Imágenes de páginas

Hewes & Anthony, Messrs., II. 251.

Heysham, Robert, II. 335.

light, -, of Jefferson, N. IH., I. 394.

Hill, Samuel, II 258, 261.

Hillegas, Michael, II. 193.

Hitchborn, —, II. 76.


Ingenhouse, John, his "Experiments on
Vegetables," I. 218, 219, 234.

Inglis, Charles, D.D., I. 146, 147. In-
terrupted in performing service in
Trinity Church, New York, I. 134,

Hitchcock, Enos, D.D., II. 228, 232. | Irvine, -, II. 220.

His "Memoirs of the Bloomsgrove | "Isabella," schooner, II. 292.

Family," 238.

Hodgden, Alexander, II. 305, 307, 309.

Hodge, Hugh, M.I), II. 335.

Hodge, Robert, II. 100.

Hodge & Shaker, Messrs., II. 100.

Hogarth, William, II 234.

Hogkins, John, I. 372.

Holbrook, Felix, II. 387.

Holyoke, Edward A., M.D., II. 376.
Letter of, to Dr. Belknap, with obser-
vations on Judge Tucker's queries
about slavery in Massachusetts, 398-
401. Sketch of, 398 n.

Hood. Admiral Sır Samuel, I. 108.
Hopkins, Capt. Caleb, II. 251, 268, 270.
Hopkins, Lemuel, M.ID., II. 227.
Hopkins, Samuel, D.D., II. 331.

Hopkins, Gov. Stephen, II. 99, 102, 280,
284, 289. His account of Providence,
R. I., 96.

Hopkinson, Francis, LL.D., I. 182, 338,
345, 496; II. 38, 227, 228.

Howe, Sir William, I. 134; II. 191.

Isinglass, I. 33, 39, 45, 49, 52, 56, 59, 68,

75, 76, 81, 82, 110, 112, 254. Manner

of its discovery in New Hampshire,

Ivers, Thomas, I. 472.


Jackson, Rev. Joseph, II. 133, 135.
Jackson, Major William, II. 206.
Jackson, Dr. —, I. 387.
Jaffrey, George, I. 98, 99, 118.
Jefferson, Pres. Thomas, I. 95 n.; II.

219, 236, 263, 265, 281, 284, 292, 295,
321, 362 п., 407, 410, 412, 418, 424, 428,

Jeffries, David, I. 98, 100, 102.
Jenkins, John, II. 247.

Jennison, Nathaniel, II. 403.

Jennison v. Caldwell, case of, II. 377,

403 п. Levi Lincoln's brief in the,

Howell, David, LL.D., II. 220, 222, 224, "Joe," Portuguese coin, II. 270 п., 272.

Hubbard, Dudley (?), I. 386.

Ilubbard, John (2), I. 386.

Hudson, Barzillai, I. 147 n.

Hunking, Mark, I. 3.

Huntingdon, Selina, Countess of, II. 166.
Hurd, Richard, D.D., his "Introduction
to the Study of the Prophecies," I.
229, 236.

Hust, Rev. —, П. 379, 423.
Hutchins, Capt. Thomas, II. 52, 53, 57,
60, 61, 136, 143. Anecdote of, 139.
Hutchins, William, I. 372.
Hutchinson, James, M.D., II. 335.
Hutchinson, Gov. Thomas, I. 334; II.
28, 37, 308, 384, 388, 395, 432. His


History of Massachusetts" cited,

I. 3.


"Independent Chronicle," newspaper, I.
142, 151.

"Independent Gazetteer," the, I. 35,

Indians, I. 13, 83 п., 100, 227; II. 56,
59, 67, 429, 430. Treaties with the,
I. 4, 6, 10, 12. General Sullivan's ex-
pedition against the, 23, 36. Father
Hennepin's views on the conversion
of, 42, 46. Indian idols, 80. Indian
slaves, II. 399.

Indian corn, price of, in 1782, I. 144.

Johnson, Samuel, LL.D., I. 222, 294.

Johnson, Sir William, I. 46; II. 152, 154,
158, 162, 164.

Jones, John Paul, I. 148.

Josselyn, John, I. 135. His "New Eng-
land's Rarities" cited, 120 п. His
"Voyages to New England" cited,
II. 376.

Joy, Michael, II. 136-139, 197, 200.

"Juno," sloop, II. 303.

