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most eminent deliverer of your country, from

a dreadful continuation of the late rebellion, muft be the wifh of millions, as well as of,


Your most obedient, and

Most humble Servant,

The Publisher, JOHN JONES.

Public Printing-office,

No. 91, Bride-freet, Dublin,

April 20, 1809.




NEVER, I believe, had any author a jufter claim on public indulgence than myself, from the confideration of the fhortnefs of time to which I have been necessarily confined in order to produce the following imperfect, though, in many respects, minute detail. Befides this, my minutes lay fo very long on my hands as to become almost unintelligible to myself. On this account I may have flipt into errors either of time, place, or circumstance; nay, perhaps, of all three. I therefore beg, that any gentleman who may have been better informed in any particular than I, will have the goodness to intimate any fuch errors of mine to myself only, in order to their being rectified. Certain it is, however, the more important accounts are well authenticated; and I am difpofed to imagine, that, there is not one circumftantial error throughout the whole,


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