Imágenes de páginas

Ch. XVI. Thoughts on the course of future events,

and particularly on a prediction of St. John, in which

he appears to foretell a memorable war, in which a num.

ber of combined princes will be totally overthrown. 284.

Ch. XVII. Remarks on the fymbolic harvest and

the fymbolic vintage, foretold in the fourteenth chapter

of the Revelation, and on a kindred prophecy of Joel. 296.

Ch. XVIII. Prophecies in the apocalypfe, which
point out the destruction of all the Governments in Europe,
which are oppreffive and antichriftian. Vol. II. p. 305.

Ch. XIX. Extracts from different authors, contain-
ing obfervations on the evidences of prophecy in general,
and on the authenticity of the Hebrew prophets in par-


Ch. XX. Predictions in Daniel, which speak the
fame language with the recently cited prophecies of the
apocalypfe, and are applicable not only to the antichriftian


governments of Europe, but to thofe of the world in general.


Ch. XXI. Remarks on the Numbers which occur in Daniel and St. John, and on those imperfect notices which they have given us with respect to the time, when fome great events will be accomplished.


Ch. XXII. A prediction, uttered by Christ himself, relative to the destruction of all antichristian dominion and ufurpation.


App. to ch. XXII. Bishop Porteus's reflexions on the Critical Complexion of the present times,


Ch. XXIII. The Sixth Seal fhewn to be prophetic of the overthrow of all antichriftian Dominion in the European world; together with a short account of the accomplishment of the firft, fecond, fourth, and fifth feals; and a new explication of the Third Seal, in the course of which are introduced a number of extracts, relative to the decline and fall of the Roman empire, and the irruptions of the Northern nations.


Ch. XXIV. Predictions in Ifaiah, in Haggai, and the Second Pfalm, of fimilar import with the fixth feal, though of less restricted application; with some extracts relating to the Double Senfe in prophecy.


Ch. XXV.

Ch. XXV. Remarks on the Sixth Vial, and on a prophecy in Genefis, Ezekiel, and Daniel; comprising obfervations on the fall of the Turkish empire, and the past and present state of Arabia and Egypt.


Ch. XXVI. The Seventh Vial fhewn to foretell a Revolution in the ftate of Europe; with remarks on fome contemporaneous predictions of the apocalypfe. 503.

Ch. XXVII. An inquiry into the meaning of the latter part of Chrift's prophecy, recorded in the twentyfirft chapter of Luke.


Ch. XXVIII. Objections against the common interpretations of Christ's prophecy.


Ch. XXIX. Extracts relative to the Difperfion and the Restoration of the Jews, and a felection of paffages of fcripture foretelling thofe events; together with a short account of the falfe Meffiahs and impoftors, who have appeared among the Jews, and fome quotations relative to the Afghans and the Tartars.


Ch. XXX. An elucidation of paffages which prove, that that happy period, commonly denominated the Millennium, is destined at length to arrive; together with arguments in oppofition to the opinion, that Christ will defcend to reign upon earth at the commencement of it, and fome remarks on the tendency of Christianity to


cause the overthrow of tyranny, and the establishment of

equal governments.


App. to ch. XXX. Reflections on the beneficial effects, which Christianity has already produced, in favour of Civilization and Freedom, of Literature and Virtue; and on the influence it may be expected hereafter to have in the promotion of Liberty. 667.

Ch. XXXI. Farther thoughts on the True Nature of the Millennium


Index of Texts directly or indirectly illuftrated. 763.

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It is proper to inform the reader, that the heads, prefixed to

the chapters, are more brief than thofe contained in the preceding table of contenis.


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