[blocks in formation]

Lamb, Thomas, I. 458.

Lancaster, Penn., I. 32.

Langdon, John, LL.D., I. 113, 169 п., 407.
433, 434; II. 105, 108, 210.

Langdon, Mrs. John, II. 135.

Lord, Benjamin, I. 54.
Lotteries, rage for in New England, II.
217, 248, 251.

Louis XIV. of France, coin of, I. 93.
Louis XVI. of France, II. 325, 328.

Langdon, Samuel, D.D., Pres. of Harv. Louisburg, Gov. Shirley's instructions

Coll., I. 65, 66.

Langdon, Woodbury, I. 433, 434.

"Lapis calaminaris," I. 32.
La Pluche, Abbé -, his "Nature Dis-

to Sir William Pepperell in the expe-
dition against, I. 120, 124, 126. Siege
of, 126, 127. Capitulation of, 127, 130,

played," I. 40.

Lovewell, Capt. John, I. 397; II. 159.

La Poterie, Abbé Claude, II. 110, 116, Lovewell's Pond, battle of, I. 397, 398.
119, 121, 123.

Funeral of, 243.

Lardner, Nathaniel, D.D., І. 138 п.

Larine, Breckvelt de, death of, II. 240. Lowndes, William Thomas, his "Biblio-

Larkin, Deacon John, II. 312, 362.

Latta, Rev. James, I. 165, 180.
"L'Auguste," French war vessel, accident
to the, I. 162.

Laurens, Col. John, II. 154.

Lawrence, Robert F., his "Churches of
New Hampshire" cited, I. 212 n.,
408 n.

Ledyard, John, I. 413.


Lowell, John, LL.D., II. 283, 294, 376,

graphers' Manual" cited, I. 219 п.
Loyalty of the American colonists at the
beginning of the Revolution, I. 121,

Luce, Capt. Abijah, II. 292, 295.
"Lucius," pseudonym, I. 203.
Lumber, a medium of exchange in New
Hampshire, I. 222, 225.

Lee, Gen. Charles, I. 171, 195, 425. Death

of, 184.

Lee, Richard Henry, II. 35, 115.

"Leonidas," pseudonym, I. 148, 158.

Mably, Abbé Gabriel Bonnot, I. 433.
McCarthy, Capt., II. 384.

Lesley, -, schoolmaster, I. 318.

McDougall, Gen. Alexander, II. 79, 154.

Leslie, Rev. Charles, I. 236. His "Short | McKean, Rev. Joseph, II. 213.

and Easy Method with the Deists,"

McKnight, Rev. John, II. 147.

212, 218, 228.

"Letitia Cunningham," book, I. 183, 193.

McMillan, -, of Conway, Ν. Η., Ι. 387,

Letters and Documents relating to slav- | McMurray, William, his "Map of the

ery in Massachusetts, II. 373-442.

United States," I. 249, 259; II. 282,

Lexington, weather at the time of the

287, 288.

battle of, I. 330.

McNeill, Archibald, I. 458.

Madison, Pres. James, II. 274.

Libbey, Jeremiah, I. 99, 113, 115, 221, | McNeill, Robert, I. 458.

223, 225, 235, 240, 241, 243, 246, 248,

277, 284, 333, 334, 340, 343, 344, 347,
349, 356, 358, 414, 415, 440, 442, 444,
460, 482; II. 197, 200, 217, 291, 298.
Lincoln, Gen. Benjamin, I. 20, 448, 456,
457, 460, 472, 480; II. 134, 326, 348.
Lincoln, Hon. Levi, II. 377, 403 п. His
brief in the case of Jennison v. Cald- | Mallet, Paul Henry, II. 411.
well, 438-442.

Madison, James, D.D., Bishop of Vir-
ginia, II. 410.

Magaw, Samuel, D.D., II. 257, 258, 261.
Magee, Capt. James, I. 473, 476, 483, 485,

Linn, William, D.D., II. 121, 126, 129.

Linné (Linnæus), Carl von, I. 143.

