Maritime WarfareW. Ridgway, 1878 - 119 páginas |
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Admiralty Court Admiralty of England admitted Alabama Claims argument arms attack authority belligerent property belonging bound Britain British capture of property cargo carry carrying-trade claim commander commerce commission or letter COMMISSION PRIVATE contraband contraband of war Court of Admiralty Declaration of Paris defend destroy Devoirs droit duty effect enemy enemy's property exercise existence extinc fight fleets force French Republic gain gerent Government High Court high seas inflicted injury instructions land Law of Nations letters of marque liable to capture Lord Clarendon Lord High Admiral Majesty maritime power maritime warfare marque and reprisals merchant vessel nature naval neutral bunting neutral flag neutral ship neutral territory neutral vessels neutre officers owners peace person principle private property prize prize-money property at sea protect publicists question racter reprisal as aforesaid repudiated right to capture Russia ship or vessel ships and vessels subjects tion trade Treaty United
Pasajes populares
Página 74 - Qu'il ya avantage, par conséquent, à établir une doctrine uniforme sur un point aussi important; Que les plénipotentiaires, assemblés au Congrès de Paris, ne sauraient mieux répondre aux intentions dont leurs gouvernements sont animés qu'en cherchant à introduire dans les rapports internationaux des principes fixes à cet égard; Dûment autorisés, les susdits plénipotentiaires sont convenus de se concerter sur les moyens d'atteindre ce but, et, étant tombés d'accord, ont arrêté la...
Página 118 - That if any person shall, within the limits of the United States, fit out and arm, or attempt to fit out and arm' or procure to be fitted out and armed, or shall knowingly be concerned in the furnishing, fitting out, or arming, of any ship or vessel with intent that such ship or vessel shall be employed in the service...
Página 90 - A neutral government is bound — First, to use due diligence to prevent the fitting out, arming, or equipping, within its jurisdiction, of any vessel which it has reasonable ground to believe is intended to cruise or to carry on war against a power with which it is at peace ; and also to use like diligence to prevent the departure from its jurisdiction of any vessel intended to cruise or carry on war as above, such vessel having been specially adapted, in whole or in part, within such jurisdiction,...
Página 74 - Les blocus, pour être obligatoires, doivent être effectifs, c'est-à-dire maintenus par une force suffisante pour interdire réellement l'accès du littoral de l'ennemi. Les Gouvernements des plénipotentiaires soussignés s'engagent à porter cette Déclaration à la connaissance des Etats qui n'ont pas été appelés à participer au Congrès de Paris et à les inviter à y accéder.
Página 118 - States, and the instructions which shall be given them for the regulation of their conduct: And will satisfy all damages and injuries which shall be done or committed contrary to the tenor thereof, by such vessel, during her commission, and to deliver up the same when revoked by the President of the United States.
Página 119 - ... three years; and every such ship or vessel, with her tackle, apparel, and furniture, together with all materials, arms, ammunition, and stores, which may have been procured for the building and equipment thereof, shall be forfeited ; one half to the use of the informer, and the other half to the use of the United States.
Página 119 - ... 9, Issuing or delivering a commission within the territory or jurisdiction of the United States for any ship or vessel to the intent that she may be employed as aforesaid.
Página 113 - ... present at the capture, and saw the said papers and writings delivered up, or otherwise found on board at the time of the capture, making oath that the said papers and writings are brought and delivered in as they were received and taken...
Página 58 - Were the spoils less rigidly exacted by a seventy-four-gun ship than by a privateer of four guns ; and were not -all equally condemned? War, whether on land or sea, is constituted of acts of violence on the persons and property of individuals; and excess of violence is the grand cause that brings about a peace.
Página 32 - If the captured vessel is neutral property, and the cargo the property of enemies, the captor may compel the merchant vessel to carry the enemy's cargo to a place of safety, where the prize may be secure from all danger of recapture; paying to the vessel the whole freight which she would have earned at her delivering port...