GOSPEL OF THE DAILY-SERVICE OF THE LAW, preached to the JE W and GENTILE, In an EXPLANATION of that grand Ritual, comprehended in thefe fix Branches; The Prefervation of the perpetual Fire; the taking away the Afbes of the Altar; the Oblation of the Lambs, with their Meat and Drink-Offering; the High-Priest's daily Meat-Offering; the Lighting of the Seven Lamps, and the Burning of the Incense: Which conftituted the Figures of the one Prieft-Hood of Jesus Christ, from the Beginning to the End of all the Ages, foreordained for his mediatorial Kingdoms. The Errors and Mif-conceptions of Writers on this Subject are pointed out, and the Defign of the whole Inftitution is set in one uniform and consistent View. By the Rev. Mr. RICHARD CLARKE, CURATE of Chefbunt, HERTFORDSHIRE. Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the Sin of the World. Jobni. 29. Except a Man be born of Water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God. Jobnii. 6. Except ye eat the Flesh of the Son, and drink bis Blood, ye have no Life in you. John vi. 53. Behold, He cometh with Clouds, and every Eye fhall fee bim. Rev. i. 7. LONDON: Printed and Sold by J. TOWNSEND, in London-Street, Mark Lane, 1767. Price 6 s. in Boards. THE PREFACE TO THE REA DE R. T fhall be my Endeavour in this Preface to remove the feveral Objections, which will in all Probability be made to the Work; and alfo in the fecond Place, to give a few Directions for the more eafy underStanding of my Writings, and all other Books in the Spiritual Way.-The greatest Enemies to this Kind of Interpretation, both in the inner and spiritual Ground, and in the Extent and Fulness of the Redemption maintained in it, will arife from the Predefti narians of every Sect and Community; from the rational Divines, as they are called; and from ignorant Zealots in every Church. |