Imágenes de páginas

Horas de fazer oração,

Horas de hir á igreja, Horas de hir para a cama, Horas de comer,

Já nað sáó horas,

Chegar á hora,

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Is for a person to die.

Estar esperando pella súa To wait for God's time.


Nao ver a hora,

Sáo horas de, &c. Horas canónicas,


As quarenta horas,

Conta das horas,

To long, to desire earnestly, to wish with eagerness continued, with em, or de, before the thing desired. It is time to, &c.

The set time for the clergy to say their office; also those parts of the office itself, called prime, tierce, sixth, none, &c.

Any little prayer book, but particularly that in which is the office of the blessed Virgin.

So they call the space of three days, in which the consecrated host is exposed and laid to public view. Horography, account


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Away with these compli


Come, come, make haste. Away, there is no danger. ́ Away with this.

Hora vamos, tem vergonha, Hora, eu nao posso sofrer aquillo,

Hora hum, hora outro,

Elles hora estáò sobre hum pé, hora sobre ôutro. Hora, que quer dizer isso? Tudo o que he bôm, deve ser amado; hora, Déos he infinitamente bom, logo, &c. Hora, havia hum enfermo, Por hora,

Away for shame. I cannot bear that.

Sometimes one, sometimes another.

They stand now on one foot, and then on another. How now?

All that is good to be loved, now God is infinitely good, therefore, &c.

Now there was a sick man. At present, for the present,. now, at this time.





A agoa o da, a agoa o leva,


What is got over the devil's back will be spent under his belly; also lightly come, lightly go.

agoa envolta pesca o pes- To fish in troubled waters,


Está como o peixe n' agoa, Trazer a agoa para o môínho,

Levar agoa ao mar,
As agoas estáō báixas,
O que nao pode al ser, deves

Come como hum alarve,
Meter a palha na albarda,
Alazaō tostado ântes morto
que cançao,
Huma disgraça alcança a

(to make a benefit of pub-
lic troubles.)

He lives in clover.
To bring grist to the mill.

To carry coals to Newcastle.
He or she is at low ebb.
What can't be cured must
be endured.

He eats like a thresher. To cheat, to impose upon. A dark sorrel horse will die before he'll jade One mischief draws on another.

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As you brew, even so bake. At a sale keep your beard on your chin still; that is, let not your beard wag too fast in bidding, lest you overbid and repent. To have but little or no sense at all.

Love me, love my dog.

Like will to like, or like loves to like. Threatened folks eat bread; we say, threatened folks live long. Even reckonings make long friends.

An inch breaks no squares.

Tam bom he Pedro cómo séu Like master, like man.


Furtar o carneiro, e dar os pes pello amor de Déos,

We say, to steal a goose and

give the giblets in alms.

Nem hum dedo faz maō, One swallow does not make

nem huma andorinha ve


Levar palhas, e aralhas,
Na arca aberta o justo pec-


De hum argueiro, fazer hum cavalleiro,

Com arte, e com engano se vive méyo anno; com engano, e com arte se vive a outra parte, Quem a bôa árvore se chega, bóa sombra o cobre,

Asno morto, cevada áo rabo,

Asno que tem fome, cardos


Sopa de mel naō se fez para

a boca do asno, Máis quero asno que me leve, que cavallo que me derrube,

Máis val má avença que boa sentença, Quem não se aventura, nao anda a cavallo, nem em mula, Naō deites azeite no fogo,

Boca nao admitte fiador, Da máo á boca se perde a sopa,

Em boca cerrada naō entra mosca,

Quem tem boca vái a Roma,


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summer. Una hirundo non facit ver, says Ho-


To sweep stakes. That is, it is opportunity that makes the thief. We say to make mountains of mole-hills.

That is, all a man's life is a cheat.

That is, he that relies on good worthy people, reaps, a benefit.

A day after the fair, or after meat, mustard. We say,.hungry dogs will eat dirty pudding. Good things are not fit for fools.

Better be an old man's darling, than a young man's warling.

It is better to agree at any rate, than to go to law. Nothing venture, nothing have.


Do not throw oil into the fire.

The belly has no ears. Much falls between the cup and the lip.

A close mouth catches no flies.

That is, a man may go any where, if he has language to speak for himself and ask his way.

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