The following Tracts published by me, are fold by Mr. Tow SEND, Printer, in LondonStreet, Mark-lane. I. The Sabbatical Year of Mofes explained by the Gospel, 2s. 6d. II. The Myfteries of the Feast of Trumpets on the first Day of the feventh Month of the Law, opened by the Gofpel of Jefus Chrift, 45. III. The Mysteries of the First-born and Firstfruits of the Law, illustrated by the Gospel; and the true Senfe of Predestination, pointed out, and fet in its proper Light, 45. The Daily Service, or continual Ministry of the Law. N the Explanation of this great Appointment of the continual Sacrifice, and of the feveral other Institutions connected with it, I fhall purfue that Order which is prescribed by the Law, fo far as it is clear and exprefs: in other Ceremonies and Rites, it will be neceffary to follow the Tradition and Teftimony of the Hebrew Writers, who have no Interest in thefe Points to deceive or mislead. The Ritual Service of the Day confifted of fix eminent Parts, which were the Preferva tion of the Fire on the Altar, the Oblation of the two Lambs, the Removal of the Afbes, the Meat-Offering of the HighPrieft, B Priest, the Trimming and Lighting the Seven Lamps, and the Burning of the Incenfe. As no Part of the typical Ministry could be performed without the Mediation of the perpetual Fire, the Law concerning this Type shall be first opened and explained, which we find recorded in Leviticus, Chap. vi. ver. 12, 13. of which I will give a very literal Tranflation: And the FIRE upon the ALTAR fhall be burning in it, it shall not be put out: and the PRIEST fhall burn Wood upon it, (a) every Morning; and fhall place upon it the BURNT-OFFERING, and fhall burn upon it the FATS of the PEACEOFFERINGS. Fire CONTINUALLY. Shall be burning upon the Altar, it shall not be put out. Now the Care of preferving, and nourishing this perpetual Fire by the Priest below, typified the Preservation of a perpetual Fire, by a Prieft of an higher Order above and, indeed, had we not loft our true Flesh, or Body of Paradise, and our true Fire in the Sin of ADAM, we fhould (a) The Hebrew is, In the Morning, (in the Morning.) fhould not have wanted this Tabernacle, and dwelling Place of God by a (b) new Birth of it, (called Regeneration or being born from above, in the Language of the Gospel) before we can enter again the Paradife of God, and be his Sons in (c) white Rayment, or a (d) Body of Light. And in this Inftitution of the *Fire which was not to be extinguished; and on which the LAMB was to be laid, and to afcend up in Smoke and Vapor, two Types and Shadows of the greatest Moment were kept in View by the Record AAB 2 and (b) John iii. 3, 5, (c) Rev. iii, 5, 18. (d) Rev. iii. 4. * What is faid by the Talmudical Writers concerning three or four Fires upon the Altar of Brafs, appears to be their own Invention, at leaft it has no Ground from the Law. One was called the great Fire for the Burnt-Offering; the Second was to kindle the Incense, and the Third for preferving the Fire. As to the Care and Choice of the Wood, that it should not be Worm-eaten, that it must be new, and other Particulars of this Kind; thefe Rules carried a natural Decorum in them, but the Law prescribed no fuch Caution. See Ainsworth on this Passage, Lamy de Tabernaculo, p. 955. and Cremeri Antiquit. Mosaico-typica, Vol. II. 384. and Memorial of a CONTINUAL SERVICE, namely, the Figure of that boly Fire which will confume all. Flefh begotten by the (e) Will of Man, and born of Bloods; and which will impart the new Flesh, or Body from the one Blood of the true Son, or (f) Male, to live and rejoice in the Embrace and Union of that eternal Fire from Heaven, which never will be extinct in the: Redemp tion. Thus it is faid, this is the Law of the Burnt-Offering; it is that which : ASCENDETH by burning all the Night, until the Morning, Lev. vi. 8. Ainsworth on this Place fays, the Reason of the Name is here given, for in the Hebrew, the Burnt-Offering is Gnolah, that is, an Afcenfion; because by burning all in Fire, it went up in Smoke and Vapor. So far it bears a good Senfe, and has fome Correfpondence and Analogy with the Truth of the Antitype and Subftance of the Gofpel. It is the Holocauft according to (g) Cremer, (e) John i, 13. (f) Rev. xii. 5. (g) Antiq. Mof. Vol. II. 383. |