Little, Rev. Daniel, I. 70, 80, 81, 386,
388 п., 395, 397, 399, 400; II. 171, 176,


Livermore, Samuel, I. 434, 435,
Livingston, John H., D.D., II. 129.
Longchamps, Charles Julien de, I. 384.
Long Island, origin of, I. 25. Descrip-
tion of parts of, 251-253.
Longman, Thomas, I. 166, 181, 204, 215,
218, 228, 235, 236, 266, 272, 273, 275,
277, 284, 286, 292, 303, 333, 340, 343,
346, 356, 374, 383, 401, 410; II. 116,
197. Letter from, to Dr. Belknap, I.
264, 265. Mr. Hazard writes to him
respecting an English edition of Bel-
knap's New Hampshire, 402, 403.

"Magnetic Bucket," the, I. 404, 408.

Manco Capac, Inca of Peru, I. 11, 141,

Manning, James, D.D., II. 12.
Mansfield, Rev. Isaac, I. 446.
Maple sugar, II. 181.

Marbois, François de Barbé, I. 68, 100,
108, 154; II. 189.

Marcou, Mrs. Jane (Belknap), her "Life
of Dr. Belknap" cited, I. 184 n., 412
п., 420 п., 428 n.; II. 115 п.

"Maria," ship, II. 251.
"Marien-glas." See "Isinglass."
Marietta, Ohio, settlement of, I. 493.
Marrant, Rev. John, II. 166, 190, 196.
Martha's Vineyard, I. 253.
Martin, William, II. 279, 285, 289.
Maryland, terms on which she acceded
to the Confederation, I. 117.
Mason, D., II. 376.

Mason, Capt. John, I. 98, 128. His pa- | Millar, Rev. Robert, his "Propagation of
tent, 111, 112.

Mason, Col. John Tufton, I. 116, 118.
Mason, Robert, I. 3, 13, 98, 250.
"Mason Catechism," the, I. 467.

Masonic lodge, colored, in Boston, II.

Christianity" cited. I. 140 n.

Miller, Charles, II. 244.
Miller, Samuel, D.D., II. 306, 309.
Minot, Hon. George Richards, his "His-
tory of the Insurrection in Massachu-
setts," I. 133 n., 457 n.; II. 55, 59, 69,
428, 431.

Mirallez, Don Juan de, death of, I.

"Monarch." See "Webster, Noah."
Montague, Edward Wortley, I. 14, 17,


Massachusetts, answer of, to the claim
of Mason and Gorges, I. 128, 131. Act
of, against witchcraft (1692), 209, 210.
Boundary with New Hampshire, 242.
Slavery in, II. 2. Convention in, to
ratify the federal constitution, 5-10,
13-17. Political status of negroes in,
11. Petition of the General Court to
Parliament (1652), 78, 82. Boundary
with Plymouth Colony, 323, 326. Let-
ters and Documents relating to Slavery
in, 373-442. Attempts in, to prevent
the importation of slaves, 385,387-388. | Moore, John, M.D., his "Travels"

Montgolfier, Joseph (?), I. 329.
Montgolfier, Stephen (2), I. 329.
Montgomery, Gen. Richard, II. 152,

"Monthly Review," the, II. 294.
Moody, Rev. Joshua, I. 13, 119.

Negro petitions for freedom to the
General Court of, 22, 23, 432-437.

cited, I. 197.

"Acts and Resolves" of, cited, I. 210

n.; II. 376. "Archives" of, cited, II.
436 п. "Records of the General
Court" cited, 376. "Massachusetts | Morris, Mrs. —, II. 355.

Moorhead, Rev. John, I. 447 п.
Morgan, Gen. Daniel, I. 87, 91.
Morgan, Col. George, II. 60.
Morris, Robert, I. 279; II. 190, 272.

Gazette" cited, 78.

Massachusetts Historical Society, I. 247
п.; II. 169 п., 253 п., 284, 297, 299, 308,
311, 315, 320, 322, 326, 327, 333, 341,
346, 347, 349, 350, 355, 356, 359, 362-
365, 369, 376, 383 п., 391 п., 394 п., 403
n., 411, 416, 422, 424, 426 п., 431. For-
mation of the, II. 231, 233, 245. “Col-
lections" of the, 357, 358, 360, 366, 367.
Publication of the early Collections of
the, 277 n. "Collections" cited, 12 n.,
280 п., 375-377, 423 n. Library of the,
389 п., 411 п. "Catalogue of the
Library" cited, 43 n., 320 п.


