Imágenes de páginas

sacada, e mostrei a originál bill of exchange is drawn, ao ditto T. B. requérendo a and shewed the original unto sua aceitação della: o qual the said Mr. T. B. demandme respondeo que nao aceita- ing his acceptance of the ría a ditta létra por humas same, who answered me he rasóens que escreveria ao should not accept the same senhor I. P. sacador: pella bill, for some reasons he qual rasaō eu o ditto taba- should write Mr. F. P. the liaō protestei, por este pre- drawer, wherefore I the sente protesto, tanto contra said notary did protest, and o ditto F. P. o sacador cómo by these presents protest, as tambêm cóntra o ditto T. B. well against the said F. P. the sobre quem hé sacáda, de- drawer, as likewise against máis contra todas as outras the said T. B. upon whom pessoas, endossadóres, ou it is drawn; as also against outras_nélla_interessadas, all other persons, indorsers,

por todos os câmbios, recâmbios, danos e interesses quáesquer: em presença de H. J. S. T. chamados por Testemunhas a este presente ácto, feito no meu escritorio em o dia e ânno acima declarado.

M. N. notario publico.

[blocks in formation]

or others therein concerned,
for all changes, rechanges,
damages and interest what
soever, in presence of H. J.
and S. T. called for wit-
nesses to this present act,
done in my office in
the day and year above men

M. N. notary public.

Forms of Receipts.

Money received in full. Received, 1st January, 1811, of Mr. Thomas Crew, six pounds seven shillings and sixpence, in full of all demands per

For another's use.

Received 22d February, 1811, of Mr. Jonas Lee,

[ocr errors]
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Dinheiro recebido á conta de contas Money received on accounts unque naō estaò ajustádas. Recebi, da Senhora Martha Rich, por maos de Pedro Cornet, onze livras à conta. 24 de Abril, 1811.

Quando hum rol ou conta se paga por inteiro.

Recebi, a 15 de Mayo 1811, o empórte d'esta conta,

Quando se paga dinheiro a conta de hum ról.

Recebi, sete livras á conta deste rol.

16 de Junho de 1811.

Notas ou Obrigacoens que faz hum homem quando toma dinheiro imprestado.

Londres, 4 de Junho, 1811. Eu abaixo firmado promêto, pagar ao Sr. E. D. Banqueiro do thesouro de

Received 24th April 1811, of Mrs. Martha Rich, by the hands of Peter Cornet, eleven pounds on ac


When a bill is paid in full.

Received 15th May, 1181, the full contents hereof.

When a bill is paid in part.

Received 16th June, 1811, seven pounds in part hereof.

Promissory notes for a man's self.

London June 4th, 1811. I promise to pay to Mr. Edward Draper, cashier of his majesty s revenue of ex

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]


Page 24, No. 16, read rice instead of nice.

Page 30, line 23, read tresdobrado instead of trendobradø. line 27, read duzía instead of duzéa.

line 28, read huma instead of hama.
line 31, read em segundo.

Page 43, line 23, read outro instead of otro.

Page 53, line 18, read teria sido, estado instead of tide.
Page 68, line 17, add, by changing fizer into fazer.
Page 71, line 10, read quererei instead of querereis.
Page 80, line 18, read chovéo instead of chovio.
Page 94, line 20, read enxugar instead of enchugar.

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