INDEX. A. Abbeville, -, I. 438. Abbot, -, innkeeper, I. 387. Adams, Hugh, I. 212. Adams, Pres. John, II. 116, 117, 133, Adams, Mrs. Pres. John, II. 270, 272- Adams, Rev. Joseph, I. 212, 217. Adams, Thomas, II. 301. Addams, Jonas, II. 242, 246, 248, 251, Aitken, Robert, I. 124, 125, 151, 157, Aitken, Mrs Robert, I. 299, 335. Allen, Col. Ethan, I. 24, 27; II. 167. Allen, Gov. Samuel, I. 119. Allen, William, D.D., I. 225 п. America, Dr. Belknap's conjectures con- "America," frigate, launch of the, I. 169. American Antiquarian Society, II. 377, "American Apollo," the, II. 275, 277, American characteristics, I. 415. American geography, Hazard's pro- American Philosophical Society, Phila- 292, 294-297, 315, 318, 321, 328, 354. Amesbury, Mass., whirlwind at, I. 38, Amory, Thomas C., his "Life of Gen- Anderson, Elizabeth (Mrs. Breese), II. | "Barley, Siberian," I. 75, 77, 78, 80. 371 п. Anderson, Garland, II. 371 п. Anderson, Mrs. Jane (Chevalier), II. Barrett, Nathaniel, II. 79, 82. André, Major John, I. 77. Andrews, Ebenezer T., II. 83 n., 257. Andrews, Rev. Jedediah, II. 311, 317, 322. Andrews, John, D.D., II. 98. Andros, Sir Edmund, I. 119. Annan, Rev. Robert, I. 447; II. 341. Anthony, Joseph, II 242, 244. Anthony, Thomas, II. 242, 244, 249. "Apollo Press," Boston, the, II. 355. of, to Dr. Belknap, II. 388. Arnold, Gov. Benedict, of Rhode Island, Arnold, Gen. Benedict, I. 77; II. 410. Arthur, Joseph, II. 371 n. Atherton, Gen. Humphrey, I. 19. "Atlas Geographus," the, I. 37. Avery, -, I. 109; II. 40. B. Barnard, Capt. Thomas, II. 82, 119, 201, 205, 207, 209, 211, 219, 222, 238. Babson, John J., his "History of Glou- Bache, Richard, 11. 190. Bacon, Francis, Lord Verulam, I. 38. Bacon, Nathaniel, II. 430. Bailey, Francis, I. 122, 171, 183, 249, 413, 417; II. 24, 29. Baillie (Baylie), Robert, II. 364. Baker's Cove, I. 128. Balch, Nathaniel, II. 342. Baldwin, Abraham, II. 66. Ball, William, I. 274, 286, 292, 479, 483; II. 301, 344. Ballooning, I. 377. Baltimore, Cecil Calvert, Lord, II. 114, Bank of the United States, I. 301. Banks, Sir Joseph, II. 411. Barclay, Robert, I. 157. Barefoot, Walter, I. 13, 250. Bartlett, John, I. 386. Barton, Benjamin Smith, M.D., II. 320, Bartram, Isaac, his paper on "Siberian Baxter & Co., Messrs., of Richmond, Va., Baylie. See "Baillie, Robert." Beeking, Frederick, H. 256, 259, 261, 262, 271. Beers, Isaac, II. 345. Belcher, Gov. Jonathan, I. 70, 169, 216, 233, 376; II. 27, 28, 293. 276, 279, 280, 284, 286, 287, 289, 290, cation of the remaining volumes, II. and "Belknap & Young." Belknap, Samuel, illness of, II. 81, 83, Belknap, Sarah, II. 149, 153, 275, 279, , ophy, I 39, 40, 56, 83, 88, 117, 154- 133, 134. Belknap & Hall, Messrs., II. 277 п., 355, England, 1780, 52-55. Meteorological | Belknap & Young, Messrs., II. 281, Record, 280. His religious views, 173, 484 п. 190-193, 324-326, 339, 347, 364-368, Bell, Robert, I. 211, 214, 249, 259, 308, 322, 413. Benezet, Anthony, I. 345, 356. 395. Biarn (Biron), —, ІІ. 411. sachusetts, 379-381. Letter of Dr. John Eliot to, about slavery, 382, Bible, first American editions of the, I. Biddle, Clement, II. 279, 300, 303. 50. to, 395-398. Letter from Dr. Hol- Biron. See "Biarn." Blair, Hugh, D.D., I. 424, 427. His - "History of New Belknap, Mrs. Jeremy, I. passim; II. Belknap, John, II. 220, 225, 366 п., Belknap, Joseph, I 215 n., 230, 250, 256, election to the Historical Society, 416, Blindness, remarkable case of (Mehita- bel Whidden's), I. 2:38, 243. Boies, Jonathan, I. 453. Boston, Mass., social condition of in |