Hewes & Anthony, Messrs., II. 251. Heysham, Robert, II. 335. light, -, of Jefferson, N. IH., I. 394. Hill, Samuel, II 258, 261. Hillegas, Michael, II. 193. Hitchborn, —, II. 76. Experiments Ingenhouse, John, his "Experiments on Inglis, Charles, D.D., I. 146, 147. In- Hitchcock, Enos, D.D., II. 228, 232. | Irvine, -, II. 220. His "Memoirs of the Bloomsgrove | "Isabella," schooner, II. 292. Family," 238. Hodgden, Alexander, II. 305, 307, 309. Hodge, Hugh, M.I), II. 335. Hodge, Robert, II. 100. Hodge & Shaker, Messrs., II. 100. Hogarth, William, II 234. Hogkins, John, I. 372. Holbrook, Felix, II. 387. Holyoke, Edward A., M.D., II. 376. Hood. Admiral Sır Samuel, I. 108. Hopkins, Gov. Stephen, II. 99, 102, 280, Hopkinson, Francis, LL.D., I. 182, 338, Howe, Sir William, I. 134; II. 191. Isinglass, I. 33, 39, 45, 49, 52, 56, 59, 68, 75, 76, 81, 82, 110, 112, 254. Manner of its discovery in New Hampshire, Ivers, Thomas, I. 472. J. Jackson, Rev. Joseph, II. 133, 135. 219, 236, 263, 265, 281, 284, 292, 295, Jeffries, David, I. 98, 100, 102. Jennison, Nathaniel, II. 403. Jennison v. Caldwell, case of, II. 377, 403 п. Levi Lincoln's brief in the, Howell, David, LL.D., II. 220, 222, 224, "Joe," Portuguese coin, II. 270 п., 272. Hubbard, Dudley (?), I. 386. Ilubbard, John (2), I. 386. Hudson, Barzillai, I. 147 n. Hunking, Mark, I. 3. Huntingdon, Selina, Countess of, II. 166. Hust, Rev. —, П. 379, 423. ،، History of Massachusetts" cited, I. 3. I. "Independent Chronicle," newspaper, I. "Independent Gazetteer," the, I. 35, Indians, I. 13, 83 п., 100, 227; II. 56, Indian corn, price of, in 1782, I. 144. Johnson, Samuel, LL.D., I. 222, 294. Johnson, Sir William, I. 46; II. 152, 154, Jones, John Paul, I. 148. Josselyn, John, I. 135. His "New Eng- Joy, Michael, II. 136-139, 197, 200. "Juno," sloop, II. 303. Lamb, Thomas, I. 458. Lancaster, Penn., I. 32. Langdon, John, LL.D., I. 113, 169 п., 407. Langdon, Mrs. John, II. 135. Lord, Benjamin, I. 54. Louis XIV. of France, coin of, I. 93. Langdon, Samuel, D.D., Pres. of Harv. Louisburg, Gov. Shirley's instructions Coll., I. 65, 66. Langdon, Woodbury, I. 433, 434. "Lapis calaminaris," I. 32. to Sir William Pepperell in the expe- played," I. 40. Lovewell, Capt. John, I. 397; II. 159. La Poterie, Abbé Claude, II. 110, 116, Lovewell's Pond, battle of, I. 397, 398. Funeral of, 243. Lardner, Nathaniel, D.D., І. 138 п. Larine, Breckvelt de, death of, II. 240. Lowndes, William Thomas, his "Biblio- Larkin, Deacon John, II. 312, 362. Latta, Rev. James, I. 165, 180. Laurens, Col. John, II. 154. Lawrence, Robert F., his "Churches of Ledyard, John, I. 413. M. Lowell, John, LL.D., II. 283, 294, 376, graphers' Manual" cited, I. 219 п. Luce, Capt. Abijah, II. 292, 295. Lee, Gen. Charles, I. 171, 195, 425. Death of, 184. Lee, Richard Henry, II. 35, 115. "Leonidas," pseudonym, I. 148, 158. Mably, Abbé Gabriel Bonnot, I. 433. Lesley, -, schoolmaster, I. 318. McDougall, Gen. Alexander, II. 79, 154. Leslie, Rev. Charles, I. 236. His "Short | McKean, Rev. Joseph, II. 213. and Easy Method with the Deists," McKnight, Rev. John, II. 147. 212, 218, 228. "Letitia Cunningham," book, I. 183, 193. McMillan, -, of Conway, Ν. Η., Ι. 387, Letters and Documents relating to slav- | McMurray, William, his "Map of the ery in Massachusetts, II. 373-442. United States," I. 249, 259; II. 282, Lexington, weather at the time of the 287, 288. battle of, I. 330. McNeill, Archibald, I. 458. Madison, Pres. James, II. 274. Libbey, Jeremiah, I. 99, 113, 115, 221, | McNeill, Robert, I. 458. 