We will go into his Tabernacle; we will worship at his footstool. Ps. cxxxii, 7. ENTERING GOD'S HOUSE. This is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven. Gen. xxviii, 17. ON HEARING THE SCRIPTURES. Sanctify us through thy truth: thy word is truth. John xvii, 17. AFTER WORSHIP. The good Lord pardon every one that prepareth his heart to seek God, the Lord God of his fathers, though he be not cleansed according to the purification of the Sanctuary. 2 Chron. xxx, 18, 19. OCCASIONAL EJACULATIONS. O Lord, be gracious unto us, we have waited for thee. Isa. xxxiii, 2. Father, glorify thy name. John xii, 28. Lord, save us, we perish. Matt. viii, 25. Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me. Mark х. 47. Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. Luke v, 12. Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief. Mark ix, 24. Lord, help me. Matt. xv, 25. THE LORD'S PRAYER. OUR Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven; give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation. but deliver us from evil; for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. : INDEX. Abraham's example, in family worship, Page. . 222, 226 rents, those in prosperity or afflicted, the young, those in middle life, and the aged, 234 to 237 Adoration to be a part of prayer, 73 Example of, 98, 281 Affliction, prayer advantageous in, 22 Alms should be joined with prayers, 110 Analysis of prayer, from Bishop Wilkins, 72 Anselm, Bishop, quoted. 206 Answers to Prayer, section on, 103 Assistance of the Holy Spirit in prayer, (see Holy Ghost,) his spirit of prayer for the world at large, Behaviour, a due, in the house of God, Calm at sea, figure to illustrate the need of divine aid, 35 152 Church of England, Liturgy praised by Dissenters, Page. its testimony to the need of the Spirit's assistance, 40 Church or place set apart for public worship, observations on, 137 Confession of sins, observations on (see Forms of Prayer) 74 original corruption, 74 actual transgression, 75 aggravation of sins, 77 example of, 98 Conversation among Christians, observations on, Conformity to the world to be avoided, Denial of prayer, reasons for, Directions to assist in attaining the spirit of prayer, Distractions in prayer, observations on, 203 167 109 1.99 186 187 189 191 196 Duty of prayer, proved by the command and threatenings of God, 15 Enlargement of the kingdom of Christ, or, a spirit of prayer for, 177 Eye of God, to be remembered as seeing our hearts in prayer, Faith, in the Being and goodness of God necessary, that we shall obtain what we ask, Grace before and after meals, 163 Gray, his queries to detect the want of spirit of prayer, 200 Groanings of the Spirit, meaning explained, 45 Growth of a devout Spirit, 173 Hale, a remark of his, Hall, Bishop, quoted, Hamilton's life of Eonnel, quoted, Hindrances to prayer, rules respecting, Holy Ghost promised to the Church, assists us in prayer, a common blessing to all Christians, directions to look for his assistance, Horne, Bishop, quoted, Howe, extract from his Treatise on family worship, Ignorance, our natural, on the subject of prayer. Infirmities as to prayer, (see Distractions) 170 171 174 175 203 : 166 221 201 38 38 39 42 211 217 157 226 237 36 36 Page. Intercession of the Holy Spirit explained, of Jesus Christ, our High Priest and Redeemer, 42 48 his situation as Interceder, 50 the nature of his intercession, 51 to be considered, before, at, and after prayer, 55 for others, directions for, 87 Invocation, example of, 98 Ivy, prayer illustrated by, 21 Majesty of God, to be considered before prayer, 65 Meditation, needful before prayer, 216 Milion, passage from his Paradise Lost, 155 Moon, simile illustrating prayer in affliction, 235 More, Mrs. H. her writings quoted, 12, 13, 68, 201 Morning prayer, observations on, 112 forms of private, 243, 246 family, 263, 266 Sunday, 274 Owen, his grace and daty of spiritual-mindedness recommended, 194 Parts of prayer, section on, 57 71 confession, petition, intercession, thanksgiving, 74,93 79,98 87 92,99 Perverseness in the affections as to prayer, Petition, directions for, Places set apart for public worship, remarks on, 137 243, 251 25 129 154 148 116 |