Morse, Jedediah, D.D., I. 497; II. 14,
18, 21, 28, 30, 33, 34, 38, 40, 45-47, 50,
53, 54, 56-58, 62, 70, 72-75, 77, 79, 84,
98, 100, 108, 113, 117, 119-122, 125-
128, 130, 131, 133, 134, 138, 140, 143,
144, 146, 148, 149, 152, 156, 160, 164,
165, 194, 196, 197, 200, 203, 207-218,
231, 235, 237, 242, 247, 248, 251, 252,
255, 259, 260, 263, 264, 267, 279, 285,
289, 290, 291, 291, 312, 316, 319, 329,
331, 333, 335, 343, 545, 346, 349, 350,
359-361, 365-367, 371, 423, 428, 431.
His "American Geography," II. 1,
13, 84 п., 117. His installation at
Charlestown, 122. His marriage, 127.

ceedings" of the, cited, 11 п., 123 п.,
153 п., 231 п., 245 п., 356 п., 370 п., 397 | Morse, Mrs. Jedediah (Breese), II. 138,

n., 438 п.

"Massachusetts Magazine," the, II. 83,
93, 196, 198, 203.

Massachusetts Medical Society, II. 398 n.
"Massachusetts Spy," the, cited, II.
25 п.

Mather, Cotton, D.D., I. 156; II. 62, 67,
116, 188, 202. His "Magnalia," I. 37;
II. 2. His "Wonders of the Invisible
World," 198, 199, 204, 205.

Mather, Increase, D.D., II. 153–155.
Mather, Rev. Richard, I. 19.
Mather, Samuel, D.D., I. 172.

Maverick, Samuel, II. 391.

Mayhew, Jonathan, D.D., I. 223; II.

[blocks in formation]

144, 147, 149, 167, 194, 196, 197, 209,
212, 213, 245, 252, 296, 343, 368,

Morse, Samuel Finley Breese, birth of,
II. 254.

Morton, Perez, II. 397.

Morton, Thomas, II. 152. Judge Davis's
edition of his "Memorial" cited, I.
445 п.

Mother Goose, I. 354.

Mount Washington, ascent of, by Dr.
Belknap's party, I. 389-391; II. 174-

Muir, Rev. James, II. 47, 62, 70, 73, 74,
100, 104.

Murray, James, I. 423, 426.
Murray, Rev. John, 314.

Murray, Rev. John, the Universalist, L
149 п., 152, 171, 364, 366, 369, 489,
492; II. 104, 314 п.

Musical Prodigy, a, I. 74, 76.
Mycall, John, I. 435, 484 n.; II. 232.
Myers, Moses, II. 404.

Myrick, -, І. 274.


Names proposed for new States to be
made from the North-west Territory,
I. 335 n.

Nash, Timothy, I. 396 n.

Nason, Major Samuel, II. 6, 18.
Navy, American, the, I. 148, 158.

Neal, Rev. Daniel, I. 37, 209; II. 364,
384. His "History of the Puritans,"
II. 2. IIis "History of New England"
cited, 376.

Necker, Jacques, II. 123.

Negroes, Picture of the Virgin Mary
(black), in Havanna, I. 176. Political
status of, in Massachusetts, II. 11; in
New Hampshire, ib., 12 п.
kidnapped at Boston, 19-21, 25, 32,
59. Eight kidnapped at Fairfield,
Conn., 32. Return of those taken at
Boston, 55. Petitions of, to Massa-
chusetts General Courts, 22, 23, 432-

Newcastle, Thomas Pelham Holles,
Duke of, I. 127.

New England, Presbyterianism in, II.
319. "Records of the United Colonies
of," I. 4, 13, 92, 94, 100; II. 309, 323,

New Hampshire, proposed constitution
for (1779), I. 10, 15. Regulation act
of, 15, 18. Constitutional convention
of 1779, 26, 29. Bad character of a
member of the House of Representa-
tives of, 27, 29. Curious speech of a
member of the Legislature of, 43, 46,
446 п. Boundary with New York,
111, 112; II. 206. Constitution of
1781, I. 111, 113, 114, 161, 163. Politics
in (1782), 175. Copyright law of, 225.
Boundary with Massachusetts, 242.
Education in, before and after the
American Revolution, 287-291. Illit-
erate magistrates in, 422, 426. Earth-
quake in (1785), 424. Politics in (1786),
433-435. Seal of the State, 494. Slav-
ery in, II. 2. Political status of negroes
in, 11, 12 n. Eloquence in, 40.

