuel, D.D. anecdote of, I. Cambridge: Press of John Wilson & Son, |