223, 225, 235, 240, 241, 243, 246, 248, 277, 284, 333, 334, 340, 343, 344, 347, Madison, James, D.D., Bishop of Vir- Magaw, Samuel, D.D., II. 257, 258, 261. Linn, William, D.D., II. 121, 126, 129. Linné (Linnæus), Carl von, I. 143. Little, Rev. Daniel, I. 70, 80, 81, 386, 185. Livermore, Samuel, I. 434, 435, "Magnetic Bucket," the, I. 404, 408. Manco Capac, Inca of Peru, I. 11, 141, Manning, James, D.D., II. 12. Marbois, François de Barbé, I. 68, 100, Marcou, Mrs. Jane (Belknap), her "Life "Maria," ship, II. 251. Mason, Capt. John, I. 98, 128. His pa- | Millar, Rev. Robert, his "Propagation of Mason, Col. John Tufton, I. 116, 118. Masonic lodge, colored, in Boston, II. Christianity" cited. I. 140 n. Miller, Charles, II. 244. Mirallez, Don Juan de, death of, I. "Monarch." See "Webster, Noah." 322. Massachusetts, answer of, to the claim Montgolfier, Joseph (?), I. 329. "Monthly Review," the, II. 294. Negro petitions for freedom to the cited, I. 197. "Acts and Resolves" of, cited, I. 210 n.; II. 376. "Archives" of, cited, II. Moorhead, Rev. John, I. 447 п. Gazette" cited, 78. Massachusetts Historical Society, I. 247 "Pro- Morse, Jedediah, D.D., I. 497; II. 14, ceedings" of the, cited, 11 п., 123 п., n., 438 п. "Massachusetts Magazine," the, II. 83, Massachusetts Medical Society, II. 398 n. Mather, Cotton, D.D., I. 156; II. 62, 67, Mather, Increase, D.D., II. 153–155. Maverick, Samuel, II. 391. Mayhew, Jonathan, D.D., I. 223; II. 144, 147, 149, 167, 194, 196, 197, 209, Morse, Samuel Finley Breese, birth of, Morton, Perez, II. 397. Morton, Thomas, II. 152. Judge Davis's Mother Goose, I. 354. Mount Washington, ascent of, by Dr. Muir, Rev. James, II. 47, 62, 70, 73, 74, Murray, James, I. 423, 426. Murray, Rev. John, the Universalist, L Musical Prodigy, a, I. 74, 76. Myrick, -, І. 274. N. Names proposed for new States to be Nash, Timothy, I. 396 n. Nason, Major Samuel, II. 6, 18. Neal, Rev. Daniel, I. 37, 209; II. 364, Necker, Jacques, II. 123. Negroes, Picture of the Virgin Mary Newcastle, Thomas Pelham Holles, New England, Presbyterianism in, II. New Hampshire, proposed constitution Church, 72, 74. Federal building in, North-west Territory, names proposed Norton, Capt. Constant, II. 303. ary of French and English," II. 219. 0. O'Connor, John, I. 497, 482. P. "New Hampshire Gazette," newspaper, New Hampshire Historical Society, New Jersey, College of (Princeton), I. 8; Newport, R. I., evacuation of, I. 20, 21. Newton, Thomas, D.D., Bishop of Bristol, New York, boundary with New Hamp- New York, city of, moving of tenants Paine, Rev. Joshua, II. 98. Paine, Thomas, I. 121, 124, 159, 165, 180. Palestine, soil of, I. 14. ture of in America, II. 242. II. 199. Parker, Rev. Noah, I. 333. Parsons, Jonathan, D.D., II. 221-226, Parsons, Theophilus, LL. D., II. 6, 8, 11, 18. 459. Tumult in (1788), II. 31. Brick | Peale, Charles Wilson, I. 62. A Pease, Levi, II. 145, 146, 148, 149, 157, Pelham, Henry, his "Map of Boston," Pemberton, Thomas, letter of, to Dr. II. 391-394. Sketch of, 394 n. between Boston and Philadelphia, 48. 119, 121, 123. Penn, William, I. 37, 49, 52, 64; II. 99, | Poterie, Abbé Claude de la, II. 110, 116, 114, 126, 128, 131, 139, 143, 147, 152, 157, 160, 344. Anecdote of, 132. "Pennsbury," manor of, II. 114, 116, 120. "Pennsylvania Herald," newspaper, I. "Pennsylvania Magazine," the, I. 73, "Pennsylvania Packet," newspaper, I. Philadelphia, Penn., character of news- Philadelphia Library, the, II. 302. Phillips Exeter Academy, I. 80. Pickering, Timothy, LL.D., II. 279, 282, Pickles, Rev. William (Peregrine Pickle), Pike, Nicholas, II. 33, 40, 47. Pine Plain, Long Island, I. 251. Powars, Edward E., I. 142, 151. Prince, Rev. Thomas, I. 14, 37. His "Annals" cited, II. 376. 177, 187, 188, 223-224. 280 п. Provost, Samuel, D.D., Bishop of New Purchas, Rev. Samuel, II. 52. Purvis, J, his collection of Laws of Q. Quakers, I. 157; II. 282, 288. Thomas Quincy, Edmund (II. C. 1722), II. 53. Pintard, John, II. 157, 158, 162, 164, 165, Quincy, Col. Josiah, II. 51. 218, 231, 237, 286, 290, 293, 295. Pitt, William, II. 280. Place, George, I. 387. Platt, -, II. 87. Plumer, William, his "Life of Gov. Wil- Plymouth Colony, boundary of, with Mas- Pope, Alexander, I. 6, 15; II. 307. Pope, Joseph, I. 471; II. 283. Popkin, Rev. John Snelling, I. 447 n. Porter, Rev. Nathaniel, I. 397. Portsmouth. N. IH., whirlwind at, I. 38, Quincy, Josiah, LL.D., Pres. Harv. Coll., R. Randolph, Edward, I. 3. 50. Accident to a French man-of-war | "Records of the United Colonies of New Post-office, U. S., I. 469, 470, 475. Mail Ralston, -, І. 421. Ramsay, David, M.D., I. 438; II. 69, Randolph, Edmund, II. 277, 285, 314, 361, 362 п. England," I. 4, 13, 92, 94, 100; II. 309, |