Church, 72, 74. Federal building in,
80, 108, 111. St. George's Society, 230.
Niagara Falls, I. 25.
Noble, -, І. 92, 94.
North, Frederick, Lord, I. 206, 303.
"North American Review" cited, I.
335 п., 484 п.

North-west Territory, names proposed
for new States to be made from the,
I. 335.

Norton, Capt. Constant, II. 303.
Nova Scotia, population of, I. 282, 283.
Nugent, Thomas, his "Pocket Diction-

ary of French and English," II. 219.
Nurse Truelove, I. 354.


O'Connor, John, I. 497, 482.
Ogden, Col. Matthias, II. 367.
Ohio, settlement of, I. 493.
"Ohio Company," the, I. 484 n., 487, 491,
493; II. 45, 139.
Oldmixon, John, II. 116 n.
"Ordinance of 1787," W. F. Poole's ar-
ticle on the, I. 484 n.
Osgood, David, D.D., II. 213.
Osgood, Major Samuel, I. 398. Nom-
inated Postmaster-General, II. 192.
Oswald, Eleazer, I. 162, 164, 186, 227,
322, 479; II. 24, 29, 35-37, 54, 70.
Otis, Hon. Samuel Alleyne, II. 338, 350,
353. Letter of Mr. Hazard to, 334-337.
Otto, Lewis William, II. 307, 315.


"New Hampshire Gazette," newspaper,
I. 108, 132, 373.

New Hampshire Historical Society,
"Collections" of, cited, II. 248 п.

New Jersey, College of (Princeton), I. 8;
II. 27, 28, 311. Judges in (1786), I.
422. Soil of, 14, 17.

Newport, R. I., evacuation of, I. 20, 21.
Newspapers, character of Philadelphia,
I. 168, 178. Not carried in the United
States mail, II. 24, 36, 38.

Newton, Thomas, D.D., Bishop of Bristol,
I. 237.

New York, boundary with New Hamp-
shire, I. 111, 112; II. 206.

New York, city of, moving of tenants
on 1st of May of each year, 1. 437,

Paine, Rev. Joshua, II. 98.
Paine, Robert Treat, curious proposal
of, for making a survey of Massachu-
setts, II. 109.

Paine, Thomas, I. 121, 124, 159, 165, 180.
His "Address to the Quakers," 2, 4.
His "Crisis," 146, 152, 206.

Palestine, soil of, I. 14.
Palmer, Rev. Elihu, II 291.
Paper, price of, in 1779, I. 7. Manufac-

ture of in America, II. 242.
Paper money, I. 48, 57, 67.
Paracelsus (Bombast de Hohenheim),

II. 199.

Parker, Rev. Noah, I. 333.
Parker, Samuel, I) ID., II. 240, 241, 243.
"Parliamentary History of England,"
the, cited, I. 206 n.

Parsons, Jonathan, D.D., II. 221-226,
232, 237.

Parsons, Theophilus, LL. D., II. 6, 8, 11, 18.
Partridge, Hon. George, II. 105.
Passaic, falls of the, I. 61.
Payne. See "Paine, Rev. Joshua."
Peabody, Gen. Nathaniel, II. 24.
Peace of 1783, I. 203, 205.

459. Tumult in (1788), II. 31. Brick | Peale, Charles Wilson, I. 62.


Pease, Levi, II. 145, 146, 148, 149, 157,

Pelham, Henry, his "Map of Boston,"
II. 115, 120.

Pemberton, Thomas, letter of, to Dr.
Belknap, on slavery in Massachusetts,

II. 391-394. Sketch of, 394 n.

between Boston and Philadelphia, 48.
Regulations of the, 470, 475. News-
papers not carried in the mail, II. 24,
36, 38. Method of transporting the
mails, 44. Samuel Osgood appointed
Postmaster, 192. See also "Hazard,

119, 121, 123.

Penn, William, I. 37, 49, 52, 64; II. 99, | Poterie, Abbé Claude de la, II. 110, 116,

114, 126, 128, 131, 139, 143, 147, 152,

157, 160, 344. Anecdote of, 132.

"Pennsbury," manor of, II. 114, 116, 120.
"Pennsylvania Evening Post," news-
paper, I. 87.

"Pennsylvania Herald," newspaper, I.
451 п.

