UPON THE PLAGUES INFLICTED UPON THE EGYPTIANS. IN WHICH IS SHEWN THE PECULIARITY OF THOSE JUDGMENTS, AND THEIR CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE RITES AND IDOLATRIES OF THAT PEOPLE. TO WHICH IS PREFIXED, A PREFATORY DISCOURSE, CONCERNING THE GRECIAN COLONIES FROM EGYPT. BY JACOB BRYANT, ESQ. A NEW EDITION. LONDON: PRINTED FOR T. HAMILTON AND R. OGLE; J.OGLE, EDINBURGH; AND T. JOHNSTON, DUBLIN. PREFACE. THE following Treatise, together with those with which it is accompanied, was written many years ago for my own private amusement and satisfaction. For I then had formed no design of having them published to the world. But since I have been induced to make my thoughts in some other instances public, it has led me farther than I at first purposed, and given me encouragement to produce these likewise to the world, that if any the least good can result from them, I may have the happiness of seeing it in some degree take place. The principal subjects which I have undertaken to elucidate, have, I believe, been considered by me in a light quite new. For I do not recollect that any person before has followed the same mode of |