you, to speak unto thee there. In Numbers Ch. xxviii. ver. 3-8. The Law for this Offering runs in thefe Words: and thou shalt fay unto them, this is the FireOffering which ye shall offer unto JEHOVAH: two Lambs of the first Year, perfect, by the Day, for a continual BurntOffering. The one Lamb fhalt thou offer in the Morning, and the other Lamb thou fhalt offer between the Evenings; and the Tenth of an Ephab of Flour for a MeatOffering, mingled with the Fourth of an Hin of beaten Oil: a continual BurntOffering which was ordained in Mount SINAI for a Savor of Reft, a Fire-Offering unto JEHOVAH. And the DrinkOffering thereof the Fourth of an Hin for one Lamb in the holy Place thou shalt cause to be poured out the Drink-Offering of ftrong (Wine) unto JEHOVAH. And the other Lamb shalt thou offer between the Evenings: as the Meat-Offering of the Morning, and as the Drink-Offering thereof thou shalt offer it, a Fire-Offering, 'a Savor of Reft unto JEHOVAH. In explaining this great Oblation under Mofes, the Servant in Types and Sha dows, dows, we fhall confider all the Particulars of the Law, which are therein commanded. First then, as the Redemption of all Men who died in (a) Adam, was fore-defigned in the fecret Council and Will of the Supreme God; and as this great Bleffing was to be wrought by the Intervention and Mediation of one Son chofen for this glorious End of Love and Goodness; the Figure and Shadow of his Work and Miniftry was reAtricted to one Lamb, though the Oblation was repeated in the Morning, and in the Evenings of every Day. And this Lamb was to be flain, that the flowing of There can be no Reason to infift on every Circumftance which the Priests performed, as reprefented by the Talmuds; because as many. Parts were not commanded, they cannot claim the Regard of a divine Injunction. What these Particularities were, may be feen in Lightfoot's Works, where he gives the daily Miniftry of the Temple, and in Conrad I. Kenius's Tractatus Talmudicus de cultu quotidiano Templi. However, fuch Circumftances as may throw a Light on any Paffage of the Old or New Teftament, fhall be occafionally introduced, without requiring any more Regard, than they appear to have juft Title to. (0) 1 Cor. xv. 22. Rom. v. 15-28. of Blood might appear in the Type and Figure; and his Flesh was to be put into the perpetual Fire of the Altar of Brafs, continually through every Day of the Year, and through every Year to the Jubile, at the End of feven Sabbatical Years. By the Limitation of this Sacrifice to one Animal, and that of the meekeft Nature, even to a Proverb, a very expreffive Adumbration was given of him who is called the (p) Lamb of God, taking away the Sin of the World, meaning that one Son separated as shewn before, and fore-ordained before the (q) Times of the Ages, though he was manifested in the End of these Ages. In the fame confined Senfe the Apostle fpeaks, (r) he faith not unto SEEDS as of many, but as unto ONE, even thy Seed which is CHRIST. And as the Spirit, or vital Fire moving in the Blood of the typical Lamb is the mildeft Life of any Animal of the Field; fo did this characteristic Property prefigure in the best Man C (p) John i. 29. (1) 2 Tim. ii. 10. Tit.i. 2. ➜) Gal. iii. 16. Manner it could do, that the holy Spirit, the eternal and living Fire in the Medium of the pure Blood of Jefus Chrift must have the mildeft Quality, without any Wrath or Vengeance in himself for God is (s) Love; he has no Wrath manifested in the Principle or Power of the Light of Life, which is an Hebraifm for living Light, or that Light which has Life in itself, and draws it not from any higher Being. In this Manifestation, Form, or Effence, God is a Lamb in sall Creations, from the first Light down through every Defcent, and Graduation to the laft or loweft Communication of this Spirit, which is the Root and Beginning of Life in all Beings. Now, as the Shedding and Sprinkling of Blood, and the Offering the Flesh of the Lamb, for the typical Feaft and Food of the Family of God, reprefented by the Children of Ifrael, was done every Day, and through every Fefival, from the first and leading one of Paffover appropriated to the Firft-born only, and continued on through all the fubfe (s) I John iv. 8. fubfequent Festivals of Pentecofte, of, the Blowing of Trumpets, of Tabernacles, and the feven fabbatical Years, which were the Types and Shadows of the Ages, or onial Times fpoken of under the Gofpel; fo by this continual pouring out, and fprinkling of Blood, and furnishing Flesh from the Lamb on the Altar of perpetual Fire, as the Table of the Lord, was exhibited in a Mystery, or a Veil of Figures, the Council of his Will, (t) which he purposed in himself, in the Difpenfation of the Fulness of Times, to reftore all Things in Chrift, both Things in Heaven, and Things on Earth. Now, as the Antitype to this Shadow, and as the Spirit and Truth to the Letter and Action of the Law, our Saviour fpeaks of himself, the true Lamb, when (u) he fays, He that eateth MY FLESH, and drinketh MY BLOOD, hath ETERNAL LIFE: for my Flesh is meat indeed, and my Blood is drink indeed. To confirm this Truth, the Blood of Chrift is called the (x) Blood of the everlasting Covenant, C 2 mean (t) Eph. i. 9, 10. (*) Heb. xiii. 20.. (u) John vi. 54, 56. |