"Pennsylvania Magazine," the, I. 73,
76, 151, 161, 164.

"Pennsylvania Packet," newspaper, I.
306, 328; II. 320, 327.
Pennsylvania, University of, I 47.
"Pennycook Egg," Dr. Belknap's Apo-
logue of the, I. 8, 9, 11, 15.
Pepperell, Sir William, II. 75, 77, 277.
Gov. Shirley's instructions to, in the
Louisburg expedition, I. 120, 124, 126.
Perkins, Col. Thomas II, II. 264.
Perrin, John, II. 218, 219.

Philadelphia, Penn., character of news-
papers in, I. 168, 178. Sickness in
(1783), 261. Expenses of living in
(1786), 453. Yellow fever in, II. 333-

Philadelphia Library, the, II. 302.
Philip, King, I. 445; II. 62.

Phillips Exeter Academy, I. 80.
Phipps, Sir William, I. 209; II. 290.
Pickering, John, LL.D., I. 54, 175, 225,
246, 410.

Pickering, Timothy, LL.D., II. 279, 282,
284, 289, 300, 335.

Pickles, Rev. William (Peregrine Pickle),
II. 100, 102, 104, 107, 109.
Picture belonging to Gov. Winslow, I. 93.
Pike, Rev. James, II. 126.

Pike, Nicholas, II. 33, 40, 47.

Pine Plain, Long Island, I. 251.

Powars, Edward E., I. 142, 151.
Pownall, Gov. Thomas, I. 359.
Poyntell, William, II. 309.
Presbyterian Church, divisions of the, I.
165, 180. "Records of the, in the
United States," cited, II. 102 n. Pro-
posed history of the American, 311.
Price, Richard, D.D., I. 358, 415.
Price, Rev. Roger, II. 353.
Priestley, Joseph, LL.D, I. 358; II. 349.
Prince, Capt. Job, II. 384.
Prince, Newton, II. 387.

Prince, Rev. Thomas, I. 14, 37. His

"Annals" cited, II. 376.
Princeton College, I. 8; II. 27, 28, 311.
Printing, expense of, in America, I. 125,

177, 187, 188, 223-224.
Pritchard, William, II. 247, 249, 250.
Proud, Robert, his "History of Pennsyl-
vania," II. 365.
"Providence Gazette," newspaper, II.

280 п.

Provost, Samuel, D.D., Bishop of New
York, II. 121.

Purchas, Rev. Samuel, II. 52.

Purvis, J, his collection of Laws of
Virginia, II. 429.


Quakers, I. 157; II. 282, 288. Thomas
Paine's address to the, I. 2, 4. Perse-
cution of, in New England, 267. Dr.
Belknap's opinion of, as politicians, II.

Quincy, Edmund (II. C. 1722), II. 53.

Pintard, John, II. 157, 158, 162, 164, 165, Quincy, Col. Josiah, II. 51.

218, 231, 237, 286, 290, 293, 295.

Pitt, William, II. 280.

Place, George, I. 387.

Platt, -, II. 87.

Plumer, William, his "Life of Gov. Wil-
liam Plumer" cited, I. 446 п.

Plymouth Colony, boundary of, with Mas-
sachusetts Bay, II. 323, 326.
Poole, Wm. F., his article on the "Ordi-
nance of 1787" cited, I. 484 п.

Pope, Alexander, I. 6, 15; II. 307.

Pope, Joseph, I. 471; II. 283.

Popkin, Rev. John Snelling, I. 447 n.
Porter, Amos (?), I. 493.

Porter, Rev. Nathaniel, I. 397.

Portsmouth. N. IH., whirlwind at, I. 38,

Quincy, Josiah, LL.D., Pres. Harv. Coll.,
II. 152 n.


Randolph, Edward, I. 3.
Randolph, John, II. 425 n.
Rea, Daniel, II. 149.
"Records of the Presbyterian Church in
the United States of America" cited,
II. 102 n.

50. Accident to a French man-of-war | "Records of the United Colonies of New
in the harbor of, 162.

Post-office, U. S., I. 469, 470, 475. Mail

Ralston, -, І. 421.

Ramsay, David, M.D., I. 438; II. 69,
132, 162, 224.

Randolph, Edmund, II. 277, 285, 314,

361, 362 п.

England," I. 4, 13, 92, 94, 100; II. 309,
323, 328.

« AnteriorContinuar »